Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

I fond the cure to my wife uncomfortably, we are happier and way more understanding of life and nature, ya know more peace and love bro. And for that i am faithfull that the good will prevail.
I'm Nate. I had an account back in 2007 or 2008 I think but couldn't figure out the login or email for it. Been growing since then, glad to be here.
Me? Im pushing a 400w hps and a 4ft t5 for that exra spectrum for flower. Veg. Is still undecided.
JUST IN!! 150w hps. For veg. Will be here in 10 days! PERFECT!!!
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Just ordered the 150w hps for my veg room. I question will 150w mh bulb work in the hps ballast. I think its called sun burst at amozon.
Welcome super spliff, Im new here too sorry to hear about your condition. The dude in the pic is snoop dog he's a rapper who broke out around 92 or so and has always been an advocate for smoking herbs. I too spent 11 yrs without messing around until a couple yrs ago my back went nuts on me not as severe as you but none the less painful. I believe the anti inflamitory properties in MJ help me out, enough said. what kind of boat do you sail? I presume you must be somewhere close to the ocean. I bet its really beautiful out on that water. I'll talk to you later Super the people on this site are very nice and helpful I admire you for reaching out to the community. Have a great day and hope all is well.
Thanks. I am still trying to learn how this site works so if something ends up in the wrong place, let me know. I can't even figure out how to "like" something. Anyway, right now we just have a little Macgregor 26d sailboat. My wife was born in Key West and we have a few friends left down there but right now, we are in South Dakota (YUCK!!!) Great people but its just too cold in the winter for me. We are preparing this boat to sail on "The Great Loop" http://www.captainjohn.org/

We will sail from South Dakota to Key West...or that is what we want to try anyway. Not sure I am in good enough shape for big open water anymore.
Super spliff welcome!! I too am a new member and actually first time posting pics and asking for support. Feels so good to share with people who understand the beauty and importance of it all. Quick story about me. My wife is a beautiful woman and she has very thin skin on her hands and they breaks out at times. So one day we saw this show about how cannibis is the cure!!?? So i say babe try this!!! And from that point on she has had no sign of the problem, the doc./specialist Didn't know what the problem was!! They prescribed her lotion at $45 a pop for 3year. I found the cure for what ever it is she has!! (sorry babe) people have too know.
I really believe that the big pharmaceutical companies are responsible for holding back MJ legalization for medical use. I am still trying to figure out how to "like" things on this forum. I can't seem to load the chat for some reason. Says "rejected by server"?
I really believe that the big pharmaceutical companies are responsible for holding back MJ legalization for medical use. I am still trying to figure out how to "like" things on this forum. I can't seem to load the chat for some reason. Says "rejected by server"?
??? Hum strange.
Thanks. I am still trying to learn how this site works so if something ends up in the wrong place, let me know. I can't even figure out how to "like" something. Anyway, right now we just have a little Macgregor 26d sailboat. My wife was born in Key West and we have a few friends left down there but right now, we are in South Dakota (YUCK!!!) Great people but its just too cold in the winter for me. We are preparing this boat to sail on "The Great Loop" http://www.captainjohn.org/

We will sail from South Dakota to Key West...or that is what we want to try anyway. Not sure I am in good enough shape for big open water anymore.
South Dakota is a scary state they got that possession by ingestion shit zero and tolerance I personally stay the hell outta SD. Down at the bottom of each posting there is the words like and reply click on the like to show you like certain posts and of course click on reply to do so. I bet your wife absolutely hates how cold it gets there in SD lol talk to you later spliff
South Dakota is a scary state they got that possession by ingestion shit zero and tolerance I personally stay the hell outta SD. Down at the bottom of each posting there is the words like and reply click on the like to show you like certain posts and of course click on reply to do so. I bet your wife absolutely hates how cold it gets there in SD lol talk to you later spliff

I cannot get out of South Dakota fast enough but they really do not take any action against a user other than a small fine. They are looking more for trunks full of weed. I am unsure why every one with a trunk full of weed drives 90 mph through the state though. Seems they grab one a month.

I added a screen shot and there is no "like' button by the "reply" for me to hit. Maybe because I am new here? Anyway, good to meet you and I appreciate all who have taken a little time to help me learn how to get a round a bit here on Rollit. Thanks

Sounds crazy spliff, anyone driving with a trunk full of bud make us all look f@$!#& up. Its all about peace and love, right??
I agree. On most occasions, they are catching these people with other drugs too so they are doing this to themselves as far as I am concerned. I stick with people who only work with cannabis. The other stuff can be nasty.

You are right, they make us all look bad when they do that.