more shatter questions :)


I'm back! Been getting very good reviews from my friends about the shatter I've been making. All say the same thing: clean, smooth, and tastes amazing. But I'm a perfectionist so of course, I want to make my shatter better.

Because I'm not getting the yields I want, I was thinking of blasting into my dish while under heat then once it dries to let it sit at room temperature and then freeze another tube then blast back onto the dish so i can have more to scrape and less waiting times in between batches. Would anyone suggest this? I'm saving money to buy a 60 gram tube so until then I'm thinking of doing this.

Another ?: does shatter smell when frozen? My shatter is potent enough to have my friends raving about it but I want it to smell when dry. Does the smell come out more at room temperature? Just wondering what you guys think.

Thanks for all the help up until this point though guys, I doubt I could have been making what I have now if it weren't for all of your guys' inputs. So thanks. Any replies are appreciated.
hey bro, from what ive been told on here, and what ive noticed, what you put in is basically what you get out.

is your material relativly stanky?

and when doing multiple runs in one dish, imo its better to repack and spray right away while the butane still liquid and bubbling in the dish from the first run, so its not being dissolved twice, i honestly dont know exactly why, but i think the less you screw around with the bho the better. ie jacking temps up and down, molding or whipping it in any way esp before fully purging ect. is not good

have multiple dishes lol
hey bro, from what ive been told on here, and what ive noticed, what you put in is basically what you get out.

is your material relativly stanky?

and when doing multiple runs in one dish, imo its better to repack and spray right away while the butane still liquid and bubbling in the dish from the first run, so its not being dissolved twice, i honestly dont know exactly why, but i think the less you screw around with the bho the better. ie jacking temps up and down, molding or whipping it in any way esp before fully purging ect. is not good

have multiple dishes lol

yea i have good material but it's more grassy smelling. but the crystal content is there. i have a pretty simple process.. like once i scrape i air it out then start the purge process.
hmmm yeah if it naturally smells grassy the onyl thing i could think of doing is to winterize it, ive been there and it definitly takes alot of taste out but i guess in your case thatd be a good thing. for me it has been a couple times.

for sure thanks for the input. i've looked into winterzation but i just don't want to lose any quality. I'm not looking to change my process i just want to get more out of it. because i do put a lot of time into it specifically the purging process.
if you want more out of it youll have to uprgade your equipment

recently switched from open blast to closed column and def increased yeild and save aloooot on butane. holds the gas inside under pressure as liquid until it is released by you turning the valve column extractor

pretty much the gist of it
if you want more out of it youll have to uprgade your equipment

recently switched from open blast to closed column and def increased yeild and save aloooot on butane. holds the gas inside under pressure as liquid until it is released by you turning the valve column extractor

pretty much the gist of it
damn that's a nice setup.. i was probably going to go with this tube right here:14937962.png but I'm definitely going to look into that once i can get my money up.
theres always santa

theres always santa

that santa scares me lol

Do you personally own the closed column setup you posted? If so, in comparison to a glass extraction tube, how do your results compare? If they're that much of a noticeable difference then I'm definitely going to start saving now and upgrade my equipment.
If your doing it right there should be not much more yield to increase.

Good trim will yield 8-12% Typically 10%. Good flowers will yield 12%-22% mostly around 18%.

Freezing the column locks up the lipids giving you a cleaner extract that is similar to winterization. If you run dry columns you will have more yield but because you took more lipids (fats and waxes) with your extract.

A second run can be done. If the first was done right you would not see more than 2% the second time around. The 2nd extract will be more body high. Not really worth the butane in most cases. I would separate it as it is darker as well.

On to the freezing, you want your butane out of the oil as soon as you can. Freezing it especially uncovered will attract flavors from the freezer and more likely wax when you try to purge it.
If your doing it right there should be not much more yield to increase.

Good trim will yield 8-12% Typically 10%. Good flowers will yield 12%-22% mostly around 18%.

Freezing the column locks up the lipids giving you a cleaner extract that is similar to winterization. If you run dry columns you will have more yield but because you took more lipids (fats and waxes) with your extract.

A second run can be done. If the first was done right you would not see more than 2% the second time around. The 2nd extract will be more body high. Not really worth the butane in most cases. I would separate it as it is darker as well.

On to the freezing, you want your butane out of the oil as soon as you can. Freezing it especially uncovered will attract flavors from the freezer and more likely wax when you try to purge it.

Ok. Yea it's inside this rubber sealer case. i store my finished shatter in the freezer so that's why i asked about the smell thing. but thanks for the reply. i think this next time around, I'm going to be getting much better starting material.
Llol. Doubled yeild, same material ran.
Extraction expert tube

Doubling yeild cannot be due to plant lipids alone it's just u

It's pretty obvious why a prolonged soak in liquid butane yeilds more than a short open blast...and it's not just extra lipids when your 2x ur yeild imho

Glass works fine tho, I'd be more worried about quality
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Llol. Doubled yeild, same material ran.
Extraction expert tube

Doubling yeild cannot be due to plant lipids alone it's just u

It's pretty obvious why a prolonged soak in liquid butane yeilds more than a short open blast...and it's not just extra lipids when your 2x ur yeild imho

Glass works fine tho, I'd be more worried about quality
I was looking at buying another extraction experts tube too but the price point of the best value cc system is winning me over. do you know if extraction experts have any closed systems that aren't as expensive as the one you posted?
ohhh this can get ugly quick....

Not saying anyone is wrong but Green did you record consistent data between the two with a control?

The only thing I would change about Blu Jay's statement about the second run percentages, every time I have ran a tube a second time it is a fraction of a percent and mostly bullshit and black, and I am a big advocate of cold columns.
i went from 6% to 12% return its not like im claiming 25% yeilds and yes i keep track of my numbers but i can only speak about my last open runs percentage and compare it to my percentage of the last few closed runs which have all been pretty spot on at 12% soo...yeah if we really wana knit pick it i did not conduct a scientific experiment and that comment was based on observation....

and yes with a small ounce glass tube, i WASNT doing it right tryign to run qps to Ps at a time (meaning multiple yea theres different factors as to why my yeild changed and having a larger, better quality tube is one the major differences, it being closed column is secondary....

i honestly dont give two flying shits if you guys (blu jay) think/s im bullshitting lol

i mean every time i open my mouth about my bho yeilds which arent even near some of the pros... i get trashed on here. talking yeild on here is so sketchy because everyones so offensive i understand the about a pound thing but shit man give me a break..lmao

am only trying to help and as i said before and will say again

worry about quality rather than quantity so worry about ur starting material instead of a fancy tube i just am at this point where i thot i needed an upgrade from a small, shitty ,glass breakable tube.

and im not ignorant. i blast till run off is clear....which is one time lol

one qp to 1.5 bottles of butane....pretty conservtive compared to open blasting.

second blast yields very very little so is never made

btw twitch half of what i know is from you and the Regs on C and E so props to you guys

but this derailment is over let someone else bring in some input.... lol.

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I guess that came off sharper than intended; still no need to get defensive. Your methods aren't on trial here.

You were trying to make fact of something you reecently admitted is a flawed personal experience…

Its unrealistic to give the op hope of double yields if ran for a second time.

I guess that came off sharper than intended; still no need to get defensive. Your methods aren't on trial here.

You were trying to make fact of something you reecently admitted is a flawed personal experience…

Its unrealistic to give the op hope of double yields if ran for a second time.

thats NOTTTTT what i meant are you KIDDING ME lmaooo so yes they are on trial so i will try and outline what i meant it so as its easier for you to read lol

as i JUST STATED i dont ever do second runs and have never advocated him to do so, in addition the OP was quite aware i was refering to the new, larger, closed tube as aiding my increased yeild....not "doing a second run"....

the percentages are respectable to the two different tubes. lowest is the small glass tube with multiple runs ( refilling with NEW

i replyd saying my yeilds doubled using the new tube with the same material ran as in the same STRAIN and BATCH of said strain in response to your statement saying if everything was done right blah blah blah.... but not the same RUN. while i kept track of numbers from multi batches from both tubes i didnt have a control its obviously a pretty good idea.... ......

this is ridiculous i cant believe we werent even on the same page that whole time sorry if you got confused but i dont see how...i never once mentioned to him anything about doing a second run

i mean tbh its hilarious that this whole time we AGREE on this whole issue

second runs ARE useless lmao which is why i dont do them and would never advocate one to do so

cheers lol
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