shot in the back!

Do you mean ORION, as in the constellation ORION and the ORION arm of the Milky Way galaxy our solar system inhabits?


Regardless, "Aryan" isn't something to get offended over anyway, unless you're a bigot.

There are a lot of stars out there Wilksey. And a lot of languages too. I'm just glad he's not named fer The Green House owner.
Yeah really , whats the matter with naming a dog after a star or whatever that thing in space is called , aryans belt , its either a star or a cluster of gas or some shit ,
Cant be any stupider than fido or sparky , i thought it was a good name .
Nice! I have 3 female kitties one named Star another named 4Vesta ( 2nd largest asteroid in our solar system), and the other named Selene (moon goddess).


I don't agree with shooting someone in the back however, this could have been avoided if the guy wouldn't have been stealing. Moral of the story, don't steal or try to fight cops and you won't get shot. Pretty simple rules to live by.
I don't agree with shooting someone in the back however, this could have been avoided if the guy wouldn't have been stealing. Moral of the story, don't steal or try to fight cops and you won't get shot. Pretty simple rules to live by.
I fear that this is not strictly true. A lot of innocents get shot.
If all gunz were banned, this poor thief would not have been shot. If hoodz were banned, that unlucky thief would not have holez in his back. That poor thief...:cry:
That's Orion.

Does he also have a confederate flag handkerchief around his neck?

Oh dear god not the racist stuff again ,i had to look up your version of the spelling to see if its right , so i cant spell good i only finished 6th grade .

The doggys name is pronounced. Oh - Ryan & no he dont have a confederete flag round his neck , he had a blue flea collar .
Do you mean ORION, as in the constellation ORION and the ORION arm of the Milky Way galaxy our solar system inhabits?


Regardless, "Aryan" isn't something to get offended over anyway, unless you're a bigot.

You nailed it , thank you for the pic , we own stars in that place in space & thats where my wife & me came up with the name .

There is some place on the internet my wife found yrs ago where you can buy a star & have it named after a loved one or whatever you want , you get a star chart map kinda thing & some other info so we bought some stars in the belt in memoramdum of our son who passed away .

Its not anything that would hold up in court where we truly own the stars its just a nice thing to memorialize somebody you love for a few bucks .

Kinda bums me out somebody had to turn my poor spelling into racisim , that craps got outta hand on this site .

I never meant to offend anybody , i thought it was spelled with an A .

Thanks for the pic & thats the place he was named after .
You nailed it , thank you for the pic , we own stars in that place in space & thats where my wife & me came up with the name .

There is some place on the internet my wife found yrs ago where you can buy a star & have it named after a loved one or whatever you want , you get a star chart map kinda thing & some other info so we bought some stars in the belt in memoramdum of our son who passed away .

Its not anything that would hold up in court where we truly own the stars its just a nice thing to memorialize somebody you love for a few bucks .

Kinda bums me out somebody had to turn my poor spelling into racisim , that craps got outta hand on this site .

I never meant to offend anybody , i thought it was spelled with an A .

Thanks for the pic & thats the place he was named after .

You don't know how to spell Orion but you know what Aryan means and still used its correct spelling?? You just might be a nut job.
Nice! I have 3 female kitties one named Star another named 4Vesta ( 2nd largest asteroid in our solar system), and the other named Selene (moon goddess).

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I dont know anything about the stars you mentioned but i like the names you picked , i also liked the pic .

Remember the tv show Lost in Space where they were trying to get to that one planet in particular ? I saw a show on PBS where scientists now think its a planet that may have life on it , its the Alffa Way or something but the tv special on the planet sure makes it sound like we could live there .
an albuquerque grow store operator, shot a guy in the back as he ran out of the store with a hood. seems a little harsh for a damn light....
Yea that's fucked up I don't believe any amount of money or material is worth somebody's life. Now if you come up to me with a gun and tried to rob me say I'm a blow your brains out. If you come up and say give me all your money I'll give you my money cuz its not worth my life or your life

You don't know how to spell Orion but you know what Aryan means and still used its correct spelling?? You just might be a nut job.

Nice job , im 62 yrs old & when i was little didnt have the luxury of alot of school , i taught myself to read & rite in prison .

And yes i know what aryan means only if i were to spell it without spellcheck i'd of used arian not aryan .

Sometimes i think alot of you guys just like being dicks cause its fun for you , it isnt a big secret on this site i dont spell good but you have to make an example outta me .

Nice going , you kicked an old guy in the nutts cause of poor spelling , must be a sad way to be .

Edit , while your at it why not turn my dog named Adoff into Adolf so you can use the hitler reference & get a real WOW factor for yourself .
If all gunz were banned, this poor thief would not have been shot. If hoodz were banned, that unlucky thief would not have holez in his back. That poor thief...:cry:

If guns were banned the thief would have been the one with the option to be armed. See in as he is a criminal and a criminal would ignore the gun law.
Meh they don't shoot white collar fucks, double standards everywhere. I don't see how shooting or killing a petty criminal would deter crime in any way or sense, criminals usually risk their own lives every time they commit a crime, why would the menace of death stop them? Death would only stop one us "law abiding" (yeah right) citizens.