When I started this thread, last night, I was worried that nobody was going to respond. I guess it was just a "Left Coast" thing (last night for me was "Zero Dark Thirty" for everybody else). Once the sun came up on the East Coast, the ideas started pouring in. Thanks to everyone!

Anyone else?
KISS would be my advice. Best of luck bro.
I got another idea. Put the lights in a semicircle against the circular wall. I haven't done much thought about it; I'm just throwing the idea out there.
KISS would be my advice. Best of luck bro.

Yea! The KISS Principle is what I had in mind for this project from the very beginning. I just wanted some "educated guesses" on light distribution. Distributing multi lights into a rectilinear space is child's play, but a rotating circle just presents a whole new set of variables!

For those of you who don't know what the KISS Principle is - Keep It Simple, Stupid!
Theoretically in a round tent space there's only going to be one door correct? So therefore how are you going to crawl into the pup hole and lollipop? It's much easier to have the rotation be done by an earthbound Lazy Susan wit all the plants it on. And then he can spin the plants around to his tent windows so he can defoliate them and Dolly pop them and train them. Duh!!! And when you got a line donkey as your Waterboy he can put the word automation in your whole grow.
This is my approach to projecting light into a circular area ;-)

Large trash can, about 2ft wide by 3ft tall. Its got 6x 55w T5HO bulbs in mixed spectrums. Each light is air cooled. The trash can currently has soil in it but was used as an ebb and flow system before this. Each lightbulb is less than 1ft from the center, so every part of the plant is constantly within 1ft of 3 bulbs. Also, plant growth is different with multi-directional vertical lighting like this.



