The UK Growers Thread!

Frigg me, & I thought I was the only one ! Lol, I'm using 12 pot f&d alien system , what u want to know ?, I can tell u what not to do , ie, don't flood too often , once an hr tops, don't put 3 month old soil grown plants in it, cut down on nutes , start small & work up.
It's more in terms of the build and set up the brain pot I have no idea do you have operating instructions ?
Really missed being stoned 24/7 been super productive

I dunno how u do it relax, I couldn't ly about stoned all week doin nothing, feels like a waste, need to be working. I could probly do it if I had an unlimited cash fund, but then I wouldn't wanna cos if be living it up, each to ther own m8. Doesn't she give u a hard time for it? In German too, fuck I couldn't listen to that lol
Ah man she busts my damn chops for it, sadly I have to get a job sooner or later socials really riding me to get a job but for the time being im one happy lad, might head out with the dog in a while down the woods lol I get shit done like i got up at five got my workout done was the first in my dole q n all #productivedawg
was a maggot infested vag mate on a living women, had potential for a good lil joke but im making me bacon sarnie n it was making me feel sick again lol
i thought you were the main pimp in your valley? what with molly n dolly you must be a busy chap.........
