Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow


Well-Known Member
Mornin guys, hope Yer feelin a bit better rubes.
I'm a call away man!
The only thing I did different on those two was fish emulsion.
I didn't give those the high P K so the only other thing could be the soil, I just used gardening soil when I transplanted a month ago.
The weathers good but humid, dunno guys.
I'll just chop the dead bits and let nature do her thing I guess.they look a bit better after a flush and a rain so I'm thinking the fish emulsion but honestly I havnt a clue.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Mornin guys, hope Yer feelin a bit better rubes.
I'm a call away man!
The only thing I did different on those two was fish emulsion.
I didn't give those the high P K so the only other thing could be the soil, I just used gardening soil when I transplanted a month ago.
The weathers good but humid, dunno guys.
I'll just chop the dead bits and let nature do her thing I guess.they look a bit better after a flush and a rain so I'm thinking the fish emulsion but honestly I havnt a clue.
On my own hung over thoughts id say they got a feed to strong
....BUT like tws said could be mites ...
If u end up getting rid of them pull em out of the soil to have a gd look at the roots ..soil..etc to see if there is another cause other than a feed to strong


Well-Known Member
So I've flushed them again and soaked the hell outta the with miticide, TWS I DID A BIT OF READING AND YEAH LOOKS Like broadmites, the flourescent yellow was the first sign and the wilting leaves next and then the buds turned brown. I'm just hoping for the best.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I try to me never drink when I'm off balance.
Only makes me worse!!
I hope you feel a bit better today mate.
Hope that shit dont spread bro you have put in a lot off hard work so my question is the broadmite a bit of a superbug compared to the standard two spotted mite i get where i am ?


Well-Known Member
I douched every plant with mavrick do it again in a week, so hopefully no more issues but a free lost buds on my remaining gals.