Well-Known Member
I sense a "fire sale" soon. OP, you own any property and/or cool stuff? I'd like to get an early bid in, thanks
So about a month ago I got a charge for possession and the judge tolo me to take some bullshit Propaganda course online. He told me in court the class was 50 dollars but when I got to the course website it says 80.
I'm not going to do the course. I'm gonna tell him here's your 50 bucks and you should have evaluated the course and the fee before disclosing the fine to me. I know it's 30 bucks but fuck that. I'm not going to waste my time and pay more money because I wasn't informed properly. Thoughts? I'm really not intimidated by them at all...
Risking jail or further scrutiny for $30? No disrespect, but how old are you? Do you grow?
I wrote my message before reading threw the thread. I went back and read it and realized that someone already informed op that his decision to act like an idiot was hella gangsta . I didn't want to clog up the thread with to much of the same stuff, and that's pretty much what's going on here.So about a month ago I got a charge for possession and the judge tolo me to take some bullshit Propaganda course online. He told me in court the class was 50 dollars but when I got to the course website it says 80.
I'm not going to do the course. I'm gonna tell him here's your 50 bucks and you should have evaluated the course and the fee before disclosing the fine to me. I know it's 30 bucks but fuck that. I'm not going to waste my time and pay more money because I wasn't informed properly. Thoughts? I'm really not intimidated by them at all...
FUCK!!!! you're hella gangsta!!
OP must be on a budget...going aggravated for 30$
fuck that gay ass course society as a whole is so stupid the judge honestly thinks that you will benefit from taking this and so do cops since theyre all brain washed fucks. full grown adults cant even make their own decisions on what they want to do to their own bodies because the system is set up for profit and if you make money in any way that isnt taxed you get thrown in prison where they profit off you either way, life is a big fucking trap fuck society i want to be free
Just give them whatever they want.. It's your fault you're the one that got caught!less money for them it's not about that at all.
I would like to ask you the same question. You don't risk jail time for telling a judge about a mistake they made. And you did disrespect me. This is the problem, no one stands for themselves anymore
I'm old enough to have been to court a BUNCH of times, and to know which battles to choose. I don't think the cost increase is going to matter to the judge. I don't think he'll find you in contempt if you're polite, but he could and I've seen it happen. Most of us smart growers don't argue with most unfair laws, we're trying to fly under the radar as much as possible. If I get a ticket unfair or not, I pay right away. If the police are being dicks, I say yes sir. I'm all for sticking it to the man (which is a reason I grow), but if you're gonna last in this game you gotta pick your battles...
Good luck with that.
You should put together a bullet point list of things that you're "gonna tell the judge", that way you appear organized in the courtroom.
Let us know how it goes!
"Things you don't say to a Judge"
I would think "No" would be at the top of the list.
Just sayin.
This is the problem, no one stands for themselves anymore
Not when it comes to the court system... thats what lawyers are for. I stay quiet and only say yes sir no sir and short answers if im asked something by the judge, always being careful. I definitely wouldnt correct them on a price and say that i refuse to do it. Thatll probably cost more money and maybe other penalties. Everyone in court will laugh and youll be on an episode of the worlds dumbest or somethin.