No biggie man, Purple Caper is growing some strains exclusively for DHN (Dark Heart Nursery out of the bay area in Cali where I use to live San Francisco to be exact but you sound like you live in Cali) like the Chocolate Hashberry, Bubba's Fire, Grand Caper and Cookie Lady. I hope these strains are as good as all the other DHN cuts I have ran e.g. WFOG, Chem dog 4, Blue Dream, Dream Queen, Chernobyl, Jilly Bean, Purple Kush and a long time ago Space Queen and I have to say I have had either extremely good luck or they just have some bomb cuts but others on here would disagree with that statement but that is what is good about the forums, everyone has the right to voice there experiences and opinions so try not to take anything personal man.
You have any favorite clone only strains you have grown?