The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Mmmm looks nice which is which I like the look of the top one
thats spose to be the 00 its as good as any 00 ive ever had but i dont really beleive we get the ''real'' 00 the dirty moroccons keep that first seive i.e real 00 to themselfs, dont get me wrong tho thats some banging hash no need for a flame very pliable and bubbles up nice with a lick of a flame.

the other is really nice too and no arse cheese smell lol i dont really buy that either not saying it dont happen but i do say the name culero has become a by-word for any high grade hash of that type the dark pliable very strong type i mean.


Well-Known Member
Lmao that arse cheese smelling one was some really nice smoke man proper power as well lol was from an Italian vendor can't remember the name tho might of been kriminal or something??? Yeh that hash looks nice man the 00 is a nice smoke that and the paki off spanishfly some of the best hash off the dn I'd put the butt cheese up there too lol very nive smoke


Well-Known Member
Lmao that arse cheese smelling one was some really nice smoke man proper power as well lol was from an Italian vendor can't remember the name tho might of been kriminal or something??? Yeh that hash looks nice man the 00 is a nice smoke that and the paki off spanishfly some of the best hash off the dn I'd put the butt cheese up there too lol very nive smoke
ive had the culero a few times its deffo some of the best ive had, that culero in the pic is really nice too but i would say ive had better it still bubbles up lovely with a flame and i only do that just to see how oily it is, theres no need for a flame u just pick bits off it.

that 00 is lovely tho, i do prefer that out the two pretty cheap also paid bout 70quid for the 12g.


Well-Known Member
Yeh ive just looked he's still on there selling the butt cheese lol kriminale is his name seriously its some really nice hash .....when I get some coins next I'm getting some more lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh ive just looked he's still on there selling the butt cheese lol kriminale is his name seriously its some really nice hash .....when I get some coins next I'm getting some more lol
yeah ive had some lovely hash from italy before and good coke, never heard of that vendor tho ill have to have a look.


Well-Known Member
aint the most effective way to kill some either by the sound of it lol fuck that!

ill take the lethal injection please lol shitload of benzo to keep me calm n sleepy then hit me with a mega smack dose whilst im snoozing off the benzos yeah that would do me lol

or enough of and the right barbituites, they will just make you sleep n die.


Well-Known Member
Seppuku or Japanese ritual suicide must be one of the most horrifying to have witnessed, basically it was an honour thing so u stuck yourself with a special razor sharp knife in the abdomen and drew it across your guts whilst keeping a strait face, ur best mate was then entrusted to semi behead you with a katana, leaving a small bidge of tissue so as the head did not roll off the neck....honour then saved, get any of it wrong and its like no credit, all for nothing. Some of them used to show off by stabbing out both their eyes before they gutted themselves ffs lol


Well-Known Member
i know mate but them crazy nips still fucking beleived there ruler/prime minister/president you get the drift lol that he was some sort of all powerful god up till the yanks bombed em back to sense lol

they found a few of them crazy mofos hidden in the jungles over the years, ages after the war had finsihed but them looneys where still thinking it was on lol


Well-Known Member
aint the most effective way to kill some either by the sound of it lol fuck that!

ill take the lethal injection please lol shitload of benzo to keep me calm n sleepy then hit me with a mega smack dose whilst im snoozing off the benzos yeah that would do me lol

or enough of and the right barbituites, they will just make you sleep n die.
Nah man enough voltage and the job be good fck that 2000v bs want at least 10kv :)


Well-Known Member
aint the most effective way to kill some either by the sound of it lol fuck that!

ill take the lethal injection please lol shitload of benzo to keep me calm n sleepy then hit me with a mega smack dose whilst im snoozing off the benzos yeah that would do me lol

or enough of and the right barbituites, they will just make you sleep n die.
best way is bullet to the brainstem its all over instantly, wont feel or hear a thing, ur dead b4 the sound can reach the ear, edit , that's the old gun in the roof of the mouth pointing slightly up and back lol


Well-Known Member
Just had a good clean out in the flower tent and tied all the gals up the zlh is taller than my Mrs hopefully gonna be a nice yielder....didn't see any live gnats either so the hot shot is doing the trick :)


Well-Known Member
Anyone heard of lemonfizz or lemonade strains? apparently they are both SLH crosses (but nowhere near as lemony) they are getting more popular down here even tho they taste shittier than SLH, i just dont understand why you would breed a lemon strain with less lemon than when you started??