dude i feal you with this heat ,i wouldn't even worry about it just go to hospital were you got your M R I and get copies ,show them to doctor.I do think there is a lot of abuse out there though which in time is going to make it hard for us.But on the other hand i was addicted to my psycho dope and my pain pills ,got ammune to them pretty quick ,started taking oxy and every time i went to pharmacy to get them filled it would take 2 days to get it cleared threw all the political bull shit they do for regulation .Finally i said fuck it and just qiute taking all med's together ,damn it boy ,someone that has P T S D from the sand box just don't do it ,i had a hell of a time ,my old lady went out bought me some good weed and that's the only thing that keep me from going over the edge of the world ,it wasn't good time's .I'm convinced that they want to keep you on the pharm's to increase side affects and to eat your liver up were you will just die and the long term effect keeps you from filing claims on your benefits. I could just go on and on ,but looky here bro ,iv'e lived in texas all my life and i'm sick of it to but iv'e got to much invested here ,but if you got a away to move there ,go hard bro,colorada is awsome man ,i go there ,durango every year to get in some fishing and to just enjoy the snow and mountains ,good luck hell who no's i might just say fuck it and move there myself one day.