places to order online ?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys all the hydro shops around here seem to be expensive.. Was wondering where good places to order from are


Well-Known Member
I gladly pay a little more from mom and pop.
For instance say you order an apollo ballast and the fucking thing breaks down at a bad time, what you gonna do till you get the issue straightened out? You're gonna go without a ballast.
At mom and pop chances are you buy a ballast there and it goes out before the warranty is up mom and pop are gonna toss you a loaner, they know the urgency.
This has actually happened to me. If I had ordered online I'd simply have to go out to one of those hydro store you're speaking of and buy another ballast, it's either that or lose a crop.
Save a few bucks and send the money out of your community, I'll support mom and pop.


Well-Known Member
Also find a shop you like and do business with them for awhile and you might get discounts, hell I haggle with mom and pop and usually get near online prices on everything I buy . Of course I got lucky and found a decent shop.
I've watched them grow, been with them since day one.


Well-Known Member
Ouch!! Lol...way to make me feel like shit and pop are rip offs around here. Its one thing to make abuck and its another to rob your ass....
I gladly pay a little more from mom and pop.
For instance say you order an apollo ballast and the fucking thing breaks down at a bad time, what you gonna do till you get the issue straightened out? You're gonna go without a ballast.
At mom and pop chances are you buy a ballast there and it goes out before the warranty is up mom and pop are gonna toss you a loaner, they know the urgency.
This has actually happened to me. If I had ordered online I'd simply have to go out to one of those hydro store you're speaking of and buy another ballast, it's either that or lose a crop.
Save a few bucks and send the money out of your community, I'll support mom and pop.


Well-Known Member
Ouch!! Lol...way to make me feel like shit and pop are rip offs around here. Its one thing to make abuck and its another to rob your ass....
Oh I'm sorry I made you feel bad, just think how mom and pop would feel if everyone ebayed their shit.
I'm telling you , you've got to get to know the man in the store and get on good terms with them and you'll get discounts.
You may have to find a decent shop but they are out there. I enjoy going to the shop i frequent.
Then again maybe you aren't good with people.


Well-Known Member
I live in a town of 2000 people. Goin out of town to another shop is takin the money out of the community.. No different then goin to ebay..
Oh I'm sorry I made you feel bad, just think how mom and pop would feel if everyone ebayed their shit.
I'm telling you , you've got to get to know the man in the store and get on good terms with them and you'll get discounts.
You may have to find a decent shop but they are out there. I enjoy going to the shop i frequent.
Then again maybe you aren't good with people.


Well-Known Member
I went into mom and pops the other day. asked him what he could do on a sun systems lec 315(they list for 599 I think)
I forgot what the first quote was but it was more than the competition down the street wanted. I simply told him this other shops price and he matched it.


Well-Known Member
The issue about speedy replacements for failed equipment is not something to dismiss callously. Lose light, timer, pump, etc. in the middle of a grow and you can't wait for a week or more.


I'm lucky enough to live near a hydro shop (grow world in Portland OR) that has prices pretty close to what you can find online. Hard to believe, i know.

I still order most stuff online for the convenient factor and I'm beginning to believe the hydro stores are contaminated with mites and other shit. So I'll stay away as much as I can.