leaves still drooping

Hey i use to post everything that happend to my plants and ppl started to stop helping me before u come here google it man but if i was u id trim that plant up alil those leaves are probably to heavy for ur stalk and the weight is pulling it down its eother gunna break off or fall off so cut a few and see if.that helps

Do you know how retarded that sounds.

Dude the leaves are to heavy they will break off.

You really think if a leaf is to heavy that it could support the weight of the bud.

Op, leave em be. Don't pull leaves.
Smiles all over my face reading about leaves?
Hold on here....I have buckets full of dead leaves...I really enjoy putting the mite leaves in a bucket of water too!
Stress the Plant...pure bullshit
Once again more from my mentor lets see urs


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Dude ive read the whole grow bible and love in Colorado where i kno.tons of ppl who grow fuxk mother nature we are changing the course of growing to produce more bud why do ppl mainline and top and.fim and lst thats not normal oh ya its cuz.it works if u wanna make me look stupid maybe u should go read some shit to ive read every fuckin post thread and journal for growing weed Ive been reading for years and everyone trims

No we tweak growing techniques for better yield.

You kinda sound like every other moron that thinks mother nature needs our help.

That all we do is try to replicate nature.

Mother nature got it right.
No we tweak growing techniques for better yield.

You kinda sound like every other moron that thinks mother nature needs our help.

That all we do is try to replicate nature.

Mother nature got it right.
And u sound like a.fuck wad dose mother nature mainline? Or is that just alil tweak ? Go back to the drawing board dude cuz ur smoken tweak if u think that and as to that other idiot saying stree casues pest thats about the stupidest shit ive ever heard
And u sound like a.fuck wad dose mother nature mainline? Or is that just alil tweak ? Go back to the drawing board dude cuz ur smoken tweak if u think that and as to that other idiot saying stree casues pest thats about the stupidest shit ive ever heard
You just continue to spew shit, a room full of plants, the highest stressed or sickest plant will attract the pests first. HOW many times do I have to make you look stupid today?
Just to give u alil something to look at this is my mentors grow just his mothers and those are all 25 gallon pots tell me he dont kno what hes talkin about and srry for jacken ur post bro im just tryin go help this is half of one of his grows

Those 25 gallon pots look awful close to the same size as that 5 gallon water bottle! LOL!!

Enough with the mentor pics... Lets see your plants!!

Also heavy leafs do not just fall off of a plant and every leaf is there for a reason...... If a plant could grow better with less leafs then don't you think they would grow that way??
If that makes me look stupid bro u need to re evaluate heres mine


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If that makes me look stupid bro u need to re evaluate heres mine
yeah,not impressed, every time you type something, it makes you look more dumb. Just sayin


Unfortunately, trees and shrubs growing in urban landscapes are subject to a variety of stress factors that may increase their susceptibility to insects and other opportunistic arthropod pests


Not only does it emphasize plant health over pest management,
yeah,not impressed, every time you type something, it makes you look more dumb. Just sayin


Unfortunately, trees and shrubs growing in urban landscapes are subject to a variety of stress factors that may increase their susceptibility to insects and other opportunistic arthropod pests


Not only does it emphasize plant health over pest management,
Look at ur tiny ass shit not impressed im not even gunna start dude how about show me some indoor stress pest problems. and if i look stupid ur a idiot cuz u keep talking to me so how about u leave me outta it i give two fucks about what u think
Look at ur tiny ass shit not impressed im not even gunna start dude how about show me some indoor stress pest problems. and if i look stupid ur a idiot cuz u keep talking to me so how about u leave me outta it i give two fucks about what u think
you keep replying with stupid shit, I keep proving it true.My tiny ass plant is LSTed, if I untied it, it would double, so what now?
see all those tops all level with each other? and if 4 ft is tiny ass for ak, then you are right, i should pull some leaves to make it look bigger, jackass
Bro your worried about a super healthy plant. Leaves droop sometimes, its doesn't mean shit. This is your second post on the same issue. We told you you were fine last time. Don't cut your leaves, leaves are the direct result of larger buds. Buds don't absorb light. I hate to see your post when you have a yellow leaf. I used to be the same way always chasing imaginary problems and in turn creating real problems. Bottom line is leave it alone its fine.