Land race strains can be hard to make look amazing these days compared to some of the modern strains but the proof is in the smoke! Their are to many queer named strains out their that have been crossed a million times there are amazing ones but some of the simplest crosses are the best in my opinion.
This is what ace says on their website and I fully agree.
A.C.E. Seeds is a group of breeders and cannabis lovers dedicated to the preservation and study of this wonderful plant.
Our planet is suffering a constant lost of genetic diversity and Cannabis is not an exception. It is our responsibility to save all these unique forms of life, and to maintain and preserve the biodiversity.
The pure landrace varieties, which are the origin of all the domesticated varieties, are a prime example of the amazing adaptation of cannabis to the different ecosystems of our planet, and the millenary and instensive relationships with human race.
The pure varieties are disappearing for many reasons, such as elimination of natural habitats, war, lost of ancestral cultures, genetic contamination, globalization and laws prohibiting research and use of this plant almost around the world.
Although we already count with many medical uses based in Cannabis, we have still only barely scratched the surface of this plant's potential and what it can offer to the world.