Well-Known Member
Last week Deflategate, this week Cup-alooza!WOW?! REALLY?! LMFAO!!!! HELLO, WHY THE FUCK ELSE WOULD I BE DOING THIS?! J/K I love this shit! Winner does host the next one though!
Last week Deflategate, this week Cup-alooza!WOW?! REALLY?! LMFAO!!!! HELLO, WHY THE FUCK ELSE WOULD I BE DOING THIS?! J/K I love this shit! Winner does host the next one though!
In the co-operative spirit of international competition.............Is it still a 16 ounce cup? It says so on the bottom and packaging!.
Yes as long as stays same through outI asked in the registration thread, but I don't think FC is checking that one anymore. Is 12.5/11.5 acceptable? Or do we need to stick with straight 13/11, 12/12, or 11/13? I'm good either way, just wanted to get clarification if that was ok or not. Would be the same all the way through the comp.
Brotha, I made the rules post while dabbed out.... It can't be that hard to read 'em! Or follow them for that matter!I just read through all this(ya, kill me now) and the one thing I have to say is...READ THE RULES!!!....there is ONLY 11 OF THEM and THEY ARE IN POST #1.
Every 7/11 in the nation sells 16oz party cups...and usually can score some ping pong balls with them too.
There are many side effects of burning herb...but you should still be able to read one post...even totally dabbed out. It's the only post other than your own that should matter.
They'll be fine... It took slightly over a week to get to my mailbox.... Keep in mind, seeds last through winter, cold doesn't bother 'em. That's kinda how they grow in the spring....@FrozenChozen how long did it take to get your seeds from provision seeds? Been worried that they'll stay out in my mail box all day once they get here and freeze so i been checking my box every day.
So where is this pdf? And if you don't have it, who are you expecting to type it out?I'm thinking a downloadable/web-viewable pdf, stating rules, ramifications if rules are broken, and unique scenarios that answer 99% of past "what if I" questions (which would be amendable throughout future cup comps) would simplify the entirety of this competition for contestants.
Some are going to feel that this approach/solution is overkill and that contestants should have enough common sense to figure things out for themselves but the reality is that this is a website/forum that catters to potheads, who aren't exactly the brightest in the bunch.
This measure would also ease the burden of the cup comp supervisor (frozen in this case).
Better just drop out now12 pages of rules explanations and where do they sell 16 oz cups, I'm getting a headache.