Muslims against Free speech in front of BarryO's white house.


Well-Known Member
That`s funny, it`s that very free speech that`s letting them rally and protest in the USA. Everyone says they are violent,....not smart.


Well-Known Member
Legal to kill non-believer, illegal to make a joke about founder.

Sounds legit to me.

Do they still hate this guy, or did they get over it ?
"The outrage among some Muslims resulted in a fatwā calling for Rushdie's death issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini"

"The result was several failed assassination attacks on Rushdie, who was placed under police protection, and attacks on several connected individuals such as translator Hitoshi Igarashi (leading, in Igarashi's case, to death)."


Well-Known Member
thats a shame its been like 26 years, thought they might of had a change or heart. No going back on a fatwā i guess ?
No way dude, that poor bastard is a sport kill for some dumb ass kid trying to make a name for himself among the "brothers".

Even if "the powers that be" removed the fatwa, the "real brothers" would condemn the removal as "not Islamic" and ignore it, and / or add the poor bastard mullah / Imam / Haj leaders to their list.


Well-Known Member
some dumb ass kid trying to make a name for himself among the "brothers".
That is a good point ^^ i did not think of that, he is a Sir too, he would make an excellent scalp for some young fanatic
i guess he is doomed for the rest of his life then, i wonder if he wears a bullet proof vest when he goes out, bet he has a ton of body guards


Well-Known Member
you guys are all so tough.

i wish i could beat up a muslim too, like you guys. because i want to be tough.


Well-Known Member
i wonder are there similar cases where other religions place the equivalent death threat/assassination on folk who write books etc
i do not remember the Monty python team facing this kind of situation when they made the life of brain


Well-Known Member
i wonder are there similar cases where other religions place the equivalent death threat/assassination on folk who write books etc
i do not remember the Monty python team facing this kind of situation when they made the life of brain

Other than the religion of communism, no, I don't believe ANY other religion outside of Islam still does that shit, or has in the past couple hundred years, at least.