does any one jump fences and steel weed?


Well-Known Member
If i found someones outdoor grow i wouldn't touch them. not even a sample. but i would leave evidence that someone was there. just to freak the owner out a bit, a pack of skins or somthing.


Well-Known Member
I would leave a little present for the grower..
little plant food..{in a store package for grower to apply}. for da babys...
pack of papers in a zip lock for the owner with a thank you card
for the owner... for being a member of a group that believe that laws should
be changed. and I support there efforts....
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Well-Known Member
That Sound's Like A Good Way To Be A Snack For A Pack Of PitBull's,,,& Or A Ass-Full-Of-Led!!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,Keep Your Thieving ASS On Your Side Of The Fence!!!!!!!,,,,,,,Damn It,,,,,,,,I Would Hate To Feed You To The Dog's Or Blow A New Hole For Ya!!!!,,,,,But What It Is Is What It Is!!!!,,,,,,,& I Bet I Won't Loose Any Sleep Over It!!!!

A Person's Plant's Are Like A Part Of The Family!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Green Thumb of God
I would sample if I stumbled upon a crop just a fat nug or two and forget it from there.


Well-Known Member
I would leave a little present for the grower..
little plant food..{in a store package for grower to apply}. for da babys...
pack of papers in a zip lock for the owner with a thank you card
for the owner... for being a member of a group that believe that laws should
be changed. and I support there efforts....
You would too,silly goose :mrgreen:


Green Thumb of God
i ban pot thieves. even the "little sample" ones. :evil:'s just a sample.

What's one nug in a sea of green? What if one were to take a nug and leave a nug from their own grow? What is the proper etiquette not in jumping in a backyard but say in the woods while hunting you stumble on a forest of weed.


Well-Known Member
You would too,silly goose :mrgreen:
You know I would.
we have to support each other... we are all we have.
and to be a living example of why things should change.
just little things can make a differance when you put enough little things together ya got alot.


Well-Known Member
Going on private property to steal it fucked up. But when you find plants on PUBLIC PROPERTY then its fair game. Anyone has the right to take them. If your plant got found by someone it your fault for not hiding them better.


Active Member
Going on private property to steal it fucked up. But when you find plants on PUBLIC PROPERTY then its fair game. Anyone has the right to take them. If your plant got found by someone it your fault for not hiding them better.
What a loser.


Active Member
Last summer some dickhead cut the tops off all my plants in a cornfield. My buddy and I went out to water them one day and they were ut down to about 2ft. They were a good 5ft tall. We had 9 plants altogether and they were HUGE. Would have had a killer yield but the bastard chopped the tops off about 3 weeks early.

The feeling sucks...i almost felt like i was going to puke.


Active Member
might take a small sample if i came accross some but i fuckin hate pot pirates and would never set out to steal someones hard work