Nuggs 2015 russet mite war


Well-Known Member
russet mites are a sucking insect that reproduce eggs every 4 days. after becoming adult mites in 2days after hatch they breed breed and breed. The male mite is not able to move around with it's own body, it has no legs. the male mite burys it's head in the plant tissue in which the female is able to breed all she wants. these insects are very small and take atleast a 40 power scope to see. When I first discovered them I thought I had thrip and I treated them as thrip spraying with bonite eight. That had no affect at all. I was spraying asamax and asatrol . Along with the spray I did root drench with asamax, neem oil and sm90. Nothing killed them. At this point two of my 15ft plants were so infested I decided to chop them out in hopes of stopping the spread into the other 6plants . The females have 4 legs. all 4 in the front of their body . They can crawl some but can't fly and are generally spread by the wind or a host like a white fly or really anything they can hitchhike on. they start at the bottom of the plant and work up. IMG_0168.JPG IMG_0171.JPG
As you can see in the photo the damage they do. the leave is turning brown and the pistil is totally covered with russet. they suck out the thc and leave the plant dead where they have made it their home. So at this point I couldn't stop them so had to get out the big guns 4bid 4f.
They sound diabolical man,
Good luck, if Your not too far into flower perhaps you can go with something more toxic?
this thread is for my 2015 grow and hopfully laying down some guidelines for others that had russert last year and how to go about controlling them this year.prevention from the start I believe is the key to control. it's about what's done from the beginning that will stop them from coming back. all coments are welcome .
Yeah i know the dramas u had last year and i hope this year you go really well to make up for 2014.
Russets are new ? If so where did they originate from ? Conspiracy theorys are running through my head luck this year nuggs.
Ok so I used the forbid 4f and got them slowed down in 2014 but never completely killed them all. I did spray it light because I was 3 weeks into flower before I found the forbid. I only sprayed it once with the forbid because it's a strong miteacide and not recommended for use in flower.

So I have been working my area after harvest and have done some things to prevent and kill the russet . I Hope!
1) I filled my pump sprayed with pure bleach. sprayed the whole area soaking it heavy soil boxes fences bushes everything.
got it just right I think because the temp. was cold at night in the 20's. my research says russet die at 34deg. and top end at 120deg.
2) I removed all of the soil from my boxes and I bleached everything a second time.
3) I had a conversation with the county farm master gardener. he said the russet is from the lack of water these past few years. according to him lots of people are having problems with the borg. I'm on a well so I set out my sprinkler and I'm watering the shit out of my growing area everyday to simulate rain.
Yeah i know the dramas u had last year and i hope this year you go really well to make up for 2014.
Russets are new ? If so where did they originate from ? Conspiracy theorys are running through my head luck this year nuggs.
actually they are not new . they have gotten stronger because of the tomato farms using the avid or forbid and who knows what and created a super bug. I've read that the Indians back in the day used hemp before the white man showed up and when they had problems with the russet they would just burn their garden and move to another grow area and start over. I really don't want to sell my place. I'm going to get a handle on them . I hope.
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Ok so as of now I'm watering everyday as if it's storming outside. I have lots more info to post and if I didn't believe this will work I wouldn't post it but, please I'm open to any discussion that might help or correct anything I post that isn't necessary for the war on the mites.
View attachment 3340879 View attachment 3340881 Have you tried using the imacloprid tablets in your soil, they last a few months.
Synthetic nicotine.
never heard of it redeye. I have heard of the tabacco tea
Ok so as of now I'm watering everyday as if it's storming outside. I have lots more info to post and if I didn't believe this will work I wouldn't post it but, please I'm open to any discussion that might help or correct anything I post that isn't necessary for the war on the mites.

never heard of it redeye. I have heard of the tabacco tea
Well it's made by Bayer, it's called confidor here, not sure of the American branding. One tablet last 3-4 months and is systemic insecticide roots, leaves, stem. I don't use it during flower because of bees but it should stop them mites from getting a foothold on Yer plant. Havnt seen a mite in 2 years.
Well it's made by Bayer, it's called confidor here, not sure of the American branding. One tablet last 3-4 months and is systemic insecticide roots, leaves, stem. I don't use it during flower because of bees but it should stop them mites from getting a foothold on Yer plant. Havnt seen a mite in 2 years.
I'll look it up for sure .ty
I have heard about Nukem working for russet mites, have you tried that or heard anything about it? Those bugs have made their way to portland dispensaries.
Ok so I used the forbid 4f and got them slowed down in 2014 but never completely killed them all. I did spray it light because I was 3 weeks into flower before I found the forbid. I only sprayed it once with the forbid because it's a strong miteacide and not recommended for use in flower.

So I have been working my area after harvest and have done some things to prevent and kill the russet . I Hope!
1) I filled my pump sprayed with pure bleach. sprayed the whole area soaking it heavy soil boxes fences bushes everything.
got it just right I think because the temp. was cold at night in the 20's. my research says russet die at 34deg. and top end at 120deg.
2) I removed all of the soil from my boxes and I bleached everything a second time.
3) I had a conversation with the county farm master gardener. he said the russet is from the lack of water these past few years. according to him lots of people are having problems with the borg. I'm on a well so I set out my sprinkler and I'm watering the shit out of my growing area everyday to simulate rain.
makes sense about them thriving in dry conditions doesn't it? all our mites here in aust are worse if we or rather in my case I don't keep the area a little bit moist...5 days of dryness is enough for the basic two spotted mite to start breeding