Well-Known Member
russet mites are a sucking insect that reproduce eggs every 4 days. after becoming adult mites in 2days after hatch they breed breed and breed. The male mite is not able to move around with it's own body, it has no legs. the male mite burys it's head in the plant tissue in which the female is able to breed all she wants. these insects are very small and take atleast a 40 power scope to see. When I first discovered them I thought I had thrip and I treated them as thrip spraying with bonite eight. That had no affect at all. I was spraying asamax and asatrol . Along with the spray I did root drench with asamax, neem oil and sm90. Nothing killed them. At this point two of my 15ft plants were so infested I decided to chop them out in hopes of stopping the spread into the other 6plants . The females have 4 legs. all 4 in the front of their body . They can crawl some but can't fly and are generally spread by the wind or a host like a white fly or really anything they can hitchhike on. they start at the bottom of the plant and work up.