shot in the back!

@panhead You have been to the school of life. No amount of education can match those life experiences.

Thank you , the whole racisim crap here at RIU has got outta hand in the politics section & spilled out thru all the forums , the whole dog name thing kills me , people throw that racism stuff out there on a whim .

I really miss the days here at RIU where you could just talk & not have to re check your post to make sure every word is PC .

I appreciate your thoughts .
Thank you , the whole racisim crap here at RIU has got outta hand in the politics section & spilled out thru all the forums , the whole dog name thing kills me , people throw that racism stuff out there on a whim .

I really miss the days here at RIU where you could just talk & not have to re check your post to make sure every word is PC .

I appreciate your thoughts .
No one called you a racist. Let it go. I even said I was just giving you shit.
I really miss the days here at RIU where you could just talk & not have to re check your post to make sure every word is PC .

The communists, the NAZI's, and I'm sure the Chicoms as well, all supported "political correctness" and either murdered, enslaved, banished, or "re-educated" those that failed to abide by their political dogma.

FUCK "political correctness", and anyone that supports it.

My wife used to have a German Shepherd named Lex. Some POS tried to break into her house (this was before we met) and Lex made a nice meal out of the bastards arm.

Now we have 3 dogs. 2 yappy Dachshund mixes and a Wolf/Shepherd mix. The Dachshund mixes are more likely to bite then the wolf though. However if she feels threatened she's 110lbs of "fuck you up" that I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of. We used to have to put her outside with a 20ft tow chain that was padlocked to her collar. She snapped every other chain and fastener that we tried to put her on. Even with that heavy ass chain around her neck she'd run around the yard and jump 5ft in the air like it was nothing.

The downside though is that a dog could lose their life protecting you. People claiming that if a dog bites for any reason then it's a "vicious animal". Had one instance where some kids were throwing rocks at my dogs. I called 911 who transferred me over to animal control who told me "there's nothing they can do". I bet if I opened my gate and let the dogs loose they would have had something else to say.

I know you had to been pissed when they wont come for people throwing rocks & being cruel to your pooches , let your dog liscense laps & see how fast they show up .

The system is against decent people & stacked in LEO' s favor where the good folk allways have to prove shit , while the fukheads sue & press charges .

Ever notice when a robber gets killed by a citizen how much we hear about how he was really a good person , great neighbor ect complete with pics of the robber as a kid , if a cop shoots somebody we hear their whole criminal history & the guy is made out to be public enemy #1 ?

Our system is fuked , im suprised the cops didnt come & shoot your dogs when you made a complaint about the rock throwing , i had a cop draw down on my dogs with a 12 gauge because the meter reader couldnt get to our meter to read it while we werent home , pulled in the driveway to that scene & had the cop tell me i was lucky .
No one called you a racist. Let it go. I even said I was just giving you shit.

Nice of you to flip it around where its me pushing the issue , you asked a question & got a response , then you drug it further implying my dog wore a rebel flag , implied racism is not cool , especially to a man with mixed race children & a non white wife , im not some nut job , ive been here 10 yrs & helped countless noobs .

Sorry unclebaldy , just had my fill of the race card , back to previously scheduled programming lol .
I know you had to been pissed when they wont come for people throwing rocks & being cruel to your pooches , let your dog liscense laps & see how fast they show up .

The system is against decent people & stacked in LEO' s favor where the good folk allways have to prove shit , while the fukheads sue & press charges .

Ever notice when a robber gets killed by a citizen how much we hear about how he was really a good person , great neighbor ect complete with pics of the robber as a kid , if a cop shoots somebody we hear their whole criminal history & the guy is made out to be public enemy #1 ?

Our system is fuked , im suprised the cops didnt come & shoot your dogs when you made a complaint about the rock throwing , i had a cop draw down on my dogs with a 12 gauge because the meter reader couldnt get to our meter to read it while we werent home , pulled in the driveway to that scene & had the cop tell me i was lucky .

Had a similar instance happen with another shepherd that we used to own. Girl named Gabby. We had her lead tied to the front porch and had her outside so she could go potty and get some fresh air. Next thing you know a cop comes over wanting to ask some questions about someone in the neighborhood that they were looking for. Didn't see Gabby and when she jumped up to play (that dog did not have a violent bone in her body) he freaked out. I came outside running and he starts getting in my face about how he's going to report the dog, have her put down, and this that and the other thing.

But I tell you what. The 4 years we lived in the ghetto we did not have one incident where someone tried to break into our house.

We did have some make an anonymous complaint about animal neglect because our 18yro (she just passed R.I.P) collie/heeler mix was taking a nap on the floor in our living room.

Apparently someone coming onto our property and looking through our window is okay. But an antique dog taking a nap is not. Go figure. We had to go through an entire investigation because of that shit. After that I made sure to hang curtains over all the windows.

Anyway back on topic, if someone were to try and rob us they would not walk away from it, and if they hurt ANY of the animals in the process they had better hope to god the cops find them before I do.

If I'm not home I carry 3 knives with me. A switchblade (perfectly legal in the state of Indiana), a Ka-bar short, and a case xx. I am not opposed to taking someone elses life in order to defend my own.
I would like to clear something up.

This site is entertainment for me and I treat it as such. Some of my statements are outlandish.

I believe in every right our constitution including the 2nd amendment.

My guns feed me and my children. They are there, god forbid, in case of defense.

I joke and say I don't feel sorry for the thief. It would be tragic if some one lost a son, husband, or father over a stupid hood.

Gun violence of any kind is a tragedy. Taking a life is not a trivial thing.

Three times in my life I have faced imminent possibility of bodily harm or death. All 3 times I made the decision to live and took the steps to protect my life. All 3 times I put my self in the position to take a life if need be. All 3 times I stayed calm and no one was killed. I am thankful for that.

Most of us that own guns for protection, do so hoping we never have to. Most of us are responsible.
I would like to clear something up.

This site is entertainment for me and I treat it as such. Some of my statements are outlandish.

I believe in every right our constitution including the 2nd amendment.

My guns feed me and my children. They are there, god forbid, in case of defense.

I joke and say I don't feel sorry for the thief. It would be tragic if some one lost a son, husband, or father over a stupid hood.

Gun violence of any kind is a tragedy. Taking a life is not a trivial thing.

Three times in my life I have faced imminent possibility of bodily harm or death. All 3 times I made the decision to live and took the steps to protect my life. All 3 times I put my self in the position to take a life if need be. I cant shoot for shit and no one was killed. I am thankful for that.

Most of us that own guns for protection, do so hoping we never have to. Most of us are responsible.
I fixed it brah!
Because hearts were still beating.. I apologize my mistake.
Because hearts were still beating.. I apologize my mistake.

No problem. I was just trying to show that being a gun owner doesn't make you heartless.

I think the problem with people like the store owner is not being prepared.

For what ever reason the owner, like others, something happens and they decide to get a gun.

As a hunter I want a clean quick humane kill when hunting. That means time your breathing to slow your heart from the adrenaline. I have had a lifetime of hunting. Every shot I had to know what was beyond the target.

Now some would say the owner was callus.

I would say they were not prepared for the adrenaline. And that led them to make a stupid decision to shoot.

Now I don't know what exactly went down. I can say from experience that when that gun was pulled my adrenaline was pumping. It was the scariest thing to ever happen to me.

If the owner thought the thief was armed, the owner may have been overwhelmed with fear.

Then again he may been one of them nut bags just itching to shoot someone.
Had a similar instance happen with another shepherd that we used to own. Girl named Gabby. We had her lead tied to the front porch and had her outside so she could go potty and get some fresh air. Next thing you know a cop comes over wanting to ask some questions about someone in the neighborhood that they were looking for. Didn't see Gabby and when she jumped up to play (that dog did not have a violent bone in her body) he freaked out. I came outside running and he starts getting in my face about how he's going to report the dog, have her put down, and this that and the other thing.
But I tell you what. The 4 years we lived in the ghetto we did not have one incident where someone tried to break into our house.
We did have some make an anonymous complaint about animal neglect because our 18yro (she just passed R.I.P) collie/heeler mix was taking a nap on the floor in our living room.
Apparently someone coming onto our property and looking through our window is okay. But an antique dog taking a nap is not. Go figure. We had to go through an entire investigation because of that shit. After that I made sure to hang curtains over all the windows.

Anyway back on topic, if someone were to try and rob us they would not walk away from it, and if they hurt ANY of the animals in the process they had better hope to god the cops find them before I do.

If I'm not home I carry 3 knives with me. A switchblade (perfectly legal in the state of Indiana), a Ka-bar short, and a case xx. I am not opposed to taking someone elses life in order to defend my own.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your 18 yr old friend , its like loosing a part of yourself & is a great stress , i feel for ya , its so hard making the final decision & leaves a hole inside , i cant stand that part of having animals it hurts so bad & we allways wait too long .

Wtf did the peeping tom think you were doing to the pooch ? Were they angry cause you waited so long to put him down ?

I dont blame you for carrying a weapon , i wont leave my home without one & we live in the most expensive suburb of Detroit with cops all over the place , im a 2 time felon & i still cary either a little 380 or 45 wherever we go , savages see us older folks as prey .
Wow! This thread is going around in circles.

I had a German shep and I'd be a lot more worried if my dog now (blue pitbull) bit someone. Not just because Shepherds are not listed as dangerous but because they are weak by comparison. Gsd-56kg pitbull-28kg

If you have a pitbull here then you can't have a criminal record.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your 18 yr old friend , its like loosing a part of yourself & is a great stress , i feel for ya , its so hard making the final decision & leaves a hole inside , i cant stand that part of having animals it hurts so bad & we allways wait too long .

Wtf did the peeping tom think you were doing to the pooch ? Were they angry cause you waited so long to put him down ?

I dont blame you for carrying a weapon , i wont leave my home without one & we live in the most expensive suburb of Detroit with cops all over the place , im a 2 time felon & i still cary either a little 380 or 45 wherever we go , savages see us older folks as prey .

Yeah she actually passed right after we made the appointment at the vet. Poor girl, but she lived a LONG and healthy life for a puppy.

I think the peeping tom wanted to get the dogs taken away so he could break in. That'd be my guess, but where I used to live the crackheads were more rampant than cockroaches. And there's really no telling what's going on that burnt out brain of thiers.
I find it hilarious that some idiot ran out of a store with a hydro hood ??
wtf ? if that happened at a hydro store near me I would die laughing.
Did this big player have a waiting 89 honda as the get away car ?? lmao

I would be like listening to this song in the background lmao

political correctness is lame too that shit is irritating
In texas I had a buddy that was a manager of a head shop, and he was robbed a couple before so he started to carry a gun with him at work, well the same people tried to rob him again and he shot two of them, killing one. He is in prison for murder, I think what fucked him is he chased the into parking lot where he continued to fire.. I think it is bullshit he is jail for murder when police shoot people all day, but someone trying to protect their business gets murder? No logic to me. Should you pay with your life for theft? No, but you shouldn't steal.I think less lethal, but unfortunately Aggravated assault is not much better. I think hitting the guy in the head with a baseball bat a couple times would be fair justice
Wow! This thread is going around in circles.

I had a German shep and I'd be a lot more worried if my dog now (blue pitbull) bit someone. Not just because Shepherds are not listed as dangerous but because they are weak by comparison. Gsd-56kg pitbull-28kg

If you have a pitbull here then you can't have a criminal record.
Mine is the laziest dog ever, like his owner, me..