Pretty much sums up the education system.

What is the point of education then if not to help develop minds into becoming productive adults? Early exposure to the fundamentals of all forms of education is needed, the last 4 years of school should be geared more towards educating children into becoming functioning adults. Considering that the average age of graduat a high school graduate is 18 how is a new formed adult expected to survive when when they know literally nothing about what it takes to be an adult?

And why can't it be both? Not everyone has capable parents that can teach their children. Furthermore how are we expected to learn the fundamentals of adulthood from people who were never taught them self?

Life experience? Nobody share's the same experiences in life. Even people who went through the exact same thing will come out with a different experience.

Trial and error? That method doesn't really apply to a lot of things that are bound to happen in life.

One of the things that was mentioned in the video, (and why I think you are wrong to write it off so quickly) is that we are not taught things such as CPR and how to identify warning signs of basic illness or mental illnesses. This is life saving situations that people are not taught because it is deemed more important to know quadratic formula (Something that I was taught every year in school, but couldn't remember because I have yet to use it the 10 years since I've graduated).

Not to succeed, but to survive in today's society.

My education did not offer me any college entry courses, did not offer any information on how to apply for college, did not offer any information on how to scout for college, did not offer any courses on understanding student loans, no courses on applying for grants.

My mother is a walmart employee, my dad was a truck driver so they did not have the information necessary to assist in this.

Because of all this I ended up going to a scam of an online college, to naive to realise what was happening. Student loans are not something that are really forgiving on the "trial and error" method. The 15 collections agencies that keep calling me are proof of that.

Now I said this before, and you've ignored it every time. So I ask you to think about what I'm saying and respond.
A proper education is not forgotten because of lack of use.

If you disagree with that statement then please explain to me why, also if you could explain how a non-practical subject that will be
I only know one person who earns more then 200k a year. (Legally). He stayed in school... The rest of us didn't care enough to take it seriously. Or continue our studies. This thread makes me want to go back to school.
lol ignorant hypocrite? What I said is self explanatory for someone that dropped school, otherwise engaging in intellectual dialogue would be impossible to understand.

I graduated in the top % of my class. Not valedictorian mind you, but I was a straight A student from beginning to end (until I ended up in college, which my "education" did not prepare me for)

Now you are more then welcome to try again... or you can continue to make an ass out of yourself. Your choice mate.

I only know one person who earns more then 200k a year. (Legally). He stayed in school... The rest of us didn't care enough to take it seriously. Or continue our studies. This thread makes me want to go back to school.

By all means go back to school.

Had I been successful in college I'm pretty sure that I would have ended up in a better place.

However, because of lack of proper information things didn't go down that way.

Instead I'm just thinking that had I had a proper education that I might be a little less confused on how to be an adult. I'm slowly figuring it out, but there has been to much trial and error. Too much that I feel I should have been informed of. Too many instances where an understand of basic knowledge would be far more useful than knowing what photosynthesis is. (Although that might be useful if I ever get to a place where I can grow :D )

Then to think back on my studies and realize that I can't remember most of what I was taught because I have yet to use it is a bit infuriating. It's definitely not something that I would want my child to suffer through.

I would like for her to toss her hat with a basic idea of how to take the next step as opposed to her mind being filled with the proper way to write and present a haiku.
Education and intelligence are not the same thing or concept by any mean, I have a professional and master of arts degrees under my belt, but that doesn't mean I'm "smarter" than anybody else here. I'm educated and instructed for specific tasks and actions. Instruction is necessary in a highly technological society. There's no need to be in an actual classroom to be educated or instructed, there's different applications to modern learning theories, such as child cartoons and programs designed to develop specific characteristics of specific stages of learning development. If any of us growers here were to be presented with a situation or contingency in our grows, we conduct small "researches" to observe, identify, analyse and solve it, we would apply the scientific method somehow because we are socially educated to solve problems.
the stuff he says is true but it doesnt have to be him singing or rapping or whatever hes doing id rather listen to bangs than this guy
Education and intelligence are not the same thing or concept by any mean, I have a professional and master of arts degrees under my belt, but that doesn't mean I'm "smarter" than anybody else here. I'm educated and instructed for specific tasks and actions. Instruction is necessary in a highly technological society. There's no need to be in an actual classroom to be educated or instructed, there's different applications to modern learning theories, such as child cartoons and programs designed to develop specific characteristics of specific stages of learning development. If any of us growers here were to be presented with a situation or contingency in our grows, we conduct small "researches" to observe, identify, analyse and solve it, we would apply the scientific method somehow because we are socially educated to solve problems.

Fair enough.

Scientific method is one action that can be used in some aspects of adult life, even if it is rarely applied. I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt and say more often than I'd realize, possibly using it for basic troubleshooting without actually knowing that I'm going through the process.

I still stand by my belief that education (preferably public education) is geared towards passing standardized testing and not towards building intelligence. I would not consider the bulk of it as proper education, from a final stand point I see the majority of it as secondary information pushed before practical information.

Like I said before it is needed to expose all forms of education throughout the years, but as children become closer to adults the practical information should take precedences leading the rest to be held as electives.

Our basic human rights, Basic first aid, Basic laws of our home country, a second language, driver's ed, understanding taxes, understanding basic politics, home financing, Secondary languages (preferably with relevance to our geographical location), college prep, parenting skills.

During the final four years these should be first priority over classes in

Physics, Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Reading/Writing comprehension, Arts, P.E, History, Geography

At the point of reaching high school we all should all have basic understanding of these concepts. They should be seen as electives making way for the skills that will actually keep us afloat after graduation.
i learned 3 things from highschool

1) Getting in fights doesnt do much except leave you in pain for a week

2) Large amounts of people are scary

3) how fucked we are in the future

i dont know what it is maybe its the adhd meds that they force fed but kids around my age 16 to 19 are little punks and they're all scrawny like hell not a bit of meat on them what so ever i mean give them fuckers some hamburger helper and sweet tea jesus and im not talking fit i mean skin and bones put a average sized person next to them and they look malnourished
i learned 3 things from highschool

1) Getting in fights doesnt do much except leave you in pain for a week

2) Large amounts of people are scary

3) how fucked we are in the future

i dont know what it is maybe its the adhd meds that they force fed but kids around my age 16 to 19 are little punks and they're all scrawny like hell not a bit of meat on them what so ever i mean give them fuckers some hamburger helper and sweet tea jesus and im not talking fit i mean skin and bones put a average sized person next to them and they look malnourished
How many fights did you lose in high school ty? Before high school I knew I needed pussy if I would have had money I'd be willing to pay...high school taught me that pussy is free and whatever little money I did have should be used to purchase drugs...
Truer words were never spoken.
How many fights did you lose in high school ty? Before high school I knew I needed pussy if I would have had money I'd be willing to pay...high school taught me that pussy is free and whatever little money I did have should be used to purchase drugs...
How many fights did you lose in high school ty? Before high school I knew I needed pussy if I would have had money I'd be willing to pay...high school taught me that pussy is free and whatever little money I did have should be used to purchase drugs...

ive lost a few but i can scrap but im not vary fast with punches but if i can get at least 5 hits in then there gonna be fucked up i know how to make a hard hit connect but its easier to see coming and hard to recover from after you throw it

s oh hey there looks like youve highlighted this youre probably on the secret easter egg hunt good job if your not on the hunt then fuck off and dont ask me about it or ill send you gay torture porn next location is a place where a man named mason will become free n shit
i always thoght school was stupid and pointless, now that i have kids in school, i know for sure was right. maybe its just cali but the education system is some bullshit. i learned sooo much useless sahit in school and like 3 things i actually need to know. why isnt credit and budgeting and how t deal with women taught in school? my daughters bringin home "new" math that somebody just decided to make up and shit. 200 devided by a truck minus apples equals 3. the fuck? im just gonna teach my kids to know God and get rich
ive lost a few but i can scrap but im not vary fast with punches but if i can get at least 5 hits in then there gonna be fucked up i know how to make a hard hit connect but its easier to see coming and hard to recover from after you throw it

s oh hey there looks like youve highlighted this youre probably on the secret easter egg hunt good job if your not on the hunt then fuck off and dont ask me about it or ill send you gay torture porn next location is a place where a man named mason will become free n shit
I finished school and then learned my trade while in the service.
But I'll never stop being interested in learning some thing new if it interests me.
Yeah that's it once you know how to learn you are only limited by your interests and ambition :)

The military taught me to be a jack of all trades. I have learned a lot of things on my own. I have yet to find a repair or job I had to pay someone to do.

I like learning new things.

You have said how the school system failed you and how its everybody else's fault. Take some responsibility. You are responsible for your life.

No one failed you.

If I buy a new item on amazon I read the reviews. You know that. You know that about schools to.

You move to a new area you research before moving. You might want references for a contractor you hire.

Education is no different. That's a lot of time and money invested.

I say you bought Into the idea of knocking out a 4 year degree in 18 months online.

Look there may be some short comings with our school system. Plenty of people make right out of some of the worst ones.

I'm not trying to be mean. The best thing you can do is accept the fact we are responsible for where we are at in life, no matter the preparation.
We don't have an education system anymore, it's a social training program for a subservient, plebeian working class, with a school to prison subset. Where are the critical thinking exercises? I remember having to write a one page essay every week about my opinions on world news they still do stuff like that?
Learn x,y,z, take your test, don't ask questions, follow orders,conform.

You have said how the school system failed you and how its everybody else's fault. Take some responsibility. You are responsible for your life.

No one failed you.

If I buy a new item on amazon I read the reviews. You know that. You know that about schools to.

You move to a new area you research before moving. You might want references for a contractor you hire.

Education is no different. That's a lot of time and money invested.

I say you bought Into the idea of knocking out a 4 year degree in 18 months online.

Look there may be some short comings with our school system. Plenty of people make right out of some of the worst ones.

I'm not trying to be mean. The best thing you can do is accept the fact we are responsible for where we are at in life, no matter the preparation.

It's easier to know what understand reviews when you know what to look for.

It was an 2 year degree that was supposed to take 2-4 years depending on whether it was full time or part time. I say it was a scam because after I enrolled the "teachers" were no help. I'd ask for assistance and they'd tell me to "check the home page for study tips". My GPA dropped to 2.8 due to trouble with the advanced math. As soon as that happened they started the paperwork to expel me, with zero warning. By the time I was actually kicked out of school my GPA had risen to a 3.4

Then there's the student loans that I still don't quite understand. All I know is that at a ridiculous interest rate I'm 30k in debt with only 33 credits.

Since all this is to further a person's education then why isn't it covered in high school? That is the step before college after all.

If I had be taught this in school rather than just told "go to college to get good job" I would have continued on my trade as a contractor and not bothered with it.

The school system has failed me, but my time has come and gone. I'm in place now where my "education" is irrelevant and I'm somewhat happy with it... at least content if nothing else.

I pity future generations that will have to suffer through this joke of an education system.

As far as "taking responsibility" for my life, I do. If I make mistakes then I own up to them. However, if said mistakes could have been prevented by proper education on the matter then I find in it necessary to point that out. To try and prevent others from falling into the same traps that I had. To let be known that a broken system is releasing unprepared people into the world. Bringing down the status quo and creating burdens on an ever struggling society.
It's easier to know what understand reviews when you know what to look for.

It was an 2 year degree that was supposed to take 2-4 years depending on whether it was full time or part time. I say it was a scam because after I enrolled the "teachers" were no help. I'd ask for assistance and they'd tell me to "check the home page for study tips". My GPA dropped to 2.8 due to trouble with the advanced math. As soon as that happened they started the paperwork to expel me, with zero warning. By the time I was actually kicked out of school my GPA had risen to a 3.4

Then there's the student loans that I still don't quite understand. All I know is that at a ridiculous interest rate I'm 30k in debt with only 33 credits.

Since all this is to further a person's education then why isn't it covered in high school? That is the step before college after all.

If I had be taught this in school rather than just told "go to college to get good job" I would have continued on my trade as a contractor and not bothered with it.

The school system has failed me, but my time has come and gone. I'm in place now where my "education" is irrelevant and I'm somewhat happy with it... at least content if nothing else.

I pity future generations that will have to suffer through this joke of an education system.

As far as "taking responsibility" for my life, I do. If I make mistakes then I own up to them. However, if said mistakes could have been prevented by proper education on the matter then I find in it necessary to point that out. To try and prevent others from falling into the same traps that I had. To let be known that a broken system is releasing unprepared people into the world. Bringing down the status quo and creating burdens on an ever struggling society.
Is this an online school?
regardless of all the words written here, education is directly correlated with income. It's not even debatable.