6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

Yeah root pruning is required. You need to keep them trimmed back. Obviously you could just let them go and only snip for weekly updates but it really doesnt mame a difference to just snip em when you water
Eventually the roots will have circled the cup enough it shouldnt be an issue
Yeah root pruning is required. You need to keep them trimmed back. Obviously you could just let them go and only snip for weekly updates but it really doesnt mame a difference to just snip em when you water
isnt it a rule that no roots can be out the cup? so someone can have there roots out the cup the whole week and then day of pic trim and we would never know.
i got 10 plants im running right now no drainage just perlite and a little vermiculite in the bottom inch of the pots.
they doing A-okay ;)

is it too late for stealth to put drainage holes now FC?!?
Whatever dude, do what works for you.
But in a comp where the plant grows in a cup you are gonna want drainage holes so you can have runoff when they start drinking twice a day. or you will be getting less oxygen to them and watering up to 3 times a day...
Whatever dude, do what works for you.
But in a comp where the plant grows in a cup you are gonna want drainage holes so you can have runoff when they start drinking twice a day. or you will be getting less oxygen to them and watering up to 3 times a day...
yea i understand all that..i was more or less confused with the root in out the cup situation. i had it under the impression if roots were out the cup it can call for dq and didnt know that pruning as allowed so my simple solution was just run them no drainage.
it does work.. ive seen no drainage runs that did quite well. thanks though!
A lot of this competition is the honor system.

If you cheat the only person you are cheating is yourself.
you're competition admin..can stealthealth still throw drainage holes in his shits or is that against rules!?!???!
@glockdoc I'm no admin. but I don't see why the holes would be an issue.

Hell while you're at it duct tape those cups and poke some holes in the sides through the duct tape for better aeration and more natural root pruning.

@StealtHealth where's your "mentor" on this one? Seems pretty simple.:confused:
@glockdoc I'm no admin. but I don't see why the holes would be an issue.

Hell while you're at it duct tape those cups and poke some holes in the sides through the duct tape for better aeration and more natural root pruning.

@StealtHealth where's your "mentor" on this one? Seems pretty simple.:confused:
lol i told him.
u want my fb password and such..ill give it
with the whole "mentor" quote
i taught stealth how to grow
he got his beans from me
he sees my current run
no drainage
no problems
what'd u suppose he will assume??
he asked me on facebook, and i told him tape it up and if hes allowed throw drainage holes since natro got him worried
im not him..hes not me. facebook would prove this.. ;)
Jesus H Christ
I wasnt trying to start an argument over whether drainage is necessary... you wanna run that way be my guest.
I personally know for a fact your plant would be healthier with proper drainage. I dont even need to see a pic or have a lab coat to tell yiu this because when I started I didnt put drainage in the containers and used clear. Shocker I know, you can grow a plant this way but you will have a much happier and healthier plant once you elmiminate light to the root zone and give it drainage so you can get runoff.
So do what you will, shouldnt have prob even said anything in the first place. Just thought I would give a little advice with a friendly poke in it...

And captain morgan, I get where you are coming from in the fairness angle but do you think a stray root or two is really gonna be the fdifference maker? I mean unless you are just letting the cup sit in water they dry up outside the cup, I would be more worried about the water boys getting an edge from that.
And why does everyone wanna duct tape there cups lol. I liked the idea someone had of just get a non transparent cup and use it like a sleeve, pretty sure that was deemed ok so long as you declare your intent.
yea man i dont see why u cant believe this...
is there drainage in hydro?
blynx on icmag was told the very same thing until he did numerous no drainage runs with success.
the norm is yes drainage.. as natro was saying earlier..then he was getting into having to water numerous times a day and such..which is true, under the normal sheeple standards..
if i have no drainage, and start lightly, then increase the amount of water as they grow, how in gods earth will i have to water more then someone with drainage? the people with no drainage will be watering 2-3 times a day not me.

im not trying to be insulting or anything, its just some common sense.
and ill go get a pic of the ten seedlings no drainage, roots at the res..
in promix mixed with ffof, perlite and peat moss seedling starter mix. perlite and vermiculite at the bottom inch-inch and a half of the bottles.
Jesus H Christ
I wasnt trying to start an argument over whether drainage is necessary... you wanna run that way be my guest.
I personally know for a fact your plant would be healthier with proper drainage. I dont even need to see a pic or have a lab coat to tell yiu this because when I started I didnt put drainage in the containers and used clear. Shocker I know, you can grow a plant this way but you will have a much happier and healthier plant once you elmiminate light to the root zone and give it drainage so you can get runoff.
So do what you will, shouldnt have prob even said anything in the first place. Just thought I would give a little advice with a friendly poke in it...

And captain morgan, I get where you are coming from in the fairness angle but do you think a stray root or two is really gonna be the fdifference maker? I mean unless you are just letting the cup sit in water they dry up outside the cup, I would be more worried about the water boys getting an edge from that.
lol i know ur good peoples man i told stealth on fb.. he felt u were making fun of but i told him otherwise. no harsh feelings here just hear me out
Yeah no disrespect was intended.
Think this is one of those things we will have to agree to disagree as to notfurther derail the comp thread (sorry frozen)