Molasses for Outdoor Grow?

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Does anybody use molasses on their outdoor grows ?

I am kind of worried that my plants will get infested with bugs if I uses molasses outside !


New Member
Does anybody use molasses on their outdoor grows ?

I am kind of worried that my plants will get infested with bugs if I uses molasses outside !
Use it!! Buy Blackstrap unsulfered and mix 2 tbl spoons per gallon. Plantation and Grandma's make it. Molasses is a natural pesticide from what I understand.
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Active Member
...agree. My plants just started to flower and I have been using molasses for over a insects or vermin. I thought for sure I would attract something but so far ( knock on wood)...nothing.

By the way, I have an avocado tree not too far from the plants that is being terrorized by either rats or squirrels. Looks like they would much rather munch on vitamin E (avocados) than my "sweet" babies. Hope this eases your mind.


Well-Known Member
I water with a molasses+epsom salt every other watering or so. I'm also growing outdoors and thought that it would attract bugs, but, like liljoe said, *knock on wood* I haven't had that problem either.

I've also just started using some fish emulsion for added N, and it too, surprisingly, hasn't attracted any unwelcome pests.


Well-Known Member
I also use molasses, but I limit it to one ounce (2 tablespoons) per gallon. It did initially attract some ants, but they were easy enough to discourage by just squirting them off and making sure no drips have been allowed to dry nearby.


Well-Known Member
Dude, use anti-freeze. It will make your bud taste good and add 50 percent more weight.

/end sarcasm
