Shishkaboy's homemade 1200 watt perpetual grow tent journal

Found a new hydro store. Got some promix, 20-2 gallon pots, micro sprayers, neoprene cutouts, duct tape, gorilla tape, heavy duty timer. Got some samples of a new companies organic line. Might try totally organic for a plant to do a side by side. Tomorrow I will be potting up and taking a bunch of cuttings after I rebuild my aero cloner. Still gotta get a rubbermaid tote with a leak proof lid, because the last model I designed had leak issues.
Ghs cheese x mr nice is hanging in the closet now, looks like 3-4 oz.

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Now the Buddah tahoe og x mr nice
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Today trip to home De Pot for some pvc pipe and a rubbermaid tote. Gonna finish off the aero cloner today. I had most of the parts for it here but just needed a few odds and ends. I also rehung my mylar last night, I think I should use windex to clean it? Its the water spots that seem to be killing it.
Today trip to home De Pot for some pvc pipe and a rubbermaid tote. Gonna finish off the aero cloner today. I had most of the parts for it here but just needed a few odds and ends. I also rehung my mylar last night, I think I should use windex to clean it? Its the water spots that seem to be killing it.
ph of 7 and in 7 days roots.. aero cloners for the win.. just dont leave clones there for a year like i did and ur good
Looks like the tote I got for $1.49 from the $.99 store is too small, I'm just gonna make a bigger 25 site system now instead. I stopped by my local head shop for packaging supplies and on the way out I looked to my right and see an item from my "want" list. As a diy'er in am always making upgrades, so I keep a list of all the future equipment and it upgrades. I went to a new hydro shop a few days ago for containers and dirt, but I wanted to try the bovada humidor packs. So I'm leaving the head shop and see a display of bovada 62's at $4 each. At first that seemed expensive, but after thinking about it it should save me about $4 everytime I need to go in a jar and bought some. I only grabbed 2 for now since I was on my way to school and didn't have much cash on me. The best part is I'm sitting on the bus and I take a pic of the packs to show a buddy and I realized they weren't individualy wrapped, they are in little smelly proof bags. At $4 each to get the pack and a smell proof packaging supplies seems good.
Finished off the cloner, well... not completely. I have a 17 site version that I will upgrade with more holes when I grab some more neoprene cutouts. I also have to get my holes a little bigger to fit the 2" cut outs. I had to use a 1.5 inch cut out because the 2" hole saw's holes were slightly too big. No problem., we just work around it. Its really ghetto, but hey, we are all 50% genetics and 50% environment. Lots of potting up and cutting and cleaning after to do, might post again when done.
Few shots.
Rp Sour at 5 weeks any resemblance to Chem 91 skunk va?
Pollinated Kool aid kush at 5 weeks
Ghetto cloner.
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Looking good man. Aerocloners are the only way to go. I used them for years and then tried bubble cloning with little success, so I went back to Aero. Looking forward to the breeding project
Damn that sucked, transplanting, watering, taking cuts, cleaning, the works. Bunch in today, bag sour 1-7, some more kool aids and cream cheeses. Got cuts of my dog, purp and sour d under the dome. 1-7, ghs cheeses, sour d in aerocloner. The frost on the dog and the kool aid at 5 weeks is a sight for sore eyes. I am officially done with the mr nice males progeny, I decided to just pop a bunch of seeds to fill up and get the perpetual back rolling and am suffering for it. But now there are none left except the few in flowering.
So I have the rp sour, tahoe og x mr nice, lemon x mr nice @ 9 weeks now.
The pollinated group of kool aid, dog, sour, sbc @ 4 weeks and 4 days
The sour d, kool aid group @ 3 weeks and 2 days
And day 1 for the 1 purp, cream cheese, sour d , kool aid, bag sour group.
sup shish! your perpetual will be stacked and ready to roll fully soon enough man.

the mr nice is out huh. sounds like you've got some fire coming up anyhow!
Def looks chemmy. Seems a little less frosty than the skunk va pics I have seen, but the traits are there. Dark green shiny foliage, silvery buds, spear head shaped nugs, pink hairs. How far along is she?
Some old rp sour shots.




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Nah the lemon skunk x mr nice that you commented on is still here,its at 9 weeks right now and I think at least another 1-2 to go.