Situation seems to worsen


Well, as the title says.

Girls (SnowRyder and AutoAssasin) started to flower and are in day 21. So full 3 weeks.

Soil is too alkaline and probably to hot: 11-8-20

There is a Mg def, which I try to correct by foliar feeding girls Epsom salts.
Looks like some Cal def as well or just worsening of Mg problem. Similar symptoms, not sure.
And then something like nute burn or/and Potassium def. Again - cannot figure that out by myself.

As today or tomorrow I have to water, I Consider Flushing and keep spraying couple of times a week Epsom salts.

Maybee I shouldn`t?



Well-Known Member
if its looking bad then stop foliar feeding. just water it in. sounds like your going mad scientist over there when all you should be doing is adding a good base nute and some store bought calmag. simple. the stuff pretty much grows itself, people over complicate things sometimes and make it all worse unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Well, as the title says.

Girls (SnowRyder and AutoAssasin) started to flower and are in day 21. So full 3 weeks.

Soil is too alkaline and probably to hot: 11-8-20

There is a Mg def, which I try to correct by foliar feeding girls Epsom salts.
Looks like some Cal def as well or just worsening of Mg problem. Similar symptoms, not sure.
And then something like nute burn or/and Potassium def. Again - cannot figure that out by myself.

As today or tomorrow I have to water, I Consider Flushing and keep spraying couple of times a week Epsom salts.

Maybee I shouldn`t?
i See nut burn in there , if it was me , i wouldn't over due the epson , it may lock other nuts , what soil are you using ? why you say your soil is too alkaline ? if it too alkaline probably that would be your problem , plants in flowering like soil more to the acid side 6 - 6.3 and for veg 6.4 - 6.7.
Watch out with flush in soil , depending on your soil , you can end up releasing even more nutrients into your root zone.
First thing you need to focus is correcting your soil ph.
How did you checked your soil ph ? and why are you saying its alkaline ?
What type of soil are your using ?
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Soil is unbranded Eastern European one for seedling phase (tomatoes etc.)
NPK 11-8-20, and N-P2O5-K20: 11-19-24.

On soil bag is stated that PH is something like 6-7, but I took runoff measurements. Watered with bottled water PH 6,4-6,5. Runoff was around PH 7. I have read about two different result interpretation:
  • One, that actual PH of soil is difference between water and runoff, in my case = 7,5
  • Two, actual PH of soil is approximately + or - 0,2 -0,3, so it would leave me with soil of 7,3.

I remixed the soil (soil with a bit of peat) , added quite a lot perlite, but maybe there are some hotspots or spots with various PH level.

In continental Europe there are no Cal-Mag supplements. But I added couple of times a bit of unsulfured molasses.

On Epsom salts - well, I gave two times foliar feed, because there were early signs of Mag def and I know that soil is low in that.
And in this case, is it possible to lock out other nutrients due to foliar feed? I thought that lock out could occur only at root level, not directly in plants cells.


Well-Known Member
that a good question about foliar feed and lock out , i actally can't awnser , i will not talk about something i really dont know , maybe someone can awnser that .
Another thing , that soil is for seedlings it should be a light soil , i would try to water next time with a water arround 6.0 ph .
Let her dry good and give him a good watering.
Also , how is your new growth ? is she growing ? is she stunted ? she dont look that bad anyway.


that a good question about foliar feed and lock out , i actally can't awnser , i will not talk about something i really dont know , maybe someone can awnser that .
Another thing , that soil is for seedlings it should be a light soil , i would try to water next time with a water arround 6.0 ph .
Let her dry good and give him a good watering.
Also , how is your new growth ? is she growing ? is she stunted ? she dont look that bad anyway.
Thanks. Well, grow is quite stunted. Even my first grow was more taller and bushier. On water Ph.6. I don`t know. If my soil is really something like at least 7.3,and i water with ph 6.0, that could really stress root system. I mean difference,gap, could bee to big.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Well, grow is quite stunted. Even my first grow was more taller and bushier. On water Ph.6. I don`t know. If my soil is really something like at least 7.3,and i water with ph 6.0, that could really stress root system. I mean difference,gap, could bee to big.
its worst to have your soil over 7 ph , that will cause some nutrients to be locked


if the ratio between cal/mag is off, it will lockout, no matter how it is applied.

By the way, maybe you can shortly explain why? Root issue is widely explained all around, but not nutes and all related variables concerning foliar feeding.


Well-Known Member
i guess the best way i can explain help getting other nutes to the plant, if ratio is off, everything is off.