Reasonable access not an option if you live in Alberta

Alberta has never had reasonable access. I spent 10+ years trying to get a doctor here to sign, dozens of different GP's and specialists, not a single one would. There's a clinic in Calgary that will sign now, only one in Alberta, shit out of luck if you live anywhere else.
so how many provinces have banned telemedicine? hope this doesnt fuck me over when it comes time for me to renew my document, i went thru a clinic in Ontario. fuck this backward movement put one foot forward and 10 behind
the 5th estate just showed Canna Clinic doing skype Dr visits..the was the recent show they did "Pot Fiction" it was at the beginning of the show. those guys are snakes...
Send one to the hufington post newspaper too. They run lots of MMJ friendly articles. Good for you symptom stand up for your and everyone's rights as MMJ user. We all need to be vocal against the bs the government is trying to pull!!! IMO the more people who stand up against this twisted vendetata against MMJ users the more chance we have of making a difference.

Manitoba has done same thing went to renew prescription and was told by Green leaf it is no longer possible since Jan 1 and was because Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons has changed rules and it now says doctors may only authorize marijuana for patients for whom the doctor is the primary treating physician for the condition for which the marijuana is authorized so if you have seen your family doctor and he doesn't want to sign you are out of luck not sure what to do now?
So for them moving forward mean going backwards and putting people thru a circus to get legal.....but booze is legal and sold everywhere.
You know if i had a Doctor like that I'd tell him well ' I'll already use it and you aren't gonna stop me "....fucking ridiculous.
Ya simply gotta stand up for yourself in this day and age.
That sucks for me. I had a doctor in Manitoba and he passed away last year but since the injunction I have been in limbo but the donoharmclinic said they would take me sadly now that isn't an option. What bs next so pharma can kill more!!!!
Manitoba has done same thing went to renew prescription and was told by Green leaf it is no longer possible since Jan 1 and was because Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons has changed rules and it now says doctors may only authorize marijuana for patients for whom the doctor is the primary treating physician for the condition for which the marijuana is authorized so if you have seen your family doctor and he doesn't want to sign you are out of luck not sure what to do now?
When my doc refused to sign I fired him on the spot. I made contact with MCRCI in Vancouver and got an appt. with a skype doc at their clinic. I haven't seen another dr. in the 4 years since so I guess that makes him my primary physician.
fuck, so if ontario follows suit and does the same im screwed too, i got a script for 6 months and when its up for renewal i sure hope skype shit hasnt been banned
Manitoba has done same thing went to renew prescription and was told by Green leaf it is no longer possible since Jan 1 and was because Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons has changed rules and it now says doctors may only authorize marijuana for patients for whom the doctor is the primary treating physician for the condition for which the marijuana is authorized so if you have seen your family doctor and he doesn't want to sign you are out of luck not sure what to do now?

Your real problem isn't the College of P & S in manitoba, it is the College of P & S in BC which is strongly suggesting to their provincial doctors not to do telemedicine.
You might want to contact Dr Hart in London Ont ( I have no affiliation with him )