giving defoliation during flower a try

OH - Before I forget. Since I'm doing a controlled P deficency kind of deal by running the nutes at what I need to run them at to keep all the plants at an acceptable health, the P def. plants stems are much firmer than the plants with green stems. The red stems are hard. Which could be a good thing for cloning.
Nice buds skund0c. Damn 2.0ec? I barely got over 1.3ec at peak flower this grow. What nutes do ya use? It's crazy the difference EC ranges people use with different nutrient brands.

more flav
this plant had the most red stems i have seen i thought it looked pretty




i run EC 2.0 on both canna and vitalink this is the recommended EC for both of these nutes for mature plants

when i used to use a CF pen instead of a truncheon many years ago
i was running it at 2.0 or 20CF when i compared that to the truncheon it would of been EC 2.4 to 2.6
Damn skunkd0c, those are some beauts! I think those red stems are genetic 8-) I had a few strains throughout the years that had them, there is a strain called red dragon that I'd like to grow eventually that is supposed to be all red (leaves, stems, buds), sounds like it'd be a great looking plant
Here's a pic of that grower I referred to, nice guy so not ridiculing him but he runs 1800ppm. I thought it was a typo, the guy who tried to explain him that's absurd got banned (other forum).

Nice candy stripping going on

some seem to give more red stems than others in the same res/system
I usually have one or two (from the same rez too) that have purple stems, especial during fall and winter, and especially the one near the fan and the intake:

That's on 450ppm, 0.9EC.

Next is a 350-380 ppm round, just to see how low I could go, half of that is from my tap water.
Short before harvest, cropped them out too wide hence the support the last week.

Same run, notice some have purple petioles some don't. All clones, same rez.
Damn skunkd0c, those are some beauts! I think those red stems are genetic 8-) I had a few strains throughout the years that had them, there is a strain called red dragon that I'd like to grow eventually that is supposed to be all red (leaves, stems, buds), sounds like it'd be a great looking plant

it was a nice looking plant and good yielding but i didn't like the taste of it at all
very sour lemon taste and the high was flat indica high
it was supposed to taste like primo hash according to the description i only kept it for 2 runs and that was just to make the numbers up

it also did this calyx in the fan leaf thing on many of the leaves


Here's a pic of that grower I referred to, nice guy so not ridiculing him but he runs 1800ppm.

One thing to consider with the EC value is other things besides the salts conduct electricity and therefor your readings. Impurities in the water and additives like fulvics for example may (not sure 100%) effect this reading.
The EC IMO should be used as a guide only. Reading the plant is the way to go. If EC 2.0 works that's the ticket. I wonder if a salt conducts less if it's chelated? That would certainly skew an EC meter reading if it did.
Nice pics sativied, that is probably temperature related red stems. I'm finding something really wierd with my purple paralysis in flower, it has no purple stems and my ec is .7 now (I lower nutes over a course of 10-14 days before harvest.) I figure it would have purpled the stems, the leaves and buds are getting purple though. So strange! The other plants have obvious p deficiency from the low nute levels. My meter is. 7 conversion, so my mother res is only at .5ec. 20150126_115922.jpg
One thing to consider with the EC value is other things besides the salts conduct electricity and therefor your readings. Impurities in the water and additives like fulvics for example may effect this reading.
The EC IMO should be used as a guide only. Reading the plant is the way to go. If EC 2.0 works that's the ticket. I wonder if a salt conducts less if it's chelated? That would certainly skew an EC meter reading if it did.

i would of thought the chealted elements (macros) are in such a tiny quantity compared to the NPK that even if it did make a difference it would be negligible
Oh I forgot to mention, the mother res is at .5ec and the purple paralysis that is in there has full blown purple stems, that's why I don't understand why the PP plants nearing the end of flower have no purple stems, I can't figure it out because P is a mobile element I thought so it can't be stored in the leaves? I don't have any PK boost in the res either :confused:
my tap water is .2 to .3 i always use nutes for hard water too, which i believe has less calcium than soft water nutes
so my ec is 1.7 + .3 of the tap water giving 2.0
i would of thought the chealted elements (macros) are in such a tiny quantity compared to the NPK that even if it did make a difference it would be negligible

I think I read where even the big 3 N-P-K and Mg are chelated in some nutes like AN but I don't want to elaborate, we would definitely hit 200 pages lol. Chuck would have my balls
One thing to consider with the EC value is other things besides the salts conduct electricity and therefor your readings. Impurities in the water and additives like fulvics for example may effect this reading.
The EC IMO should be used as a guide only. Reading the plant is the way to go.
Agreed, and he does add a load of non-essentials. His rez contents is dark-ish, while mine looks drinkable. I mentioned it myself in another thread about a week ago, ppm meters merely give a rough indication. I'm more interested in the pH fluctuations but even that became less interesting, especially when using the same nutrients for a while.
I think I read where even the big 3 N-P-K and Mg are chelated in some nutes like AN but I don't want to elaborate, we would definitely hit 200 pages lol. Chuck would have my balls

The nutes i use only deliver the macros in chealted form (vitalink max) according to the back of the bottle,

all macros are chealted apart from nickel cobalt and molybdenum