sure thing JJ I have to get aloe and avid . I have azamax. Ty Stix said to use it right away not to leave the mixture sitting. so I can get with you the first part of next week . I want to get the ground and surrounding area sprayed so I can start hauling in compost while the weather is good.When you mix some of that up Nuggs make some for me also. I'll start spraying your Cherry Pie clones from day 1.....
I read It is better to spray when the plant is slightly under watered....
Yeah Mikey I listened to this last year when I was infested. He seems to know what he's talking about. Cinnamon I'd forgotten about. I think I will spread it instead of DE before and after planting.FIRE- Nuggs- Fire. my personal solution. good, thorough, control burn, and H2o2 rinses after, reintroduce healthy organic matter the following early spring. takes 1 season off the calendar though.
I happen to agree a bit more with the video below- Cinnamon like i said before, try his cycles of treatment if you like.
de is worthless once wet. It's recommended to actually toss it in the air on a windy day to spread it. If you use ur fogger it would be like trying to shoot pancake batter out of it.I'm gonna try mixing up some DE in water & see if I can spray it thru my Hudson bug sprayer....otherwise I may buy a 'backpack sprayer, they have both wet/dry attachments....DE will get sprayed everywhere!!
I'm fighting russets as well... throw organocide into your spray rotation, it seems to be helping. Also, as a test i took a small rooted cut which was infested and placed it outside (I'm in the rockies, temps outside were in the 20's) left the plant outside for about 30-40 mins, chopped some leaves and every one of those 4 leggers i could get under scope werent moving....
dry fogger it is then! is worthless once wet. It's recommended to actually toss it in the air on a windy day to spread it. If you use ur fogger it would be like trying to shoot pancake batter out of it.
I didn't know the Hudson can do that. If it doesn't shred urs I will be following suit! I never read instructions. Lolsdry fogger it is then!....
I like that stuff. I got a free sample bottle, and it seems to kick ass.this stuff works, i have tried it all on the little bastards, I haven't seen a mite since using it.
Bad Ass!I'll be getting one of these I think.....