The UK Growers Thread!

Can't fucking remember who I loaned my scales to now I've had to buy another cunting scales..went with palmscale 8, was between that n the durascale.
the tanita I find to be a little overpriced.
Yeh don I've turned extractor off I don't want that shit leaking I'm to my room...think i might just leave it off for a day don't wanna risk breathing that shit in hot shots no pest strips came today got one hanging in the tent now....for those that have used em how long did it take to rid the problem?
what problem have u got mate also these are advised not to be used in residential properties however i used one in my last grow and had no side effects off it but also had no insect problems this run either had a friend who had mites he had one of those strips and a few days after putting it in the mites where crawling all over the strip it seemed to have no effect on them he reckons i think he let the problem get to bad before putting the strip in.
what problem have u got mate also these are advised not to be used in residential properties however i used one in my last grow and had no side effects off it but also had no insect problems this run either had a friend who had mites he had one of those strips and a few days after putting it in the mites where crawling all over the strip it seemed to have no effect on them he reckons i think he let the problem get to bad before putting the strip in.
gnats is the problem I've been battling with em for a while now the little cunts hopefully these will have rid em in a few days then I can just crack on as normal....I'm just worried about breathing the stuff in.....a couple of hot days ain't gonna hurt the plants much
it's called "fasciation" and is an unstable genetic anomaly sometimes caused by breeding, sometimes by environment.
its not unstable which is why it expresses, one of the most common causes of fascication is genetic damage the most common cause recently of this phenomonen is caesium 134 daughter isotopes of uranium 235 decay. We can all google mate but don't bother us if that what yer up to