The UK Growers Thread!

So we bought a new motor a couple of months ago, a 2007 Suzuki Swift Sport.

Off some dodgy paki's running a Suzuki branded dealership in Rochdale, a fucking headache from the start it's been.

The car is fucking brilliant, if this particular example hadn't been mistreated.

Paid 3600 quid for the fucker with no guarantee and since we've had it it's had a Suzuki service, a complete coolant change (I've to do it this week) and 2 new lower suspension arms.

The Mrs has just rung and told me she's taken it in for the MOT and it's failed on leaking brakes, waiting on a quote.

yeh same as that brought astra h 1.9cdti sri spec 3500 massfly wheel and clutch went 2 weeks after haven it the dealer paid for the parts i paid 400 to get it fitted since then new gear box battrey alanator engine mount front wheel bearing brake pads disc all round handbrake cable and callapirs and now the clutch and gearbox thats another 2k think ill just scrap it spend 2k on something else
yeh same as that brought astra h 1.9cdti sri spec 3500 massfly wheel and clutch went 2 weeks after haven it the dealer paid for the parts i paid 400 to get it fitted since then new gear box battrey alanator engine mount front wheel bearing brake pads disc all round handbrake cable and callapirs and now the clutch and gearbox thats another 2k think ill just scrap it spend 2k on something else

Kin'ell that's harsh man.
ive been looking at the dwc but same as the rest of them dont wanna make the jump incase i fuck it up only just learning growing in coco lol
Summat like this.

if you are worried about yields why not just use your whole grow tent instead of half of it? lol
i see isis have topped that jordainian pilot, burnt the poor fucker alive theres a vid not long been released that shows it briefly along with some really well edited etc ''confessions'' from the pilot, they are some nasty fucks but they do make a mean gore vid lol

i like how Jordan said a few days ago tho that if he was killed that they will kill all isis prisoners that they have.

i was just finsihing me coffee ghet, had that typed out for ages ya git lol
Lol ya sick fucker I'm having more Sikh kebabs tonight better than takeaway ones ;)

im not linking it, is a boring vid in paki lingo anyway very well made mind but unless you speak paki carnt understand most of it lol only shows him burning briefly in a 22min pgander vid most sites will take it down quicktime cause it is a full on pro isis vid.

what you got ghet then the mince they make the kebabs with? could shape one up like a burger, bit of mint yorgut or garlic mayo maybe even go wild n add some salad would be tasty.
Yeh man its just lamb mince and they chuck a load of onion and spices n shit in it me mate gave me a little packet to sprinkle on it as well just makes it that bit better Mrs said that to me make burgers out of em but I'm a bit fussy with lamb don't think I'd like it in a burger not unless I did em really'd love it mate haha you'd have a great kilo burger that could feed 5 men
Hi all ,I'm new to forum , I've recently bought a used alien flood and drain system from a friend who emigrated but he didn't have the set up or operating instructions can any one help I have all this kit and not a clue ,tried emailing alien but the haven't got back to me
Great forum btw people learnt more in the last few days than I could imagine
Thanks in advance