is sex with unconscious people rape?

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Well-Known Member
i stick my cock in my sleeping girlfriend, although her sleeping ends quite abruptly
but its all good, consent was given
"are you going to wake me up with your cock again" her words

you should try it with your wife buckypoo, be a little spontaneous if you can manage that,
wifey is possibly bored of "sex Tuesdays"
obviously your girlfriend gave you consent. If you just stuck your dick in her and she woke up and said stop, what would you do ? You and yours must have some agreement that you both enjoy. Not every female is that way


Well-Known Member
morning breath, ewww dude that is nasty
I suggest kissing your lady on the neck and ears. She will wake and you two can both enjoy a pleasant sexual encounter. Just shoving your dick in her while she is sleeping can be view as abusive and uncaring.


Well-Known Member
you prefer
so you have tried both >?
for me its not a preference as i have never had sex with a non willing lady to form a comparison like you just did
i'd say someone who is sleeping is not willing. they are sleeping.

how uncomfortable and awkward is the silence in your apartment when domestic violence PSAs come on the television?


Well-Known Member
I suggest kissing your lady on the neck and ears. She will wake and you two can both enjoy a pleasant sexual encounter. Just shoving your dick in her while she is sleeping can be view as abusive and uncaring.
i'm just wondering how he even gets it in there without tearing her up.

since i'm not a woman, i can't say, but i don't imagine things are very wet down there in the middle of a nap.


Well-Known Member
Then i very much doubt you have even been in a long term relationship, or that you actually have a wife
must be sad for you all alone
you don't think i am married because i don't stick my dick into sleeping people?

your delusions are rampant.

leave it up to good ol' "global warming is a hoax" "benghazi is a SCANDAL!" "obama is a failure" skunkdoc to defend the practice of raping those who are asleep.


Well-Known Member
you don't think i am married because i don't stick my dick into sleeping people?
if your wife has never requested that you wake her up with you cock then there are only two possibilites

1 you do not actually have a wife or have never been in a long term relationship
2 your wife does exist but she does not enjoy sex with you
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