Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Kim Kardashians Data commercial is so god damn fucjking stupid...she shoud be ashamed of herself....What the fuck is the point of it ... to show off her nasty fat cellulite ass?

I don't remember what thread you asked about it, it this seems as good a place as ever.

I am enjoying being a dad a great deal. I could stare at that kids face all day. I am pretty sure he likes me even though I sometimes smell like Otto's jacket. I sing to him a lot. He doesn't cry during my changing him but goes pretty insane when his mom does it. But in all other ways he ability to sooth surpasses mine.

Today is his one month birthday. He's growing like mad! He has gained 45 ounces in 31 days. That's impressive in a grow room. A whole lot of his growth is in length. He has grown two inches and outgrown a whole late of his clothes already. And he only has 4% body fat thanks to his strict training regimen. ;)

He has kept his mother mostly tired and frowsy with his insatiable thirst. He smells pretty good mostly - but not always. Fortunately, I like the way she looks frowsy.

He seems to most enjoy farting. The expressions when he does it are hysterical. It must be nice to just be able to poop in your sleep.

We're pretty psyched about him. Vaccination time next week. Nice timing with the measles.

I don't remember what thread you asked about it, it this seems as good a place as ever.

I am enjoying being a dad a great deal. I could stare at that kids face all day. I am pretty sure he likes me even though I sometimes smell like Otto's jacket. I sing to him a lot. He doesn't cry during my changing him but goes pretty insane when his mom does it. But in all other ways he ability to sooth surpasses mine.

Today is his one month birthday. He's growing like mad! He has gained 45 ounces in 31 days. That's impressive in a grow room. A whole lot of his growth is in length. He has grown two inches and outgrown a whole late of his clothes already. And he only has 4% body fat thanks to his strict training regimen. ;)

He has kept his mother mostly tired and frowsy with his insatiable thirst. He smells pretty good mostly - but not always. Fortunately, I like the way she looks frowsy.

He seems to most enjoy farting. The expressions when he does it are hysterical. It must be nice to just be able to poop in your sleep.

We're pretty psyched about him. Vaccination time next week. Nice timing with the measles.

How much do you think he'll yield?