This Is Why US Healthcare Sucks


Well-Known Member
The above are commonly sprinkled talking points. These, as well as groovy factoids and nice marketing are all provided by the trillion $$ US healthcare industry. They want to make sure when you're spreading bullshit, you get it just right.


Well-Known Member
And in case you're still not convinced, they created this person...

Ah yes. Nothing like the fear of the helpless being unrepresented and put to death while everyone's at lunch.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, some of these cholesterol meds are so expensive before you know it people will be eating healthy and exercising every day in order to cut expenses. The horror!


Well-Known Member
You should see (some of) the sleazy docs that deal with the mentally disabled. These docs really push any pill possible on the disabled. They get their pharma sales #s up this way, and the patient has the mentality of a 1 year old.

Been the same in different states we've lived in.

At one time I was broke and took a job working in home care for the state. These we're mentally handicapped and developmentally disabled. Part of the job was med administration. It made me sick at the meds these people were on.

I know some were needed but the system is corrupt.

You got to the Dr. Get put on a blood pressure pill.

On down the rd the side effects show up. Instead of coming off the med, you get a pill for the symptoms. So on and so forth. Next thing you know your on 20 pills.

Its a joke. If you want to be healthy put down the McDonald's and turn off the 73 in TV and go for a walk.


Well-Known Member
So, where are your citations.

Universal health care.
People go to see doctor for preventative maintenance, not urgent care.
Practice healthy living, no need for $1000 cholesterol pill.

Demand for this shit goes down, so does the price for those who actually need it.

That is all voodoo bs to me.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, some of these cholesterol meds are so expensive before you know it people will be eating healthy and exercising every day in order to cut expenses. The horror!
The horror is that dietary cholesterol isn't related to blood cholesterol, so while I can appreciate your message to a degree, the problem isn't simply calories in- calories out.


Well-Known Member
The horror is that dietary cholesterol isn't related to blood cholesterol, so while I can appreciate your message to a degree, the problem isn't simply calories in- calories out.
Horror? Clarity. Eggs got a bum rap.


Well-Known Member
The horror is that dietary cholesterol isn't related to blood cholesterol, so while I can appreciate your message to a degree, the problem isn't simply calories in- calories out.
I think almost all problems are related to Calories, not nearly enough on a day to day basis.


Well-Known Member
So, where are your citations.

Universal health care.
People go to see doctor for preventative maintenance, not urgent care.
Practice healthy living, no need for $1000 cholesterol pill.

Demand for this shit goes down, so does the price for those who actually need it.

That is all voodoo bs to me.

Claim 1: In a UHC society, people tend to use their healthcare provider for preventative maintenance rather than urgent care.
Of the top 10 healthiest countries (which includes life expectancy) all provide forms of public and universal health care. Google dude. I'm not going to do the work for you.
Claim 2: If you practice healthy living, you will not need high dollar pharmaceuticals to keep you alive.
Common fucking sense. Google it dude. I'm not going to do the work for you.
Claim 3: Demand for shit goes down, so does the price.
Common fucking sense macroeconomics. Fucking really?


Well-Known Member
The above are commonly sprinkled talking points. These, as well as groovy factoids and nice marketing are all provided by the trillion $$ US healthcare industry. They want to make sure when you're spreading bullshit, you get it just right.
But, the overall mortality rate is way improved. It is what it is. It got there, organically in self rule.

Not only that, you are provide no reasonable alternative.


Well-Known Member
Claim 1: In a UHC society, people tend to use their healthcare provider for preventative maintenance rather than urgent care.
Of the top 10 healthiest countries (which includes life expectancy) all provide forms of public and universal health care. Google dude. I'm not going to do the work for you.
Claim 2: If you practice healthy living, you will not need high dollar pharmaceuticals to keep you alive.
Common fucking sense. Google it dude. I'm not going to do the work for you.
Claim 3: Demand for shit goes down, so does the price.
Common fucking sense macroeconomics. Fucking really?
And you call this reference and citation?.

Then I say the same to you. Google dude. You can find what I am talking about.


Well-Known Member
Chronic obesity has hormonal influences as its root cause. Chemicals, especially placitcizers, can easily mimic our hormones, and cause enormous metabolic changes. This is further exacerbated when bad microbes set up camp in your gut.

Both of these can happen simultaneously, despite higher physical activity. For some people this is a perfect storm, and you wind up with an 800 pound person


Well-Known Member
So, where are your citations.

Universal health care.
People go to see doctor for preventative maintenance, not urgent care.
Practice healthy living, no need for $1000 cholesterol pill.

Demand for this shit goes down, so does the price for those who actually need it.

That is all voodoo bs to me.
Claim 1: In a UHC society, people tend to use their healthcare provider for preventative maintenance rather than urgent care.
Of the top 10 healthiest countries (which includes life expectancy) all provide forms of public and universal health care. Google dude. I'm not going to do the work for you.
Claim 2: If you practice healthy living, you will not need high dollar pharmaceuticals to keep you alive.
Common fucking sense. Google it dude. I'm not going to do the work for you.
Claim 3: Demand for shit goes down, so does the price.
Common fucking sense macroeconomics. Fucking really?
And you call this reference and citation?.

Then I say the same to you. Google dude. You can find what I am talking about.

There, smartass. Your turn.


Well-Known Member
The horror is that dietary cholesterol isn't related to blood cholesterol, so while I can appreciate your message to a degree, the problem isn't simply calories in- calories out.
Actually that isn't true. Diet is the biggest factor in blood cholesterol, but the foods they say reduce it, don't really reduce it much, and the foods they say make it really high are in fact the foods that reduce it the most.
This evidence: Even though the title is misleading, you see the evidence pointing to diet.

compared to Harvard's advice:

they both say Diet has a large influence on blood cholesterol, but are diametrically opposed in their methods of reduction. or of what causes it in the first place.

Seems to me that it would be profitable for medicine to tell us to eat a "healthy" diet, and then portray all the unhealthy foods as healthy. Because as we all know, health care isn't about health, Its about sick care, managing the symptoms instead of what is causing the symptoms. There is big money in that.

There is a huge amount of documentation of a man healing people of their ailments by going into a trance and then telling a stenographer what his thoughts were on that person, the subject could be thousands of miles away. 14,000+ pages of documentation are available. Edgar Cayce was his name, some called him the father of holistic medicine.


Well-Known Member
Actually that isn't true.
Actually it is completely true. And this is why it's being removed from the FDA guidelines. Was after years of research proved this, and a govt advisory panel concluded the same.

Hot topic in this years Physicians and Dieticians regional meetings.


Well-Known Member
Actually it is completely true. And this is why it's being removed from the FDA guidelines. Was after years of research proved this, and a govt advisory panel concluded the same.

Hot topic in this years Physicians and Dieticians regional meetings.
This is what the FDA says about it:
Cholesterol is a kind of fat in your blood. Your body makes its own cholesterol but you also get it from the foods you eat like meat, potato chips, cookies, and eggs. Some people have too much cholesterol in their blood.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Despite the dialogue on occasions, I really would enjoy smoking a bong with you all.

And to be fair, this is news that only broke officially last week