So Cal cup. who's going ?

variations in potency measurements
of up to 20% are not uncommon

That's right. Those are called outliers. Most labs have a chemist who's job it is to spot them.

If your point would have been that it's possible for outliers to occur in analyitics, you would have been absolutely correct. This happens all the time and is extremely frustrating. Yes, outliers slip passed the lab.

However the typical margin of error is +/-3%. Just because outliers happen doesn't mean science isn't real. They happen in every industry that uses analyitics. So why would the pharmaceutical industry use analyitics if outliers exist? Because they don't happen all the time.

There are 10+ tests of Gorilla glue that comes from the same cut all testing over 30%, while zero out of ~40 tests from other sources test over 24%.

Is it possible that some of those 30% tests should have actually been 27% tests? Yes, absolutely. Is it possible that one of those ~20 24% tests should have actually tested 27%? Sure, that could definitely happen. However it's nearly impossible that all 10 of those tests, tests on different days are all outliers. And the likelihood that all 40 of those tests tested 10% lower than they should have is non-existent. It would be as likely as getting hit by a meteor while getting eaten by a shark while winning the lottery at the exact same time.

Again, it's really not my fault you don't understand science.

Your argument against analyitics very much reminds me of the people who say we should ignore the science on global warming because we had a snow storm. These are not equally valid opinions. One is correct and one is ignorant.
Obviously I understand it more than you do. Its not my fault you don't have a clue what you speak of. Maybe your momma drop you on your head lol..

clearly. Just like the people who argue that we couldn't have evolved from apes because monkeys still exist.
WTF dude really ROTFLMAO.... You seem to bypass that I have the real cut unless your disputing that JW is the breeder you doing that as well?? I have given out at least a hundred cuts. Mine tested at 26% someone I gave the cut to tested at 19% WTF does that tell you.. Oh wait the cut turned fake on him right lol. or JW is not who found GG#4 right?????
WTF dude really ROTFLMAO.... You seem to bypass that I have the real cut unless your disputing that JW is the breeder you doing that as well?? I have given out at least a hundred cuts. Mine tested at 26% someone I gave the cut to tested at 19% WTF does that tell you.. Oh wait the cut turned fake on him right lol. or JW is not who found GG#4 right?????

I'm not disputing he's the breeder. I'm disputing that most of the "real cuts" people have gotten verified by looking at a picture on the interwebs are complete bullshit. You can't verify phenotypes of specific strains of cannabis by looking at a picture on the internet. If you've ever in your life cracked a seed pack, this should be extremely obvious to you.

And yes, it's entirely possible to take a cutting that has the potential to test out at 26% and grow it out to only test 19%. However it's extremely unlikely that you can give that cut to 40 different professional growers and none of them could get it to test 20%. That's what's going on here.

There is definitely a phenotype of Gorilla glue capable of testing over 30%. Yet no one else anywhere that I've seen has gotten it to test over 24%. That is generally indicative of different phenotypes. I do realize you don't believe in science, but luckily for me the science doesn't require that you believe in it.

Your theory of "only one cut of gorilla glue" falls apart where I've actually seen multiple phenotypes of it.
Most growers DO NOT TEST !!!...I'm one of them I have no need for it. I can personally guarantee all cuts the 12 of us received and gave out where 100% real.. These cut's # in the thousands by now,. its un disputed dude. Just because we don't have test results does not indicate there fake. Many many many don't trust those results im one of them. I will tell anyone to not bother with it its pointless. The only reason I did the 1 was curiosity that's all. I'm in no way interested in these test. many growers can consistently grow the real glue and never reach a 30%. They just don't have the skill's to do that. This is not uncommon with any strain in fact its very normal for them to think what they have is the best they can do so they do not push the limits to find out where that limit is. This in no way proves a cut is real or fake. THC % is not an indication of a fake cut in any way shape or form....

GG#4 is a clone only strain not possible to have different phenotypes. If you did those are ll fake dude this is such basic stuff I feel I'm talking to some kid that needs his ass wiped. You have no basic breeding knowledge to even have this discussion. Come on over to ICM im sure I can find plenty of people that would love to discuss this with you lol..
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I'm done, You do your thing and lie to everyone they will see you for what you are. People in our community are not as stupid as your making them out to be. They know if they have the real cut. Most can be traced back to the 12. This is a dead horse. Unfortunately there are bad apples in every bunch. I can only hope no one listens to your lies.
Wow. Dan Korn you are not to bright are ya...anyone getting a cut from him should be very concerned..

Clone onlies do not have different phenotypes..
How much does a single child look like his brothers and sisters???

And how is he not spamming mods?? His mom obviously has some connection the labs he is so proud of...
Dan Kone works at or runs a dispensary, so his interest in glue is likely the almighty dollar, which explains his eagerness to claim everyone has fakes except for him and his associates. He also claims to have gotten it straight from the source, and looking at joseys comments on ic regarding dan and this thread, hes never heard of dan. Dan also doesn't seem to understand why if one guys glue is testing at 30%, how another guys can test lower when they're the same cut. He thinks one has got to be fake. He also doesn't understand how variation between garden conditions and flowering time affect terpines and thc levels. Dan is full of shit.
Dan's whole different phenotype argument is bunk too. Anybody that has popped alot of seeds,, know there are different phenos.. and anybody who has popped seeds,, and found a bad ass keeper,, know they can spot the keeper and distinguish it from the other phenos in a second.. even if they are Damn near identical.. I know I can..
The true gg4 is unmistakable..
Dan's comment on this thread about Monsanto only suing people who "sell their seeds" is also B.S. Vernon Bowman wasn't selling his seeds to farmers who wanted to avoid paying Monsanto. Bowman just wanted "Roundup Ready" plants for his own second crop of the season so he sowed his field with soybeans purchased from a grain elevator, the commodity produce farming equivalent of using bag seed. Then he applied glyphosphate to the fields to kill off any plants that didn't have Monsantos patented gene and used the resulting crop to continue planting his fields for the next eight years or so.

Monsanto spent years and millions on lawyers to recover $84,000 (eight fields worth of seed) from a poor farmer in Indiana. Now that Monsanto has paved the way by acquiring the precedent, any troll will be able to shake down growers and retailers without having to splash out so lavishly. We've seen patent and copyright trolls in other industries, we'll see them soon enough in Cannabis. Growers and retailers wont be able to risk using/selling any genetics that aren't 100% vetted as noninfringing. We're living in a golden age of strain production that will be over soon.
When I say "growers and retailers" I mean retailers selling finished product, not seed retailers. Expect retailers to require patent indemnification for the product produced by growers if they don't resort to growing all their product themselves to be sure they aren't infringing.
I think I understand the confusion here...
Looks like this whole argument is about last years la cup cuts.
Thats easy I had 4 of em an your right they were fucked up not at all what real gg4 should be.
So in a sense you are correct there are literally about 25 grand in 3 hours worth of sick/fake whatever you wanna call em cuts out there.
Let me clarify that no one who has come in here is running those cuts.
Those are KNOWN as bad cuts for whatever reason its a bit of a mystery an conspiracy is bound to happen, in that light I actually wouldnt be surprised if sunset sold off a bunch of crappy crosses or something to people that cat was a dirt bag of the first order I could absolutely believe he did something like that an sold fake cuts, I got the short end of that stick myself and like you say it wasnt grower error, they just didnt turn out right. Sick dudded fake... something
But it was sunset who did it an he is pretty much a hated outcast now for that an other reasons.
Seriously its all there in the original icamg thread and in one of my grow journals there are examples of the bad gg4 cuts the whole way thru With tons of pics of the grow.
I promise you one thing I definitely know the difference between a la cup cut an the real deal ive had both, if you had seen both an were really speaking from a place of knowledge you would know they are like 2 different plants. Theres nothing close about em. The differences go waaaaay beyond test scores they dont fill out they dont smell they dont get sticky the la cup cuts were TRASH.
All I know is that you guys seem really, really upset about this. If I'm wrong, why do you care so much? Why try to discredit me so much? And, why am I right about the lab testing?

thou doth protest too much
We're upset about this because we have been running the Glue for a couple years, and our cuts are easily traced back to the original source. You act like the "real #4 cut" (lol) is some rare, mystical entity that only a few hold. Meanwhile, the dude that originally accidentally bred, found, and named GG#4 freely passed it to a number of people, who then passed it to a number of people, etc etc.

And you acting like we're "denying science" is truly absurd. The problem is, that while the lab you use MAY have consistent results AMONG THEIR METHODS, if I took samples to my local lab, they wouldn't even compare to yours. Why? Because cannabis testing is NOT HARD SCIENCE for one. For two, the Glue, like many other cuts, varies a fuckload from room to room and through various growing methods... terpenes and THC% could vary wildly depending on the grower's skill, methods, length of flowering period, and finally, WHICH LAB YOU TAKE IT TO.

And ftr, while I don't fully entrust cannabis testing, I do entrust science that has proven climate change, physics, the age of 4.5 billion year old planet, and nature'so evolution that has created fuckoffs like yourself.

Omfg... I don't know why I'm stooping to your level... but whether your agenda is to capitalize off of the Glue or to make yourself sound cool and informed as fuck - you're flat out wrong about the "rarity" of the "real #4 cut"... (again, lol) the fucking cut is held by, again, hundreds if not thousands.


Despite your reluctance to admit or verify anything by a picture, here's some legit, 100% real Gorilla Glue #4.


Guess I'm just not as talented as you then. But maybe I can learn from the master. What does a ~1-1.4-1.6 ratio of limonene to myrcene to beta caryophyllene look like on a picture on the internet? What should I be looking out for to detect this? How can you distinguish a 22% thc content from a 30% content from a picture on the internet
Here's some "evidence" to debunk your "unique" terpene profile that lab testing would "prove"...

I found a sample of GG#4 that tested above 30%, and the terpene analysis is nowhere near your "ratio"...

Not my results, just a random I found...
  • < 0.01% Linalool
  • < 0.01% Caryophyllene oxide
  • 0.13% Myrcene
  • < 0.01% beta-Pinene
  • < 0.01% Limonene
  • < 0.01% Terpinolene
  • 0.37% alpha-Pinene
  • 2.04% Humulene
  • 0.65% CaryophyllenE
Must be a fake cut. Lolz.

I could probably find some more results for you...

This cut tested just under 28%... Not my results again, a random.
  • < 0.01% Linalool
  • 1.77% Caryophyllene oxide
  • 0.13% Myrcene
  • < 0.01% beta-Pinene
  • 1.07% Limonene
  • < 0.01% Terpinolene
  • 1.29% alpha-Pinene
  • 2.97% Humulene
  • 0.43% Caryophyllene
Again, quite a ways off from your "determining ratio"...

I didn't even have to dig to find those...
on testing theses glues. How long of a cure? What type of lighting? Indoor or outdoor? These three factors can individually effect the amount of THC. After enough cure. Thca, thcv, cbn all converting to THC. So THC increases after cure. Led, induction, and cmh can increase thc from 3-6 % compare to hps. Outdoor gets full spectrum from the sun. Therefore THC is higher than hps grown. Same idea as using led , induction, and CMH.
I think I understand the confusion here...
Looks like this whole argument is about last years la cup cuts.
Thats easy I had 4 of em an your right they were fucked up not at all what real gg4 should be.
So in a sense you are correct there are literally about 25 grand in 3 hours worth of sick/fake whatever you wanna call em cuts out there.
Let me clarify that no one who has come in here is running those cuts.
Those are KNOWN as bad cuts for whatever reason its a bit of a mystery an conspiracy is bound to happen, in that light I actually wouldnt be surprised if sunset sold off a bunch of crappy crosses or something to people that cat was a dirt bag of the first order I could absolutely believe he did something like that an sold fake cuts, I got the short end of that stick myself and like you say it wasnt grower error, they just didnt turn out right. Sick dudded fake... something

That is exactly what happened. Then Dark Heart Nursery, Medical Organics, and several other big clone nurseries as well as private parties picked them up and they are spreading all over the state.

Not to say that it's impossible that other people have the real cut. I'm sure people do. But those aren't the cuts being spread around right now for the most part. We are definitely not seeing the real deal pop up everywhere.

I promise you one thing I definitely know the difference between a la cup cut an the real deal ive had both, if you had seen both an were really speaking from a place of knowledge you would know they are like 2 different plants. Theres nothing close about em. The differences go waaaaay beyond test scores they dont fill out they dont smell they dont get sticky the la cup cuts were TRASH.

Yep. Test scores are the easiest way to identify them online. But when you see them in person they are distinctly different.

On top of the LA cup stuff, the s1 seeds that have been going around (like I said, starting with SparcSF) have been cheap knock offs as well.

The overwhelming majority of these cuts going around are fake, and I've yet to see the real deal surface anywhere else. Not to say a few people here and there don't have the real deal, but 99% of people who think they've got GG#4 do not.