Is everyone under 6ft of snow!

I do understand totally how that cold feels...add in the humidity and I will take -40 here any day over -25 in SO. Stay warm...I'll send some warm weather your way!
I do understand totally how that cold feels...add in the humidity and I will take -40 here any day over -25 in SO. Stay warm...I'll send some warm weather your way!
Just saw -25c in my car doing 120kmh.........that wind chill must equal about a thousand below.
Spoke to my old man last night and he said it hit -51C with windchill various times over the last 3-4 days. Told me when he was getting the recycling ready in the garage(insulated) he dropped the utility knife and the blade just shattered. Not feeling so homesick today, lol
That's why I moved!
It's 80 something here and if I wanted to go see snow it's only an hour away. But I don't care to see snow anymore. Put u another log on the fire
Ok it is getting fkn annoying now in's a balmy -13 and snowing with a strong wind gusts...I have had enough already!