Lsd - what to expect?

Dude back in the 90s there was a bunch of dummy cid that whent around and was weak as fuq thats probky what u got a placebo and ur weak ass mind just took u and ur friends imagination for a ride! Cus cid is the real shit u can have a good trip or a bad trip. So OP be prepared!:spew:

where was that, i remember there being some great acid in the 80s and early 90s and it was everywhere so easy to get very cheap too
lol my friend brought that up the other day
Yea,its fucking stoopid too..don't ever do're not close enough to a chemist to get ANYTHING worth putting in your eye..and you come up just as slow on it as if you eat has to be absorbed to take effect,and absorption rates of mucus membranes and optical membranes are the same,hell they are connected..there's no extra fabled visuals ect...
Yea,its fucking stoopid too..don't ever do're not close enough to a chemist to get ANYTHING worth putting in your eye..and you come up just as slow on it as if you eat has to be absorbed to take effect,and absorption rates of mucus membranes and optical membranes are the same,hell they are connected..there's no extra fabled visuals ect...

acid in the eye, lol, isn't that more of a jimi hendrix anecdote..
i have heard some claim they have taken liquid lsd up the butt-hole , each to their own
where was that, i remember there being some great acid in the 80s and early 90s and it was everywhere so easy to get very cheap too
Yea,WAY more prevalent in the entire decade of the 90s...I live in a conservative town to say the least,and I got wet $100 sheets here when I was 16! Some dude went around a local college with 25¢ hits!!
Too much good acid for there to be whack acid..nbomes not around then either...
Yea,its fucking stoopid too..don't ever do're not close enough to a chemist to get ANYTHING worth putting in your eye..and you come up just as slow on it as if you eat has to be absorbed to take effect,and absorption rates of mucus membranes and optical membranes are the same,hell they are connected..there's no extra fabled visuals ect...
yeah i know lol
acid in the eye, lol, isn't that more of a jimi hendrix anecdote..
i have heard some claim they have taken liquid lsd up the butt-hole , each to their own
My ex put a tab of mop up in the corner of her left eye,amazingly kept it there..she tripped balls but it left a yellow/light tan spot there, and was there when we split..weird as it was,it also moved forward in position(the spot) over a few years..
Don't do it.
And I thought jimi put it under his headband or something....
No LSD in the exit lane for me,I'll eat it thank just fine.
My ex put a tab of mop up in the corner of her left eye,amazingly kept it there..she tripped balls but it left a yellow/light tan spot there, and was there when we split..weird as it was,it also moved forward in position(the spot) over a few years..
Don't do it.
And I thought jimi put it under his headband or something....
No LSD in the exit lane for me,I'll eat it thank just fine.

yeh 100 sheets here were common during the 80s 90s easy to get
there were gelatin (window panes) these were not so good
micro dots red and black, the bigger red ones were called "nut nuts" they were good
and the blotters so many , purple ohms were good and everywhere

was like £2 to £5 for a hit, when buying them in singles
take 3 purple ohms it would come up strong in 20 mins
just 1 would take about 1 hour to come up


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Gels I made were awesome,as well as most on the east coast @then..great silver..fluff stayed on the cardboard or in liquid tho..I didn't get much fluff as silver was cheaper and readily available..amber too but that was last ditch effort "I need some work" 90$:-)
Lotta hardcore touring happened through the 90s and it got spread around/people got turned onto it the huge rave scene also...
Found 50 gels on a sidewalk in suburban DC once..
Run! The streets are lined with LSD!!!!:-)