The UK Growers Thread!

its not unstable which is why it expresses, one of the most common causes of fascication is genetic damage the most common cause recently of this phenomonen is caesium 134 daughter isotopes of uranium 235 decay. We can all google mate

lol, only posted it as i was reading it in another thread a few minutes before i saw ur post lol
gnats is the problem I've been battling with em for a while now the little cunts hopefully these will have rid em in a few days then I can just crack on as normal....I'm just worried about breathing the stuff in.....a couple of hot days ain't gonna hurt the plants much
did you even try that gnatrol I was telling you about shits organic lol
caesium is in the same column in the periodic table as potassium so has similar properties, the plant uptakes the caesium instead of the k and the plant gets fucked by gamma and alpha mainly, this will affecr the structure of dna and therefore the gene expression
did you even try that gnatrol I was telling you about shits organic lol mate in was gonna order it then I heard these things wipe everything out so I went for them instead was only after I ordered em I noticed the health warnings long as I keep the tent shut and extraction off I should be n Mrs might have to kip on sofa for a couple of nights lmao
gnats is the problem I've been battling with em for a while now the little cunts hopefully these will have rid em in a few days then I can just crack on as normal....I'm just worried about breathing the stuff in.....a couple of hot days ain't gonna hurt the plants much

yes they shud sort the gnats out mate what i used to do was put the strip in tent at night when lights went out and then next morning put the strip in a sealed plastic bag and repeat this every watering 3 days or so but in the end i just left it in the tent and no one in the house had any problems i wouldnt want to have my extractors off during light hours as my temps soar.
or Ghettogrower187 you could put the strip in the tent when your off out and when u return put it in a sealed bag :D
That's what I was gonna do lol when I go to bed was gonna tie a bag around it then put extractors on but I think I'll just leave the extractor off temps are 25 on so shouldn't be too bad wil only be like July for a few days lolol
@ghetto, last run I did I had a bad dose of thrips. Once I chopped and cleaned everything I put one of them no pest strips in the room with the 2 tents, not in the tents, it's been there about 3 months now and I've had no probs at all, with the plants or with mesel. Probly shouldn't stand and sniff the fuckin thing but there not as bad as people make out. Bet ye most the ones saying about all the health problems haven't fuckin used one to know
anyone got any good links to war/crime/drug/prison docs ive seen most, but ive just after 8months of trying got me earphones working on the lappy lol no more corrie/enders or oaks for me woooooooohooooo lol