Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed

Yeah, in the Pogressive guilt ridden view, the world was just minding its own business and we decided to Nuke Japan.
Stick to the point I responded to if you still can.

You think Japan was just living peacefully minding their own business when Atom Fire came out the sky and cooked their industrial cities for breakfast.

That`s the kind of story changing, word twisting, listen to me bullsitter you are and think I`m going to be. You can`t be more wrong.

Most of the people killed were civilians. Also, I do not share your collectivist view of human beings. I see them as individuals, not livestock of a given plantation.

So to me, the disagreement was between the leaders of the respective gangs involved, not the innocent people murdered.

To quote Muhammed Ali poorly - Ain't no Viet Cong ever done anything to me.

Viewing people as owned by the respective gang that commandeers their freedom, will keep you enslaved. Peace.
Sorry you feel that way. I reached the not gonna take it point long ago, but for different reasons.

Using your logic, the Japanese Americans illegally placed in concentration camps in the "freedom loving" USA should have resisted the theft of their property and their incarceration during world war II ?

When the USA "annexed" Hawaii using force, had they had them should the independent people of Hawaii used nukes against the USA?

It seems like you have adopted a "my team" mentality and whatever your team does is good. I pity you for being stuck in that mindset and being unable to discern right from wrong.

You reached that point for different reasons and cry because someone else reached it for reasons different than yours, which makes your reason gospel and anything else you don`t approve ....adversarial ?
Yeah, in the Pogressive guilt ridden view, the world was just minding its own business and we decided to Nuke Japan.

Were the Hawaiians minding their own business, 50 years earlier when the USA "annexed" that independent land?

Were the Japanese Americans minding their own business when the racist Roosevelt placed them in concentrattion camps in the USA during World War II ?

Were the squirrels minding their own business when you stoned them to death lil' Doer ?
Most of the people killed were civilians. Also, I do not share your collectivist view of human beings. I see them as individuals, not livestock of a given plantation.

So to me, the disagreement was between the leaders of the respective gangs involved, not the innocent people murdered.

To quote Muhammed Ali poorly - Ain't no Viet Cong ever done anything to me.

Viewing people as owned by the respective gang that commandeers their freedom, will keep you enslaved. Peace.

You will look forever for that war where the civi`s don`t take the brunt of the war. The leaflets were drops three days before the bombs, anyone that stayed, got what they deserved for not leaving the industrial city that had to go.
You reached that point for different reasons and cry because someone else reached it for reasons different than yours, which makes your reason gospel and anything else you don`t approve ....adversarial ?

No. I reached that point because I realized truth doesn't favor a team just because it is your team or my team.

All coercive governments are founded in something bad. Choosing the tastiest turd to eat still means you are consuming shit.

I think leaving people alone is a good policy, if they agree to leave you alone. The nature of a coercive government is to initiate aggression against people then seek to rationalize that aggression.

If you think killing people that have never harmed you solves something, I disagree. You have been duped.
You will look forever for that war where the civi`s don`t take the brunt of the war. The leaflets were drops three days before the bombs, anyone that stayed, got what they deserved for not leaving the industrial city that had to go.

See? These days we don't need Nukes we could have carpet bombed with incindiary had we had that kind of tech in those days for a Concrete City. For Tokoyo, we did carpet bomb and a lot more people died. We burned it to the ground, and still kept bombing.

Nukes are just dirty concentrated fire bombs of enormous power. They were not even on the death toll score board for WW2.
You will look forever for that war where the civi`s don`t take the brunt of the war. The leaflets were drops three days before the bombs, anyone that stayed, got what they deserved for not leaving the industrial city that had to go.

If I warn you in a language you cannot read that I might come and burn your house down and you don't leave it, it's your own fault if I burn you alive? Interesting.

You are attempting to justify murder that has been repackaged. Good luck with that. There is no good war, maybe we agree on that?

Also, you never answered my questions about your "team" and if it was a nice thing to do when they stole Hawaii.

Also if it was a nice thing to do when it incarcerated its own people during WW II for the crime of having Japanese ancestry.
You will look forever for that war where the civi`s don`t take the brunt of the war. The leaflets were drops three days before the bombs, anyone that stayed, got what they deserved for not leaving the industrial city that had to go.

A child doesn't "get what he /she deserves" when it is fried alive. That is an incredibly insensitive thing you said.

Your collectivist view has you attempting to justify burning babies alive.

I will look forever for Peace and promote that.
A child doesn't "get what he /she deserves" when it is fried alive. That is an incredibly insensitive thing you said.

Your collectivist view has you attempting to justify burning babies alive.

I will look forever for Peace and promote that.

I`m incredibly insensitive because I point out that they were told to leave and had plenty of time to do it, but stayed and subject their children to the same fate ?

I don`t have to Justify anything, those that stayed and kept their kids there have to,....not me.

See how fucked up you are ?
You`re not looking for Peace, you`re looking for attention...
If I warn you in a language you cannot read that I might come and burn your house down and you don't leave it, it's your own fault if I burn you alive? Interesting.

You are attempting to justify murder that has been repackaged. Good luck with that. There is no good war, maybe we agree on that?

Also, you never answered my questions about your "team" and if it was a nice thing to do when they stole Hawaii.

Also if it was a nice thing to do when it incarcerated its own people during WW II for the crime of having Japanese ancestry.

Dude, stop reaching, it was not printed in one langue. Again, I don`t need to justify anything, I wasn`t there.

I don`t have a "team" you assume I have. I had nothing to do with stealing Hawaii, I had no idea it was gone.

Japan was at the peace table bombing Hawaii when it was decided that infiltration may have occurred and if you don`t think better safe than sorry, Well......
No. I reached that point because I realized truth doesn't favor a team just because it is your team or my team.

All coercive governments are founded in something bad. Choosing the tastiest turd to eat still means you are consuming shit.

I think leaving people alone is a good policy, if they agree to leave you alone. The nature of a coercive government is to initiate aggression against people then seek to rationalize that aggression.

If you think killing people that have never harmed you solves something, I disagree. You have been duped.

I don`t know what this shit means ????
You will look forever for that war where the civi`s don`t take the brunt of the war. The leaflets were drops three days before the bombs, anyone that stayed, got what they deserved for not leaving the industrial city that had to go.

Well, no one really knew what that mushroom cloud symbol meant.
No one was invited to leave Dresden, and they could not if they wanted to. I am sure the local home guard, would kill you for even picking up a Yankee leaflet.

I think leaflets are more of a Psych Op.
Stick to the point I responded to if you still can.

You think Japan was just living peacefully minding their own business when Atom Fire came out the sky and cooked their industrial cities for breakfast.

That`s the kind of story changing, word twisting, listen to me bullsitter you are and think I`m going to be. You can`t be more wrong.

I don't think like you do. Japan is a place filled with many people holding many different beliefs. Most of the people the USA fried had never even seen the USA. Some of them were likely caught up in the bullshit of "my team" my team" you appear to be caught up in.

I think Japan (the government gang) involved innocent people and propaganda just like the USA government gang did. Both should stop killing people. You might consider rooting for a sports team rather than a collection of coercive killers that automatically count you as one of their sheep.
If one guy with a phone is in the USA, Mexico or Canada,...Iran or Iraq too, AQ is in that country, Maybe not Army or moderate strength, but there non the less because when you lay low, (cells) guys like you are easily fooled.

OK, then provide some evidence to support the notion that AQ is in the United States, Canada or Mexico

Iraq was attacked for two major reasons, suspected WMD and training camp safe havens for terrorists. Guys like you again fooled saying, you found nothing, they weren`t there, you have no proof, you a bad man.... To you, that`s confusing and criminal, to me, it`s too bad for Sadam, the Brass spoke and it`s get`n done. Should they had charged Sadam with spit`n on the sidewalk, guys like you and your voice of concern,....don`t fucking matter. You are not badass enough to do anything about it and that`s what it`s all about. You will never understand attack.

You reveal yourself with words like Murder and playing policeman.

You're an adult with a childs mind that's incapable of seeing beyond the bullshit Hollywood glorification of war. It's not a fucking joke, millions of innocent people die to make bank accounts bigger and people like you cheer it on blinded by nationalism while never even realizing you're being used like a pawn

Here's an excerpt from Major General Smedley Butler US Marine Corps dropping knowledge from nearly a century ago, so if you want to play Billy-Badass and pretend like war is anything but a racket, let him tell you how it is;

The man fought in six different conflicts on three different continents including WW1 and earned TWO congressional medals of honor during his military career, it's safe to say he knows what the fuck he's talking about

Yes, a fraction of the entire group is extremists, the much larger part are not. This is true until you consider that lager fraction is running away, surrendering their arms and troops by retreating, while hundreds of thousands of refugee`s take the high road,...that`s right, they will not make a stand for themselves, they would rather run to the USA or other States with Military services that will fight. Only now, in recent months after ten years of others doing the fight, do these "good' Muslim start to do something about that small fraction being bad. So in conclusion, there is a small fraction of the 2.2 Billion Muslim that commit terrorism and want to live the extreme live, the remaining are on the run, do nothing, wait for someone else, they aint gonna do it, coward fucks crying about being bullied by the few. Had they done something ten years ago, had they got together in numbers and fought back, this wouldn`t have gone as far as it has or lasted as long as it has. You`re not getting a hug or praise being ten years late to the battlefield.

Muslims have been fighting each other in the Middle East for CENTURIES, wtf are you talking about? Are you aware there are two main denominations of Islam? Do you even know what this shit is about??

The rest of the post is bla bla to me because it`s about you and his personal opinions that you are entitled to because of what others did long ago. The USA has and will continue to stop killings in the name of religion no matter what part of the world it is happening in, you have issues with that so you have issues with me too. I know,....... but, but, but they said WMD, but, but ,but they.....STFU dude an cry to someone else because not all feel or want to feel the way you do. Stop thinking you can speak for everyone else, there`s a label for that you know ?

Why don't we stop the killings in the name of religion in Nigeria? Or the human rights abuses in North Korea? What about the 30 million people kept in indentured servitude worldwide? Or how about the 80,000+ DEAD in Mexico because of cartel and gang violence?

The answer to why we don't invade those countries and help those people is because it's not profitable to

Policy is driven by profit, if you believe anything other than that you have
a naive view of American history
I`m incredibly insensitive because I point out that they were told to leave and had plenty of time to do it, but stayed and subject their children to the same fate ?

I don`t have to Justify anything, those that stayed and kept their kids there have to,....not me.

See how fucked up you are ?
You`re not looking for Peace, you`re looking for attention...

You do have a team. You have attempted to justify your teams murder of innocent people.

I am looking to call attention to the idea that no good can come from killing people that aren't engaged in trying to kill you.
If one guy with a phone is in the USA, Mexico or Canada,...Iran or Iraq too, AQ is in that country, Maybe not Army or moderate strength, but there non the less because when you lay low, (cells) guys like you are easily fooled.

Iraq was attacked for two major reasons, suspected WMD and training camp safe havens for terrorists. Guys like you again fooled saying, you found nothing, they weren`t there, you have no proof, you a bad man.... To you, that`s confusing and criminal, to me, it`s too bad for Sadam, the Brass spoke and it`s get`n done. Should they had charged Sadam with spit`n on the sidewalk, guys like you and your voice of concern,....don`t fucking matter. You are not badass enough to do anything about it and that`s what it`s all about. You will never understand attack.

You reveal yourself with words like Murder and playing policeman.

Yes, a fraction of the entire group is extremists, the much larger part are not. This is true until you consider that lager fraction is running away, surrendering their arms and troops by retreating, while hundreds of thousands of refugee`s take the high road,...that`s right, they will not make a stand for themselves, they would rather run to the USA or other States with Military services that will fight. Only now, in recent months after ten years of others doing the fight, do these "good' Muslim start to do something about that small fraction being bad. So in conclusion, there is a small fraction of the 2.2 Billion Muslim that commit terrorism and want to live the extreme live, the remaining are on the run, do nothing, wait for someone else, they aint gonna do it, coward fucks crying about being bullied by the few. Had they done something ten years ago, had they got together in numbers and fought back, this wouldn`t have gone as far as it has or lasted as long as it has. You`re not getting a hug or praise being ten years late to the battlefield.

The rest of the post is bla bla to me because it`s about you and his personal opinions that you are entitled to because of what others did long ago. The USA has and will continue to stop killings in the name of religion no matter what part of the world it is happening in, you have issues with that so you have issues with me too. I know,....... but, but, but they said WMD, but, but ,but they.....STFU dude an cry to someone else because not all feel or want to feel the way you do. Stop thinking you can speak for everyone else, there`s a label for that you know ?
What training camps?

When I was working at the combat support hospital in Mosul the first time I walked into the outpatient clinic my jaw dropped. To the left of the entrance someone had painted a mediocre mural, "We will never forget, 9/11." A pair of broken buildings with smoke billowing out was depicted. The U.S. government has successfully lied, your thinking that training camps existed is proof.

Edit for spelling
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Dude, stop reaching, it was not printed in one langue. Again, I don`t need to justify anything, I wasn`t there.

I don`t have a "team" you assume I have. I had nothing to do with stealing Hawaii, I had no idea it was gone.

Japan was at the peace table bombing Hawaii when it was decided that infiltration may have occurred and if you don`t think better safe than sorry, Well......

I'm guessing that most of the babies that were fried couldn't read Japanese either.

I realize you think I'm being a dick, but that's not my point. I think murder begins where bona fide self defense ends. Killing babies is not something I want any part of. Any team I would support would lose my support if baby killing was attempted to be cast as "collateral damage" rather than what it actually is....murder.

Also, you never answered what you think about the USA and how it annexed Hawaii, then had the audacity to say the Japanese were sneaky. Would that mean the USA was Imperialist when they stole Hawaii from Hawaiians?