Synthetic Metals


Well-Known Member
Wondering how you can make your own iron synthetically?

1x alchemy bench
1x organic iron

Put organic iron on the alchemy bench, mix it with some chemicals, and it's now synthetic iron. Careful, now that you've introduced the chemicals, this mixture is toxic. (see DIY Chemistry guide)

Use fake iron to grow weed you intend your enemies to smoke. It's so stealth, they won't notice the difference, until it's too late of course... :twisted:
Mix the iron with chemicals like... sulfuric acid or nitric acid.. producing harmful salts such as:



And since you don't know what either of those things are, it WILL KILL YOU. This is why you should only use these chemicals on people you absolutely hate. Save the organic iron for your own garden.
BORON.... i thought boron was essential for cell wall structure.My wack job of a teacher was explaining to us how its the most widely overloverlooked deficiency in plants. Idk. I thought it had to do a lot with the height of the plant.....
BORON.... i thought boron was essential for cell wall structure.My wack job of a teacher was explaining to us how its the most widely overloverlooked deficiency in plants. Idk. I thought it had to do a lot with the height of the plant.....
its a private joke, listen to your teacher bro, however question the validity of the statement 'the MOST overlooked is boron'?
It's true that you need boron, but you must have organic boron. Instead of making a separate thread, I will just post a new DIY here. On synthetic boron though..

How to make Synthetic Boron.

1x alchemy bench
2x organic boron

Start by putting the organic boron on the alchemy bench. Okay, this is where it starts getting dangerous. Mix the boron with chemicals. Be careful with the resulting product, as it now contains synthetic boron. Use with care. Synthetic boron will burn your fucking mouth off.

A few milligrams of fake boron in the reservoir is all that's needed to trick people into thinking your product was organic when it's really not.

Keep the organic boron for yourself bro. That shit is sustainable boron.

BORON.... i thought boron was essential for cell wall structure.My wack job of a teacher was explaining to us how its the most widely overloverlooked deficiency in plants. Idk. I thought it had to do a lot with the height of the plant.....
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