yellowish spots all over my leaves


Active Member
my plants have been growing outdoors for around 1 1/2 months now, and until today everything was going great. when i visited the plants today around lunch time i noticed that both my plants leaves are covered with speckled spots... i'm not sure how to describe the color but they look somewhat yellow... my first thought was it has to be some type of bug feeding off my plant so i looked all over the leaves, tops and bottoms, even with a magnifying glass but there is nothing. what are your thoughts on what this could be? i did add some miracle-gro liquid all purpose plant food, 12-4-8 about 4 or 5 days ago. thanks in advance.

Plant #1:

Plant #2

what do you think this could be? i'm really stressing out because i just found the preflower and they both are females... i hope they can be saved.


Active Member
it's outdoors, yesterdays temp were highs 97F and today was a high of 98F... could it be fertilizer burns?

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
98 degrees WAY TOO HOT!!!!! they like 70-78 degrees u can go up to 85 0r so but i wouldnt go any higher were do u live.


Active Member
98 degrees WAY TOO HOT!!!!! they like 70-78 degrees u can go up to 85 0r so but i wouldnt go any higher were do u live.
south eastern area of us.... it has been hotter than this in the past weeks, at least it sure as hell felt like it... i think it made it to 101F two weeks ago... but then again at the time the plant was moved to a more discrete location where it was hidden in the shadows most of the day... so i've been moving it around at different times of the day depending where the sun is at the time. thought this might increase my number of stems/nodes... the ones below the tops. i've been doing it for about a week or a week and a half... was this a bad choice?


Well-Known Member
naw man they will growin on there own moving them around wont do any good or make anything grow the plant has it own genes so will grow it owns nodes and yeah man juss let it sit in one spot during the day cuz 101 it definantly way to hot and have u been foilar feeding it???


Active Member
i've been spraying the leaves with distilled water...

i haven't check the pH level lately because the test says i need to collect soil about 6"-8" down in the pot for it to be accurate. when i start digging a little hole near the edge of the 10" pot, i start hitting several roots and i don't want to damage the roots... thats the last thing i need to do right... i have a probe tester also from home depot that i got for $10 but i don't think its very accurate, it has always said its at 5, even after i added a half gallon of water with pH up to 6.5. is there a better test that i can get that doesn't require me to dig up the roots? thanks


Well-Known Member
i've been spraying the leaves with distilled water...

i haven't check the pH level lately because the test says i need to collect soil about 6"-8" down in the pot for it to be accurate. when i start digging a little hole near the edge of the 10" pot, i start hitting several roots and i don't want to damage the roots... thats the last thing i need to do right... i have a probe tester also from home depot that i got for $10 but i don't think its very accurate, it has always said its at 5, even after i added a half gallon of water with pH up to 6.5. is there a better test that i can get that doesn't require me to dig up the roots? thanks
u can go to ur local petco and ask them for a PH tester they should have one and dont spray ur plant anymore the water that stay on there makes hot spots because the light gets magnified in the water makin the already hot part even hotter like a lil kid burning at with a magnifying glass because burning usually start from the edges and this one looked different u had lil spots everywhere so juss top foilar feeding and ur plants should be fine keep them in the same spot and evrything juss dont foilar feed


Well-Known Member
if you foliar do it at night. i`m thinking also could be ph imballance, i had spots on mine and thats what it was. due to improper wet/dry cycle.
at least try to test the run off for ph level. just pour dirty water through a screen to strain dirty water.


Well-Known Member
if you foliar do it at night. i`m thinking also could be ph imballance, i had spots on mine and thats what it was. due to improper wet/dry cycle.
at least try to test the run off for ph level. just pour dirty water through a screen to strain dirty water.

TRU but ive had burn on my plants and thats what they looked like but yeah wouldnt hurt juss to test the water like bons is sayin and HEY wussup bons lol