Forced THC Production

Can these be achieved thur sulfurdmolasses? I feed with in sulfurohed by grandmas and have always had very frosty flowers, always been schooled to choose unsulphured, can't remember why tho, and I remeber reading a discussion on wether to use sulfurd or un, any answers on reasons why and why not each is good or not good would be appreciated
Unsulfured molasses has sulfur in it though not much and the reason for using unsulfured is more about the process than the benefit. I actually don't use molasses because it can mess up the nute ratios. The best way to go is via sulfates as they don't alter PH and are readily available to the plant.
Don't mean to sound ignorant, can you explain sulfate a if it's a pain I can look it up but. I figured I'd ask you
First off, I breed, and IME seeded buds are more resinous as they do it to protect the seeds, the cannibanoid profile is different and thus makes a different kind of high which I actually prefer but I still grow non seeded buds to see the differences.

There are lots of ways to increase trics but IMO deep blue + UV light is the best

I have bitten leaves off, didn't do much. You can use Insect Frass or aspirin to induce a SAR response but it is minimal at best IME There is also Jasmonite but like I said (and I have done it all LOL) Deep blue light with added UV and plenty of available sulfur and you too can grow trics :hump:

This is week five of flower ,,,,,
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Look at that PLANT!

I'm using some 400-700nm Blue LEDs on a few seedlings, I'm planning to bring them intot he bloom room with som UV floro tubes when buds begin. sound like a plan?


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Anyway I looked at my sweet berry and it does contain sulphur and magnesium.. Also hopefully my uvb light will be here before my plant is done. If not I have another little sucker going. I got a 54watt t5 at 420nm and a 10000k bulb to offset my 3000k cxa bulbs
sulfuric acid instead of PH down is an easy sulfur source you don't have to think about, just use as PH down. Note you will have to mix it with water to make it safe to handle, you will have to be careful mixing, but then can be treated as normal PH down. Don't be afraid, not a job for the 5 year old, but us adults should be able to be careful for the 30 seconds it takes to mix and you only have to do it once.
Okay so I know the reason stated for sensi having more resin is due to the plant trying to grab pollen up. However, reading Wikipedia about THC says it's produced to deter herbivores. I know of plants being smart in their defenses by detecting like what is attacking it, if it was to detect an herbivore attack vs something else.. you should be able to replicate a deer attack with deer saliva, etc. ("What Plants Talk About" on Netflix)

So my hypothesis is after the plant is pollenated it doesnt care to deter once it can get its seeds out, thus not producing as much resin.

What do you all think about this possible tactic at forcing resin production? I assume this would work with any type of saliva (rabbit, deer, human) in foliage would probably work. Like bite a chunk of leaf or into bud, simply trimming your plants or pulling leaves will only trigger a physical and not chemical response.

Posted on phone so format is off

First off, none of those early "theories" are correct except by accident. So, to take as fact, an unknown and then try to use it as a fact when it is unknown, is just asking for failure.

When deer, or a rabbit or any small mammal, can attack Ganja is when it is small. And when it is small it has no resin.

When the main cola is up in the air, 10 feet, the buds are not accessable to any mammal except elephant and giraffe.

Now think of the landrace strains at 12, 000 feet in Afghanistan. Not many mammals at all.

So, just base logic says that is a raw guess. And then to add saliva as the mechanism is just guess on guess.

A strain that is taken well care, and pampered will produce the best meds.
sulfuric acid instead of PH down is an easy sulfur source you don't have to think about, just use as PH down. Note you will have to mix it with water to make it safe to handle, you will have to be careful mixing, but then can be treated as normal PH down. Don't be afraid, not a job for the 5 year old, but us adults should be able to be careful for the 30 seconds it takes to mix and you only have to do it once.

don't forget: always add acid to water, never ever add water to acid!!!!!!
don't forget: always add acid to water, never ever add water to acid!!!!!!
Where eye protection too. Eyes are really the only place that has any risk of permanent injury. Battery acid doesn't burn skin very fast, I've had a few drops get on my hands filling lawnmower and other small batteries, if washed immediately there was no effect at all, if washed after finishing filling the battery there was a itchy sting for the rest of the day on the area with a minor redness and some rough dry skin for a couple of days after. Shooting off a bottle rocket is far more dangerous than mixing sulfuric acid with water. If you are too afraid to do either or both I have chicken sounds and a dance to taunt you with.
Where eye protection too. Eyes are really the only place that has any risk of permanent injury. Battery acid doesn't burn skin very fast, I've had a few drops get on my hands filling lawnmower and other small batteries, if washed immediately there was no effect at all, if washed after finishing filling the battery there was a itchy sting for the rest of the day on the area with a minor redness and some rough dry skin for a couple of days after. Shooting off a bottle rocket is far more dangerous than mixing sulfuric acid with water. If you are too afraid to do either or both I have chicken sounds and a dance to taunt you with.
haha, I have 13M HCl. I add acid to water, :) yes, depending on what you're doing eye protection is a good idea. that's a good point. safety first, even if you end up looking like you're in a level 4 BSL, lol.
First off, none of those early "theories" are correct except by accident. So, to take as fact, an unknown and then try to use it as a fact when it is unknown, is just asking for failure.

When deer, or a rabbit or any small mammal, can attack Ganja is when it is small. And when it is small it has no resin.
I believe most vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system whereas bugs do not. The plant produces THC in response to bugs not herbivores, although I would imagine most would be deterred. Another clue to this is that there is more THC produced on the trichomes which grow on the veins of leaves.
I think its also important to realize that THC may serve many purposes for the plant and that there is most likely no single reason. That's common in many of the terpenes produced. They serve multiple functions.
First off, none of those early "theories" are correct except by accident. So, to take as fact, an unknown and then try to use it as a fact when it is unknown, is just asking for failure.

When deer, or a rabbit or any small mammal, can attack Ganja is when it is small. And when it is small it has no resin.

When the main cola is up in the air, 10 feet, the buds are not accessable to any mammal except elephant and giraffe.

Now think of the landrace strains at 12, 000 feet in Afghanistan. Not many mammals at all.

So, just base logic says that is a raw guess. And then to add saliva as the mechanism is just guess on guess.

A strain that is taken well care, and pampered will produce the best meds.
Well, in the midwest US most pot plants don't grow 12 ft tall. In fact almost none of the outdoor plants I grew guerilla style in the midwest got much over 6 ft tall. And until you have a couple of your 6 ft nearly fully flower plants eaten by white tale deer I guess it's not an issue. Also have you seen deer eat, they'll strip a 10 ft or 12 ft plant down by pushing it over. Deer love fully mature plants in my experience. Cheers.