NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

Have you been mixing red bull and no doze again?

What is "no doze"?

Let Me show you a documentary, the reason why I came to this theory.

The Illusion of Time | Full Documentary

This is a very informative documentary about the dynamics of time. This video postulates that My theory is plausible, if aliens exist, and I believe aliens exist and would know this about space-time.

i thought you knew what was best for our world lord ?

i may be wrong

Yes, I know SOME things that would be the best for the world.

For example, I believe My global online government would be the best government ever, but if the majority of people pass an unjust law, biased law, erroneous law, bad law, etc., then there would be flaws to let the majority of people dictate the world: but I have faith that the majority of people will choose only the best laws.

I am not omniscient, nor am I infallible, so I try to be open-minded for the best solution, and I believe only the best should be implemented. If someone has a better notion than Me, the better notion should be implemented. I am not some dictator, so I don't mind learning novel solutions to problems: and I have a lot to learn.

For example, I believe one day, My SPACE JETS will become obsolete, and its possible we might learn about antigravity technology, and in that case, go with what works the best, cleanest, and most efficient. I am just trying to get people thinking and brainstorming.

I do NOT have ALL of the answers to ALL of the worlds problems, and thats why My global online government can dictate the future, because I am just one man, and I have a lot to learn too. We should only implement whats best for everyone as a collective world society.

Yes, I have many solutions and answers, but I am not so hubris to believe I am omniscient.

You should always follow where the evidence leads you.

dont you need to get people to believe your christ for this to happen?

" but people dont need to believe me " ..... i hear you say .

yes they do :)

No, no one needs to believe I am the Christ, in order for Me to have My global online government: but many people would have to know about Me before I could have My own government.

If no one knows about Me, then I am not effective in helping anyone. If many people know about Me, I am able to help that much more people.

Fuck you alien invading bastardsView attachment 3339737

I don't know.

I don't know if having aliens around is a good thing or a bad thing: I guess it depends on the intentions, and agenda, of the aliens.

Maybe the aliens are a peace-loving civilisation? Maybe the aliens are so advanced that they evolved past violence? Maybe the aliens want to welcome us into the (interstellar) galactic community? Maybe the aliens want to teach us some alien technology, so we can live much better?

The possibilities seem endless when it comes to what the aliens could do for us earthlings.

Maybe its a good thing to have aliens around? as long as they don't want to destroy us.

There is no evidence to suggest that aliens want to harm us.

For the record, I don't believe aliens abduct people.

What do you guys believe about the alleged alien abduction?

For the record, I don't believe aliens abduct people.

What do you guys believe about the alleged alien abduction?


I don't believe there is any likelihood of there being aliens in contact with us... BUT, if there were, I am certain they would be kidnapping and assraping us more or less constantly. We're cute. I'd fuck us.
I don't believe there is any likelihood of there being aliens in contact with us... BUT, if there were, I am certain they would be kidnapping and assraping us more or less constantly. We're cute. I'd fuck us.

Maybe, just maybe, the aliens are not attracted to us, like we might not be attracted to them?

Also, the aliens might not be able to reproduce or procreate with us, due to the differences in genetics or DNA.

But, I do not believe the extraterrestrials need us because they can have sex with other aliens, if they even have sex.

But, yes, I believe some people are very good looking.

Before, I said that I wouldn't want to meet any aliens again...

But, I changed My mind: I would want to meet some aliens again, but this time I would like to have a conversation with them... as long as I never get scared of the aliens, and the aliens would have to give Me some empirical proof, like a little piece of their technology, or some alien DNA.

I wonder what the aliens would say to Me? because the last time I saw that alien-like being, I did not have a conversation with that alien-like being. But, I don't know if aliens even speak English?

Yes, I would love to take many pictures and videos of aliens, so I could prove that aliens exist, and they are visiting the earth. I am sure that if I had enough picture and video evidence of aliens, to prove they exist, I would become very rich in the process.

Bring on the aliens! Haha.

If you guys want to see some UFOs, maybe you can do what I do, and just stare at a "star" for a few minutes, because all of the "stars" in My sky are all really UFOs.

So, just go outside on a clear night, and stare at one "star" for as long as possible, or until you see it "dance" around.

After you notice that one "star" is really a UFO, stare at other "stars" in your sky, until you realize that your sky is actually filled with UFOs. Thats what happened to Me anyways.

And after you realize that your whole sky is filled with UFOs, don't panic or be afraid, because these UFOs could be from our government? or they could be aliens? Either way, they are not going to hurt you.

After you know that your sky is filled with UFOs, take a video with a good zoom lens, and share that video with all of us. But I don't have a video camera, so I can't do that, but I would record the UFOs if I had a good video camera.

You do realize that the form of alien life we will "meet" will likely be a bacterium, right?

But even that would have staggering implications.

And if its not chances are it will be much more advanced...

We would be afraid and attack them

Then they wipe us out
And if its not chances are it will be much more advanced...

We would be afraid and attack them

Then they wipe us out

You are quoting from near the beginning of the thread. If you watch all of the videos I posted, you will see that we (allegedly) shot down some alien craft using electromagnetic weapons, and the aliens have never attacted us because of this.

You are quoting from near the beginning of the thread. If you watch all of the videos I posted, you will see that we (allegedly) shot down some alien craft using electromagnetic weapons, and the aliens have never attacted us because of this.

