bodhi seeds

Man did I have a busy day today. Had to grab some stuff from the hydro shop then get stuff ready to make hash. I did not seperate the trim out because these plants really were not all that leafy so to get a decent run had to mix them together. I have never pulled so much out of the 120u bag. It was literally like my whole yield lol, so some big ass resin heads in this hash. I couldn't even chop it up with the razor blade, letting it dry for a day then going back at it tomorrow. Will snap a pic when I am done.
Then when I was done making bubble I had to cut down the Golden Triangle, she is big gal and just reaks... I am pretty excited, already have people saying they want a piece before seeing it just because of how dank all the other girls were. Bitch of it was the dude that wanted my fan leaves and shit for bho runs didn't answer his phone when I was done and had the shit bagged to go... Oh well his loss, he don't answer tomorrow I am chucking that shit.
The problem I have with that black and white thinking mad is like you said Amos landed perfectly in the grey. As was his intent as it is usually (to illicit response, i.e. troll) because he is not stupid and knows what will land him in trouble on here....
Point being letting things like this slide is what is giving rise the 2nd coming of the nazis in greece, along with economic downturn. Google golden dawn, shit is scary. The fact that these guys are the 3rd popular party and hold any political standing is absurd to me.

And mad, your in SA bro, Apartheid is not that long ago to you guys. Seems shit has been getting a little rowdy in your parts from some of the headlines I have been reading as of late concerning one of the death squad leaders getting parole or something to that tune. So it is still a pretty open wound for your society, where as americans seem to think its time to rip off the band aid lol.
Yeah this country is still retribution oriented as opposed to solution oriented that is for sure. It was going to change as the younger generation took over, I tell you there is a huge difference in thinking. But the youngsters have to listen to their parents hangups, and all the ones that can leave do it. So our turned on and tuned in youth, spectacular people that have married inter racially and take life by the balls, their skills are being welcomed to Canada, the UK, Spain, Australia, New Zealand. It is like this mass exodus of consciousness. The media is rife with conjecture and assumption. But half my mates are Muslim and we are trying to figure out ehy we are supposed to hate each other. Best fucking food, this is what I know Muslims for, spicy and healthy and solid food to be enjoyed around big tables with tons of people. The old guard are screwing this place up. Might as well be Zimbabwe.
You know its weird, I love spicy food (on a super hot pepper kick) but not a huge fan of curry. It just does funny shit to my insides lol, especially yellow curry.
Idk I think we will always struggle with persecution of some group or another because there is always the new kid on the block. I think Obama did a great job this week highlighting the fact that no religion is without horrible action in its history, Islam is still young compared to Christianity. We are living the muslim crusades is really what it is, for some people this scares them shitless but others know the world will continue to turn long after this chapter has unfolded.
The whole Islamic crsade is a myth. We are talking small terror groups that use religion as a justification for piracy. Its all about money. The rest is a lot of noise to cover the fact that they are huge gangs devoid of any religious principle. Pirates excusung their actions with religion. Each and every religious person I know goes for peace every time and don't like making a noise aside from Jehovas Witnesses but their faith tells them to be noisy. You murder you end in hell no matter what religious text. Islam is not a new religion, it is actually the same as Christianity, just different books written by different people, and no new testament designed by consensus in a meeting between a bunch of Romans. Same creator god, though. To find true differences go to India, thousands of gods there and no splitting hairs. 'Cool Jesus sounds awesome I will pray to him tomorrow' hahaha. I like that whole thing of don't piss ANY gods of for just in case. I mean it covers a lot of weird shit. Like the sock demon. Always kidnapping a sock so you never have pairs. Not strictly a god but hey. As credible as some dude with a beard shouting down at me to behave.
Might be time to admit I was Christian missionary. No bullshit. Lets just say I learned God has no beef with a bit of swearing, drug use, a little friction between brothers etc. No. He has much bigger fish to fry. Like the shit that goes down in His name, be it the one we gave him or the Muslim fellas did. Big beef with that shit.
I'd say Amos knows exactly what he's doing, and he's definitely said racist bullshit. He does it to get a rise out of people and he has certainly crossed the gray line of ambiguity he usually likes to hide on. As someone else said, go look at the 38% thread if you have any doubts. His vitriol for certain groups is certainly there. A short list of types of people he doesn't like: Catholics, Christians who aren't true Christians (No True Scottsman anyone?), LGBT, Muslims, Black people and liberals. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, I certainly enjoy his grows. Yet time and time again it reverted back to exactly the racist bullshit I've known. It is sad really, to have all that hate in one's heart.

And fuck yes to spicy food. Also not a fan of curry. It just doesn't do anything for me. I love ghost peppers. When they are fresh, and consumed off the vine, it's as if a hole is burned through one's intestinal lining. However I've found if you cook with them, there is a more fruit/sweetness to them and the heat is dialed down a bit.

On to Bodhi news. I've thrown into flower a bunch of plants in one gallon pots to sex them. The plants are not obvious in their gender. So I've thrown in Afkan x SL, Afkan x 88g, TER and a Pagoda I think. It was late and I had to clean up the area and cloner. I've got a feeling a few of these maybe male, but Bodhi gear can trick initial ya.
"So... You're not trading testers? Why.. You're a racist" So then you go and do some racist shit? In my book that makes you basically double stupid... I mean in my eyes if you are racist you are ignorant, but then you can also be stupid and a racist.. stupid squared shall we say?

Frankly, you're an idiot, and you either can't - or choose NOT - to see where the word racist entered the back and forth. And by who. And why. But let me help you with the why:

the perp questioned me on poor ethics, and w/o waiting for an answer, went ahead with a lecture as if it HAD been done. Then, after being corrected, he veered into other invented 'insults' - 'first time for everything'......better than being cheap AND a racist.

All of you outraged and offended folks.......go give l'il stOw a big, soothing, anti-racist racist hug.....if you haven't already.


When I asked if "Im understanding this correctly" you could have said no..... but chose to snivel about it

"Snivel"? Look, hockey chimp, the posts are just two pages back - why don't you repost some of this 'snivel'ing? My recollection, is that you were told immediately that you were wrong.

You aren't man enough to own that, so you continued with your 7 yr old remarks, and when proven wrong over and over, resorted to - in a typical LOSER tactic, ran and fetched your race card.

That's the only snivelling, childish post. You own it, hockey chimp - not me.

quite frankly, Amos might be offensive but has not quite crossed to racism yet.

... no downright offensive word was used, no group was singled out and insulted, at no point was color and a negative mentioned together.

NIce of you to notice, MH. Looks to me that the hockey chimp is a tad too eager to find any stone to toss this way....and when he misses, he name calls. Like any mature adult would....right?

I'd say Amos knows exactly what he's doing, and he's definitely said racist bullshit.

You were the first, as I recall, to say that.

So surely you can pull some of these 'racist' examples....right?

Go them.

And please........don't be like the l'il tiger - "I don't have time". In other words....don't be a wuss like the rest - back up your charge....YOU.


I told people where to find it Amos. Anyone can easily Google search 38% Quantum Kush Rollitup, go to the last page and work backwards. It isn't hard and most of us have seen that thread.

You really want to pretend you haven't said racist bullshit? You can pretend to play on the gray line and "people see what they want to see" but sadly you are not as clever as you think you are. Multiple people, including myself called you out on it. At the beginning of that thread I had thought perhaps it wasn't the case, perhaps you simply were misunderstood. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and we were at one point having civil disagreements but I was wrong. Took me a while to pick up on your game, but dude just own it. You hold racist views. Never too late to change though. Surely you can.
I'd say Amos knows exactly what he's doing, and he's definitely said racist bullshit. He does it to get a rise out of people and he has certainly crossed the gray line of ambiguity he usually likes to hide on. As someone else said, go look at the 38% thread if you have any doubts. His vitriol for certain groups is certainly there. A short list of types of people he doesn't like: Catholics, Christians who aren't true Christians (No True Scottsman anyone?), LGBT, Muslims, Black people and liberals. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, I certainly enjoy his grows. Yet time and time again it reverted back to exactly the racist bullshit I've known. It is sad really, to have all that hate in one's heart.

And fuck yes to spicy food. Also not a fan of curry. It just doesn't do anything for me. I love ghost peppers. When they are fresh, and consumed off the vine, it's as if a hole is burned through one's intestinal lining. However I've found if you cook with them, there is a more fruit/sweetness to them and the heat is dialed down a bit.

On to Bodhi news. I've thrown into flower a bunch of plants in one gallon pots to sex them. The plants are not obvious in their gender. So I've thrown in Afkan x SL, Afkan x 88g, TER and a Pagoda I think. It was late and I had to clean up the area and cloner. I've got a feeling a few of these maybe male, but Bodhi gear can trick initial ya.

IN that long list, you realize you only listed 1 "race". Religion and political affiliations does not = race.
Ahhh.. Ghost Peppers.. One of the foods just as fun coming in as going out... lol :fire::hug:

They are awesome plants to grow too. Bushy pepper plants and excellent producers. My father was laughing hysterically as I was crying from the heat. I didn't learn my lesson though, I love that feeling. I think spicy things distract the brain from chronic pain, a reason I really enjoy them.
Of course not , pie - keep your mind closed....just where you like it.

I told people where to find it Amos.

You really want to pretend you haven't said racist bullshit?

Wuss resaponse. I challenged you to post it. Of choose not to.

How did I know that would happen? Because hockey chimps, l'il tigers, and you TY, only make accusations.

IN that long list, you realize you only listed 1 "race". Religion and political affiliations does not = race.

Fair enough, I'd even say if were to be more specific about language that "Black" isn't a race either as different regions can have more nuanced definitions of racial groups.

It doesn't matter to me anyway as race is a stupid social construct usually meant to denigrate another. Point taken though.

Interesting though a religion can be consider a race by some, for instance Judaism, despite regional differences according to some.
Any of y'all order
From seed vault lately

Ive read somewhere there bait and switching
but only read that so i dont know

I really wanna make a order but nervous now
After reading a few bad reviews on another forum

To bad u cant orrder strait through bodhi
wouldnt that be nice
Of course not , pie - keep your mind closed....just where you like it.

Wuss resaponse. I challenged you to post it. Of choose not to.

How did I know that would happen? Because hockey chimps, l'il tigers, and you TY, only make accusations.

View attachment 3347211

No reason to sully a good thread. I've already cited where people can look if they are so inclined.

You are like the clueless and often racist person wondering why a "White Pride Student Group" is considered racist. It's as if context and history doesn't matter yet again.

Eta: I'm an atheist yes, and I'm not fond of religion. Yet I realize it provides something for others and can be a force of good as well in this world. I don't discriminate against others for being religious nor do I hate them. I also find religion fascinating despite not being a follower. I've visited Hindu temples, churches, synagogues, and even mosques. There is some beauty in these structures and sermons. Nevertheless the concept of god (s) has zero impact in my life and I am a follower of understanding the world through science, not myth.
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