Chasing the High - The Politics of Pot


Active Member
"With marijuana sure to be an issue in the next federal election, this CPAC documentary explores the current debate in Canada over a drug that is illegal but widely-used. Examine both the potential and problems of legalization by taking an inside look at the booming industry in Colorado, where stores have been selling recreational marijuana for almost a year. We talk to politicians and police, doctors and medical-marijuana patients, advocates and opponents of legalization, consumers, traffickers and a new breed of "ganga-preneurs" who hope to cash in on the so-called Green Rush."


Well-Known Member
I had to stop watching to make a comment on the woman who is fighting legalization here and in the US and here...she doesn't want aggressively marketed drugged drivers coming at her on the roads....but drop one of those valiums and get behind the wheel it's ok...