My Girlfriend ..


Well-Known Member
the only reason she is flipping is because she has nowhere to stay. doesn't she have family/friends she can stay with?
atleast the dudes are being normal about this while the bitch keeps making herself look dumb and dumber.


Well-Known Member
Okay well just got back.
I went into her office work place thing and she has a little cubicle or what ever it's called near the center left of the office. So I just went up to her with her things and told her everything was there and that she wont have to come back to the apartment and to get out of my life. She just stared at me with the stupidest dumbstruck face I have ever seen. I did say it in a fairly loud voice to get attention, wasn't too loud though. She just says 'What are you talking about?' Oh, and the 'other' boyfriend, she works with him, he was there, staring. So I told him to come over, in a very calm voice I said it.

So I asked if he knew who I was, and of course he had no idea who the hell I was. So then I asked if he was going out with the her and he said yes, for about 3 months. (I've been going out with her for 2 years and a couple months) So I asked him if he had any idea that she was cheating on him, and I told him I was going out with her for two and a half years.

The hole times she's quite just looking stupid.. I think he got a lot madder than I did haha. He started yelling just full out. Everybody that was there was just staring at this point, it was perfect. So I am glad that I didn't go up to the guy and just punch him, he seemed like a pretty decent guy. Anyway's before I left she just said 'I'm so sorry' Now I thought that that was pretty damn pathetic. So I said the first thing that popped into my mind which I hear on movies and have heard my parents say it countless amounts of times when I've been caught doing something I shouldn't be doing when I was younger. I said 'No you're sorry you got caught' I thought it was very clever haha. Anyway's I feel much better actually.

She's tried calling me a few times but I haven't bothered picking up yet. I'm thinking about going to a friends house and staying over there for a while. Don't know if I should stay in the house incase she turns into some crazy bitch and raids my apartment or something. Anyway's It made me feel hella good.

So that's the end of that.
cant find it..... :peace::mrgreen::blsmoke::joint:
Was page 6..or was it 7?
shit this is hard..


Well-Known Member
the only reason she is flipping is because she has nowhere to stay. doesn't she have family/friends she can stay with?
atleast the dudes are being normal about this while the bitch keeps making herself look dumb and dumber.
No her parents live in Toronto and all her friends already know about it, I phoned them all up. Unless she has some more boyfriends I don't know about.

they were all my friends too, she just kind of hung out with my crowd when she moved from Toronto so all my friends would back me up more than her..


Well-Known Member
Sarcasm, I'm honestly not that dumb :p
dumb enough to let your girl go out, and not invite her... no wonder she cheated on ya ..................

hmmm, seems like u two aint made for each other... hey i know i had the most psycho biatch ..... she wanted me to go to jail and all... fuckd up

peace.... didnt mean to nasty with the dumb..............



Well-Known Member
dumb enough to let your girl go out, and not invite her... no wonder she cheated on ya ..................
Hey..hold on man. I'm not sure if that was an asshole remark or were you joking?

I didn't ask her to come 'cause she doesn't ilike those kid of movies..


Well-Known Member
Hey..hold on man. I'm not sure if that was an asshole remark or were you joking?

I didn't ask her to come 'cause she doesn't ilike those kid of movies..
..................... well i am not joking :-? Call me an asshole that speaks the truth......

And u think thats the reason she's kissing other guys ??? .... No, its prob cuz u allways do that to her..... amazingly she had the balls to do what i should of done to my ex..... fucking just done it.......



Well-Known Member
..................... well i am not joking :-? Call me an asshole that speaks the truth......

And u think thats the reason she's kissing other guys ??? .... No, its prob cuz u allways do that to her..... amazingly she had the balls to do what i should of done to my ex..... fucking just done it.......

How do you even know what he does.. Shit happens to good people too. :peace:


Well-Known Member
How do you even know what he does.. Shit happens to good people too. :peace:
:peace::peace::peace: i am not being an asshole or anything..... just hard to suck it up...

sorry............ You will find a better woman suited for your needs and what u do ;)

Smoke a joint chill........ I know how fuck'd up girlfriends can be...... trust me.... ^^

hehehe... :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Active Member
20yrs ago i would have put the guy through a shop window,but now I'm a little older I'd have to say this - imo
1.he may not even know she's dating you ! others have said - she's only a girl and not worth the hassle,get another
3.if she's cheating now,she's unlikely to faithful in the future if the relationship progresses. it worth possibly being arrested ?
May not be what you wanna hear right now,when your feeling like shit but do put some thought to it before doing something you may regret,after all she's only a girlfriend,not your wife.Plus from the little I've read on here others have come up with some pretty good idea's.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
i also know how fucked up girls can be. if it was me then i would of ran-stealthy up to them, riped them apart, punched that dude, fucked him up, rather use a weapon or a bin or something that is close then tell her its over an u can pick ur shit up l8er. an then go catch my film.

thats just me thou, i am abit of a hot head at times. if ur gonna fight though ill tell u a good fight song that will get u in the mood.

Slipknot - Only One

fuckin brilliant song, turn it up loud, play it proud and dont stop beating him till ur our of energy.

anyway m8, take care. once u sort her and him out, smoke a joint and hang with ur friends, they will make u feel better.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me that took some reading!!! what a frigging story.
really sorry forwhat she did to ya dude and boy did u play it right! he didn't know u were with her so it isn't his fault.
what's so fucking superb about the outcome though is that ALL her work colleagues now know she is a loose, lying,cheating tart who is not to be trusted! there's NO WAY she can stay at her work place coz she just won't be able to face it.So that's 1-0 to u. her "friends" are ur friends and they're all shunning her. so that's 2-0 to u. she now has no where to stay.3-0. HAT-TRICK!! fucking cow!! dunno whether u guys have this words in the states but over here in england she is what we call "A SLAG".
all power to u bo!!! just wish i'd been in her office when u turned up!

necklace = $800
400w hps =$300
movie tickets = $40
dinner out = $80
catching ur g/f cheating and publicy exposing her as a lying,cheating,open legged office bike = FUCKING PRICELESS!!

all the best for life bro!!! :peace: