Muslims against Free speech in front of BarryO's white house.


Well-Known Member
curse of ham, you fucking white supremacy apologist.
Another meltdown from you as expected lol ^^

why did the pope/catholic church not issue a death sentence to those responsible for the movie life of brain ?
why do you support death sentences issued by Islam for criticism of their religion ?


Well-Known Member
Another meltdown from you as expected lol ^^

why did the pope/catholic church not issue a death sentence to those responsible for the movie life of brain ?
why do you support death sentences issued by Islam for criticism of their religion ?
Nice straw baby, loser.


Well-Known Member
Beat up that straw baby you big tough man you.
why were you unable to find any death sentences issued by the catholic church or any other christian religions leaders for criticizing the christian faith ?

back to google search you go lol
good luck


Well-Known Member
why were you unable to find any death sentences issued by the catholic church or any other christian religions leaders for criticizing the christian faith ?

back to google search you go lol
good luck
You must have an enormous vagina.


Well-Known Member
why do you avoid my question ?
why do you support Islamic death threats
are you planing on killing Salman rushdie yourself ?

think of all the virgins in the afterlife you will be rewarded with
Wasn't it determined that U received grapes, not virgins a few years ago


Well-Known Member
i hear on the RIU grapevine that you are a recovering alcoholic in a wheelchair
this might explain your bitterness and hateful ways
Oh look who is bitter enough to make it personal. Pointing out that UKIP is the party for racists in the UK must be a sore spot since you are in denial about it.