seed on seedling removed WRONG!

StUpId HiGh PaNdA

Active Member
Indoor, 5 day paper towel germ, 1in -1 1/2 tap root, rockwool med., hydroponic. Day 1, all sprouted, day 2, shell still on one of seedlings. The following is what I did and what a few things im hoping happen and a few that i wouldnt want. sorry no pics, unable to do that at this time.

What happens if that seed is still stuck on the very top covering all that top growth of a small seedling. If you try to pull the seed off and pulled off all the leaves accept for maybe a spot the size of the end of a pen or so.

All that's there is the stem and like a pen tip amount of cotyledon leafs. the rest have the cotyledon leafs and the first 2 fan leaves. Its Trainwreck strain if that makes a difference on resiliency.

Would that seedling die? would it just be severely stunted in growth? would you be able to put a very light amount of a nut mix to help it along? or would it just be like a really early topping?

apologizes if this is in the wrong thread, and i've searched for this kind of thing and turned up nothing for this specific aliment. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Indoor, 5 day paper towel germ, 1in -1 1/2 tap root, rockwool med., hydroponic. Day 1, all sprouted, day 2, shell still on one of seedlings. The following is what I did and what a few things im hoping happen and a few that i wouldnt want. sorry no pics, unable to do that at this time.

What happens if that seed is still stuck on the very top covering all that top growth of a small seedling. If you try to pull the seed off and pulled off all the leaves accept for maybe a spot the size of the end of a pen or so.

All that's there is the stem and like a pen tip amount of cotyledon leafs. the rest have the cotyledon leafs and the first 2 fan leaves. Its Trainwreck strain if that makes a difference on resiliency.

Would that seedling die? would it just be severely stunted in growth? would you be able to put a very light amount of a nut mix to help it along? or would it just be like a really early topping?

apologizes if this is in the wrong thread, and i've searched for this kind of thing and turned up nothing for this specific aliment. Thanks for the help.
Should just treat it normal in my opinion if you have the time and space. See if it manages to fix itself. Surely it's stunted but, it is weed and depending on the strain it may come back. I dunno man. May take a while anyway, and may not make it. Never know. If ya ain't hurtin for seeds, well. Might wanna just cut your losses and pop another one.

StUpId HiGh PaNdA

Active Member
They're all 2weeks old starting their 3rd week superbowl sunday, for americans. Last sunday, the start of the 2nd week i put in 1/4 of the normal feeding amount. This nute feeding was from nute bottles ive had since my first grow grow. So that was in 2012. I dont know if them being so old could have effected the girls in this way. i followed storing instructions but im not sure for how long they're good for.

After that small feeding, the sb has been hit the hardest as shown below, and the the bb and then k-from, then the straggler tw.

And just today i put the normal amount of nutes for 2 week old ladies. but i put them in from fresher bottles about 6 months or less old.

Also im using the G8-450 From DormGrow if that helps make a diagnosis.

Much appreciation on all help and yes I've look through the site, but never really finding on my specific or relative problem
pic with descriptions.jpg So these are the girls. Going clockwise from top left, Strawberry Blue, Trainwreck, Kush Fromage, and Blue Blood. The major problem children are Strawberry blue and blue blood. all are same age, but the trainwreck is the one that I pulled everything off the top when shell was stuck on top. So everyone knows, it came back, behind some days from recovery but coming along.

IMG_2500[1].JPG These are all the Strawberry Blue.

IMG_2501[1].JPG As you can see the leaf tips are starting to brown and curl up. Im not sure if its from nut deficiency of from the light being to close.

IMG_2502[1].JPG You can see the light yellowing in the top middle and spotted on all the new growth.

StUpId HiGh PaNdA

Active Member
They're all 2weeks old starting their 3rd week superbowl sunday, for americans. Last sunday, the start of the 2nd week i put in 1/4 of the normal feeding amount. This nute feeding was from nute bottles ive had since my first grow grow. So that was in 2012. I dont know if them being so old could have effected the girls in this way. i followed storing instructions but im not sure for how long they're good for.

After that small feeding, the sb has been hit the hardest as shown below, and the the bb and then k-from, then the straggler tw.

And just today i put the normal amount of nutes for 2 week old ladies. but i put them in from fresher bottles about 6 months or less old.

Also im using the G8-450 From DormGrow if that helps make a diagnosis.

Much appreciation on all help and yes I've look through the site, but never really finding on my specific or relative problem
View attachment 3343662 So these are the girls. Going clockwise from top left, Strawberry Blue, Trainwreck, Kush Fromage, and Blue Blood. The major problem children are Strawberry blue and blue blood. all are same age, but the trainwreck is the one that I pulled everything off the top when shell was stuck on top. So everyone knows, it came back, behind some days from recovery but coming along.

View attachment 3343670 These are all the Strawberry Blue.

View attachment 3343671 As you can see the leaf tips are starting to brown and curl up. Im not sure if its from nut deficiency of from the light being to close.

View attachment 3343672 You can see the light yellowing in the top middle and spotted on all the new growth.


Well-Known Member
They're all 2weeks old starting their 3rd week superbowl sunday, for americans. Last sunday, the start of the 2nd week i put in 1/4 of the normal feeding amount. This nute feeding was from nute bottles ive had since my first grow grow. So that was in 2012. I dont know if them being so old could have effected the girls in this way. i followed storing instructions but im not sure for how long they're good for.

After that small feeding, the sb has been hit the hardest as shown below, and the the bb and then k-from, then the straggler tw.

And just today i put the normal amount of nutes for 2 week old ladies. but i put them in from fresher bottles about 6 months or less old.

Also im using the G8-450 From DormGrow if that helps make a diagnosis.

Much appreciation on all help and yes I've look through the site, but never really finding on my specific or relative problem
View attachment 3343662 So these are the girls. Going clockwise from top left, Strawberry Blue, Trainwreck, Kush Fromage, and Blue Blood. The major problem children are Strawberry blue and blue blood. all are same age, but the trainwreck is the one that I pulled everything off the top when shell was stuck on top. So everyone knows, it came back, behind some days from recovery but coming along.

View attachment 3343670 These are all the Strawberry Blue.

View attachment 3343671 As you can see the leaf tips are starting to brown and curl up. Im not sure if its from nut deficiency of from the light being to close.

View attachment 3343672 You can see the light yellowing in the top middle and spotted on all the new growth.
whats with the gloves u plan on doing surgery on them plants ?


Well-Known Member
Indoor, 5 day paper towel germ, 1in -1 1/2 tap root, rockwool med., hydroponic. Day 1, all sprouted, day 2, shell still on one of seedlings. The following is what I did and what a few things im hoping happen and a few that i wouldnt want. sorry no pics, unable to do that at this time.

What happens if that seed is still stuck on the very top covering all that top growth of a small seedling. If you try to pull the seed off and pulled off all the leaves accept for maybe a spot the size of the end of a pen or so.

All that's there is the stem and like a pen tip amount of cotyledon leafs. the rest have the cotyledon leafs and the first 2 fan leaves. Its Trainwreck strain if that makes a difference on resiliency.

Would that seedling die? would it just be severely stunted in growth? would you be able to put a very light amount of a nut mix to help it along? or would it just be like a really early topping?

apologizes if this is in the wrong thread, and i've searched for this kind of thing and turned up nothing for this specific aliment. Thanks for the help.
man thats a shit load to read can u break it down 2 like 3 sentences lol


Well-Known Member
They're all 2weeks old starting their 3rd week superbowl sunday, for americans. Last sunday, the start of the 2nd week i put in 1/4 of the normal feeding amount. This nute feeding was from nute bottles ive had since my first grow grow. So that was in 2012. I dont know if them being so old could have effected the girls in this way. i followed storing instructions but im not sure for how long they're good for.

After that small feeding, the sb has been hit the hardest as shown below, and the the bb and then k-from, then the straggler tw.

And just today i put the normal amount of nutes for 2 week old ladies. but i put them in from fresher bottles about 6 months or less old.

Also im using the G8-450 From DormGrow if that helps make a diagnosis.

Much appreciation on all help and yes I've look through the site, but never really finding on my specific or relative problem
View attachment 3343662 So these are the girls. Going clockwise from top left, Strawberry Blue, Trainwreck, Kush Fromage, and Blue Blood. The major problem children are Strawberry blue and blue blood. all are same age, but the trainwreck is the one that I pulled everything off the top when shell was stuck on top. So everyone knows, it came back, behind some days from recovery but coming along.

View attachment 3343670 These are all the Strawberry Blue.

View attachment 3343671 As you can see the leaf tips are starting to brown and curl up. Im not sure if its from nut deficiency of from the light being to close.

View attachment 3343672 You can see the light yellowing in the top middle and spotted on all the new growth.
we are stoners here not real keen on reading a book to find out what the issue is ;)

StUpId HiGh PaNdA

Active Member
lol nah no surgery. feed light with old nutes, @ 1 week. never done old nutes before. at day 6 - 10 maybe, leaves started dropping and tips turning brown.

lights a lil over a foot about from top canopy. the yellowing and tips changing are starting in the others as well but slower then the first.

Not sure if its the light being to close, not enough nutes, or bad nutes if thats possible. That a lil better for u rob


Active Member
multiple strains in 1 bin :(

do u have a ppm meter? are the water temps in the bins too cold or too hot?

if r/o water i probably would have shot for like 200ppm, they are tiny after all.

if i were to be using those bins i would have kept them out in the rockwool in like a humidity dome and hand fed until they had a substancial little cluster of roots before moving them in.


whats with the gloves u plan on doing surgery on them plants ?
a box of gloves goes a long way to avoiding problems, i've noticed a higher success rate with clones when wearing sterile gloves when cutting and besides who wants liquid squid and bat-shit on the hands they eat with?

StUpId HiGh PaNdA

Active Member
multiple strains in 1 bin :(

do u have a ppm meter? are the water temps in the bins too cold or too hot?

if r/o water i probably would have shot for like 200ppm, they are tiny after all.

if i were to be using those bins i would have kept them out in the rockwool in like a humidity dome and hand fed until they had a substancial little cluster of roots before moving them in.
First off, sorry for the " book" this'll prolly be. Just :blsmoke:, bongsmilie, peep it out, help a fellow gardener, thanks a lot. :)
Sorry i havnt been on for a bit. No ppm metter, and im unsure about the temps in the res.'s. using gallons of destilled or spring water from walmart, hyvee, ect.

I germed them for 4 days, papert towl method. then moved them into the rockwool adn current setup. i ddint adjsut the rockwool before i set the germ'd ladies into them.

they were fine for the first week and a few days. doing good, the one i pulled the whole top growth off cause of stuck seed grew back and was starting to look good. i mixed a few drops 4-6 of each nute to help the growth of the one i pulled shell off of.

did a lite water each day with the same mixed bottle. Then after a week, i mixed full strength, hoping the would jsut explode in growth. then all this browning and burnt tips and upward curl came into play. thats why im thinking its nute lockout. I went to a hydro store, explained situation, not telling exactly what i was working on, and the guy said it definitly sounded like they got lockout from high strength of nute.

He gave me a little 4oz bottle of ff sledgehammer and said to flush out the medium with it. followed the instuctions on bottle, but didnt know for how long to flush so left it in running thru pump and rockwool for about 12 hrs. found out after some research that its only supposed to be run for an hour. :wall: bummer on that.

cleaned everything up, res, pumps, airstone. slow poured a gal of distilled water over all 4 ladies. 1gal / 4 girls. mixed up 1/4 str nutes filled the res, and added a 1/4 str root anaculant from boitanicare, to help the roots come back from damage. Did that today, so just gonna have to wait and see what happens.

Quick question: Should i foiliar feed since the medium locked out the roots and all?
not really sure about that, dont wanna stress them any more then they already are/have been.


Active Member
First off, sorry for the " book" this'll prolly be. Just :blsmoke:, bongsmilie, peep it out, help a fellow gardener, thanks a lot. :)
Sorry i havnt been on for a bit. No ppm metter, and im unsure about the temps in the res.'s. using gallons of destilled or spring water from walmart, hyvee, ect.

I germed them for 4 days, papert towl method. then moved them into the rockwool adn current setup. i ddint adjsut the rockwool before i set the germ'd ladies into them.

they were fine for the first week and a few days. doing good, the one i pulled the whole top growth off cause of stuck seed grew back and was starting to look good. i mixed a few drops 4-6 of each nute to help the growth of the one i pulled shell off of.

did a lite water each day with the same mixed bottle. Then after a week, i mixed full strength, hoping the would jsut explode in growth. then all this browning and burnt tips and upward curl came into play. thats why im thinking its nute lockout. I went to a hydro store, explained situation, not telling exactly what i was working on, and the guy said it definitly sounded like they got lockout from high strength of nute.

He gave me a little 4oz bottle of ff sledgehammer and said to flush out the medium with it. followed the instuctions on bottle, but didnt know for how long to flush so left it in running thru pump and rockwool for about 12 hrs. found out after some research that its only supposed to be run for an hour. :wall: bummer on that.

cleaned everything up, res, pumps, airstone. slow poured a gal of distilled water over all 4 ladies. 1gal / 4 girls. mixed up 1/4 str nutes filled the res, and added a 1/4 str root anaculant from boitanicare, to help the roots come back from damage. Did that today, so just gonna have to wait and see what happens.

Quick question: Should i foiliar feed since the medium locked out the roots and all?
not really sure about that, dont wanna stress them any more then they already are/have been.
i dont know too much about foliar feeding but i know seeds contain enough of their own nutrient to start their growth, id be feeding only when u see a problem from lack of feeding and feel it out from there. full strength nutrients i dont think should be used until like 4 weeks from seed, seedling to veg phase. im also just an amatuer and had no luck with those bins as i didnt have a good way to control the temperatures in the res, chiller/heater. my 2cents would be to flush the system out completely and let it go a week. just remember its easier to come back from lack of feeding rather then overfeeding.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Easy if shell get's "stuck" help it -remove shell with toothpick, ect I would wait a while before foliage feeding - start in veg stage foliage feeding helps prevent nutrient lock-out and a good rule of thumb is to use this method of feeding at least every two weeks


Well-Known Member
You cant "boost" a seedling/small plants growth by blasting em with nutes. It doesn't work like powerleveling in a game or something. You're going to do nothing but fry em. Back off with the nutes. The stunted one especially. Take a close look at it with some sort of magnifier. If you see little leaf nubs then it should start up eventually. If not then chuck it. Had a few plants in my time go through this. It'll just fall behind the rest. Now the next time you have a seed casing stuck try this out. You were talking about foiler feeding (dont til they straiten themselves out) so you probably have a spray bottle. Mist the shell casing heavily so its wet. Come back in 15 minutes or so. It should soften up the membrane at the corners to where you can just push up from the bottom of it and it slides off or just falls into 2 pieces. If not rinse and repeat.

StUpId HiGh PaNdA

Active Member
You cant "boost" a seedling/small plants growth by blasting em with nutes. It doesn't work like powerleveling in a game or something. You're going to do nothing but fry em. Back off with the nutes. The stunted one especially. Take a close look at it with some sort of magnifier. If you see little leaf nubs then it should start up eventually. If not then chuck it. Had a few plants in my time go through this. It'll just fall behind the rest. Now the next time you have a seed casing stuck try this out. You were talking about foiler feeding (dont til they straiten themselves out) so you probably have a spray bottle. Mist the shell casing heavily so its wet. Come back in 15 minutes or so. It should soften up the membrane at the corners to where you can just push up from the bottom of it and it slides off or just falls into 2 pieces. If not rinse and repeat.
Not trying to be a d, but i said a few post prior that i had ripped the shell off, and that after a few days of 1/4 nutes(5 i think) it started up. it was in one of the longer post in this thread. but yea i shouldve just been patient and done research before just acting, thanks for the advice fo the future.

after i flushed with the ff sledgehammer, its been since sunday night, they've bounced back a decent amount. the one that got hit hardest by lockout is still a little yellow all over fan leaves and spots on new growth. all but one are not droppy, im not really sure why, but its not yellowing and the water time is set for 30min on and 2-3hrs off, so plenty of water going to it, just gonna have to wait and see. unless anyone has any ideas.

also, should i cut the tips off the leaves that were burnd? cut the burned tips of the leaves? or just leave them cause it could cause more shock?

no pics yet, no time really, maybe this friday night or saturday. I know it would be quite helpful to get a good diagnosis.

EDIT: on the first part of your post monkey, im only using 1/4 strength nutes. and will be for the next week until i see improvements, then i go half and so on.