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Does it stain the fingers?And this is how you end your evening....
View attachment 3347626
Idk why you got such a purp pheno....crazy.
Does it stain the fingers?And this is how you end your evening....
View attachment 3347626
Does it stain the fingers?
Idk why you got such a purp pheno....crazy.
I don't think you should eat one, but the studies pertaining to the the chemical being extremely harmful is referring to the liquid form that only certified people can obtain, not the little bit in the pest strips (the same stuff in animal flea collars). I don't use them, I have used them 2x but not on my plants and it's very effective.You call this "safe" ???
I guess what I mean is neem oil, a natural substance, is a poison as well and can kill bees, children and pets. But with safe usage, all products, organic or non organic, can be used safely. Don't be scared because it says 'warning" on the label. I guess if it scares people too muchto use it, those people sshouldn't ever clean their oven or bathrooms (ever read the stuff on those products, I'd rather eat the pest strip, I'd have more chance of survival lol)
Sorry giggsit just hurts to see so many gardens infected and people smoking bugs :/ I'll just send good vibes to everyone's garden to be pest free which ever path of Defense they choose
Honeybee = GDP x purple wreck x ???
I'm lost. I am looking for as specific of an answer as possible. I was not around for this one so I don't even know who made it or anything.