No crystals on my female???


Well-Known Member
So I have been flowering her for 6 weeks now under a 600w hps and it is about 3.5 feet tall. The problem is the buds look very skimpy and they have no crystals on them. I got it as a clone of a NL grown from a seed, purchased from sensi seed bank. I'm using general hydroponics nutes (got them for free), which I give once maybe twice a week to her. I'm so confused why there are no crystals on the buds, the buds look like they have been flowering for only two weeks, but the plant just keeps on growing. Any help will be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
NL takes 9-11 weeks in my experience so give it time, they dont get too tall though so pheno may be causing extra growth.


Well-Known Member
I checked the sensi seed website and it said that my Northern Light is mainly indica, and on the site it says that it takes 45-55 days for flowering. I'm at about 45 days now and it doesn't even look close to being ready. Sorry I don't have a camera to take a picture of it, but ill try and describe it as best I can. No crystals on the buds, tons of white pistils, but the buds look like they are 2 weeks into flowering and they're not dense at all. When I squeeze one of the buds and smell my fingers, it barely has any smell. Besides that the plant looks healthy and just keeps on growing in hight. I doubt that its a light issue since I have one plant under a 600w hps (18 inches away). The odd part is that my buddy who gave me the clone started flowering at the same time as me and one of his northern lights is like mine with no crystals, but the rest of his crop is covered in crystals. Could it be a hermie since it came from feminized seeds?


Well-Known Member
I checked the sensi seed website and it said that my Northern Light is mainly indica, and on the site it says that it takes 45-55 days for flowering. I'm at about 45 days now and it doesn't even look close to being ready. Sorry I don't have a camera to take a picture of it, but ill try and describe it as best I can. No crystals on the buds, tons of white pistils, but the buds look like they are 2 weeks into flowering and they're not dense at all. When I squeeze one of the buds and smell my fingers, it barely has any smell. Besides that the plant looks healthy and just keeps on growing in hight. I doubt that its a light issue since I have one plant under a 600w hps (18 inches away). The odd part is that my buddy who gave me the clone started flowering at the same time as me and one of his northern lights is like mine with no crystals, but the rest of his crop is covered in crystals. Could it be a hermie since it came from feminized seeds?
Yes NL is Indica dominant but in my experience flowering takes 9-11 weeks which is a long time for indica dominant, most seed banks give flowering times below actual times, maybe for marketing, maybe due to the fact that breeders really do have ideal growing conditions, Co2 etc etc. Lack of smell is one of the main reasons I used to grow it and many others do!


Well-Known Member
Most of the bud growth is in the last 2-3 weeks of flowering. And as far as crystal, when your plants are done, give them the last watering, just plain water, and turn the lights off for 3-4 days, keep the room dark! And keep the air dry and the temp lower, run a dehumidifier if you have it, temp around 18c. The reason for this is that the plants will think that winter is coming and will start to pull all the THC out of there system and onto the buds.

Keep an eye on them when doing this and keep the air dry, dont want any budrot. Hope this helps, make sure to always take your time drying and curing, thats the worst thing to rush and can produce the best results if done right.


Well-Known Member
Even if it does need more time, it's been flowering for 6 weeks already shouldn't I at least see some crystals, and shouldn't the buds be bigger and more dense. The buds are tiny but are full of white pistils. :?


Well-Known Member
Even if it does need more time, it's been flowering for 6 weeks already shouldn't I at least see some crystals, and shouldn't the buds be bigger and more dense. The buds are tiny but are full of white pistils. :?
Sorry but without pics cannot comment further, other than to say that maybe you havent given them all thay required at the time they required it.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah you should post pics, it sounds normal, for 6 weeks, if there are A LOT of white pistils growing then there will be bud to follow, just be patient. And again crystal grows at the end, your getting too anxious, and thats bad for growers.

The last few weeks of flowering and the buds usually explode with growth.


Well-Known Member
Yea sorry, no camera. I guess from what you guys are saying all is fine then. I was just under the impression from seeing my buddies plants that crystals develop relatively soon after you start flowering. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Another thing I noticed in the last few days is that the stems of the leaves have turned to a dark red color, anyone know what that means?

And how do I know if its a hermie or not? Again thanks for being helpful, I'll try to take some pics in the upcoming weeks.


Well-Known Member
Dark red? you should check deficiency charts. Im not 100% on what it may be, sometimes they get a little purple but its usually because of a deficiency or not enough fresh air.

Is this in soil? how big are the pots and have they been transplanted ever? Could be roots balling up or not enough space, again Im not 100% on this because theres no pics so its hard to say. Are you getting a lot of fresh air in there? After a while too much oxygen will stunt the plants, they grow really slow, make sure your getting lots of outside are and exhaust the o2


Active Member
last week one of my loner plants had reddish purple leaf stems and it was budding REALLY! crystals blah blah same stuff as u...i got a fan pulling air from outside the cabinet and it cleared up and also stopped stretching and started to fill the buds if u got the same problem as me its too much o2 like BC said


Well-Known Member
Yeah fresh are is the #1 thing overlooked by new growers, even more so then over watering. When you got fresh air and big lights you can literally see how the plant grows up and out into the light and fresh air.