What's happening to RIU?


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should stir up RIU a bit more…That may liven things up around here.
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Well-Known Member
Back in 2009 to my knowledge California was the only medical marijuana state that you could get good growing advise in person and not have to look over your shoulder to do so. Now its everywhere so people don't need us as much anymore.
Yes but are grows still reign supreme and

you don't think we give out all of our little secrets do you? lol.
Don't think that's gonna change anytime soon!
Snow Frost
Snow Frost.jpg

and the list goes on and on...

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Well-Known Member
I joined about 2 years ago and was pretty active until the format change. Then when I came back just about all of the people on my "friends" list disappeared....as most of the old-timers I used to follow. Toke and Talk is about the only real active thread going these days and I'm really not interested in the non-pot stuff.

It seems to me that RIU is much like school.....and this site is mostly for beginners and once someone gets their grow together moves on to other sites for pot college.

I agree that active membership is waaaay down from when I got on here two years ago. It too bad as it was a pretty interesting site.


Well-Known Member
I joined about 2 years ago and was pretty active until the format change. Then when I came back just about all of the people on my "friends" list disappeared....as most of the old-timers I used to follow. Toke and Talk is about the only real active thread going these days and I'm really not interested in the non-pot stuff.

It seems to me that RIU is much like school.....and this site is mostly for beginners and once someone gets their grow together moves on to other sites for pot college.

I agree that active membership is waaaay down from when I got on here two years ago. It too bad as it was a pretty interesting site.
I post in 1 thread and that's only cause they are like family but you are right I've moved on to bigger things :)


Well-Known Member
I post in 1 thread and that's only cause they are like family but you are right I've moved on to bigger things :)
Siddhartha listened. He was now nothing but a listener, completely
concentrated on listening, completely empty, he felt, that he had now
finished learning to listen. Often before, he had heard all this, these
many voices in the river, today it sounded new. Already, he could no
longer tell the many voices apart, not the happy ones from the weeping
ones, not the ones of children from those of men, they all belonged
together, the lamentation of yearning and the laughter of the
knowledgeable one, the scream of rage and the moaning of the dying ones,
everything was one, everything was intertwined and connected, entangled
a thousand times. And everything together, all voices, all goals, all
yearning, all suffering, all pleasure, all that was good and evil, all

of this together was the world. All of it together was the flow of
events, was the music of life. And when Siddhartha was listening
attentively to this river, this song of a thousand voices, when he
neither listened to the suffering nor the laughter, when he did not tie
his soul to any particular voice and submerged his self into it, but
when he heard them all, perceived the whole, the oneness, then the great
song of the thousand voices consisted of a single word, which was Om:
the perfection.


Well-Known Member
Herman Hesse?

"Do you hear," Vasudeva's gaze asked again.

Brightly, Vasudeva's smile was shining, floating radiantly over all the
wrinkles of his old face, as the Om was floating in the air over all the
voices of the river. Brightly his smile was shining, when he looked at
his friend, and brightly the same smile was now starting to shine on
Siddhartha's face as well. His wound blossomed, his suffering was
shining, his self had flown into the oneness.

People come and go, like the voices of the River. When they achieve their oneness, what does it matter if they are here ? RIU first and foremost is a place for growers to get answers. I think a statistical test applied to a time series of "new posts" would show that, too. When they get those answers, or adequately master the path in going from seed to OM, what is left to do? It is that journey which is the most important, not so much the victory lap. That said, RIU is a rather broad River with many forks...TnT is but one branch. Every golf course has a bar at the 19th hole.