Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
Fuck capitalism and colonialism, you are a slave cc2012. Don't take out it from your rusty mind

French street artist Combo was physically assaulted over his latest art work. Photo: Combo Culture Kidnapper/Facebook
French Artist’s Calls For Peace End in Brutal Beating By Local Muslims.

Four Muslims in Porte Dorée (the Golden door), a ghetto east of Paris, beat artist Combo after he refused to take down his Coexist street art. Combo suffered a dislocated shoulder, bruises and a black eye.
Artnet reported, via Jihad Watch:

It seems like something one would be hard pressed to disagree with: the word “coexist,” written on a wall using a Muslim crescent as the letter “C,” a Star of David as the letter “X,” and a Christian cross as a “T.”

But in Paris, this particular iteration of the popular inscription—here, created by the street artist Combo, who also pasted a life-size photo of himself next to it—didn’t go down well with everybody. Le Monde reports that four young people asked the artist to remove it last weekend, and beat him up severely when he refused to do so.

Combo ended up with a dislocated shoulder and many bruises.

The attack is characteristic of the inter-religious tensions that plague France and have been exacerbated by the Charlie Hebdo tragedy (see 12 Killed at Magazine Previously Attacked for Satirical Cartoons). Combo declined to discuss the identity of his assailants. “It would only add fuel to the fire,” he told the French newspaper.

Street artist Combo was attacked in Paris by Muslim youths over his Coexist street art.

PEACE - PEACE - PEACE - PEACE - PEACE - PEACE....Something Islam knows nothing about!!!

Or Honor for that matter...​
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
In our religion we take ritual ablution five times in a day. Say again pure mess..
Your "religion" is a strict set of time wasting nonsense. You think ritually cleaning your meat body, makes you pure. I just shower, often. Same thing, if not better. But, I'd be fine with it, if not for, "no other Gods are worthy of worship."

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