Do you regulars in Politics actually even smoke weed?

Haters gonna hate.
Of course. What do you think drove us into this depraved lifestyle? :joint::eyesmoke:

She somehow has this idea that only she knows what pot smokers say and do. So, if we don't say and do what is comfortable for her World View, then it must be impossible that we even smoke pot. Therefore we should not be here on RIU, not being worthy.

It is a common misconception. air head jokes...I don't wonder into the politics forums smoked out OR sober....I asked a similar question and a mod told me that forum was too "keep the bullshit out of peoples grow threads" so I guess everyone has a place on RIU .

Oh, I see your problem, You don't smoke nearly enough. :) You have to get used it. And, as far as I see it, Politics is where a bunch of stoned people discuss politics and don't know a lot about it.

I mean I like discussing politics and current events to a degree, but when it gets to all the splitting hairs BS and semantics-that's when (if stoned) I start getting muddled. All the rabbit trails and sophist points.

Hooka, it is sort of a trial by fire. It will work your thought processes in a positive way over time, unless you are stinky cheese or buck. And seriously, this is only 1/10 as bad as when I got here. I made a serious effort to go after trolls. We just started talking about it. Many trolls got bored and drifted off, like Kandahar, and others.

In politics your ideas are challenged, but in liberal politics the person is attacked, as a way to null the idea. Most of these ideas here are just re-gurg from the Liberal Press. Whereas I try to find out why Syrians call ISLS, DAESH, for example.

So, I don't think you are a massive liberal, but words matter in the meaning. You can just ignore most of it, unless you go active against the sophists, as I do. But, that is just optional entertainment for me.
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but words matter in the meaning.

Of course words matter…what are you even inferring there? Half the time I have NO idea the context of which you speak.

PS I remember Kandahar..

She somehow has this idea that only she knows what pot smokers say and do. So, if we don't say and do what is comfortable for her World View, then it must be impossible that we even smoke pot. Therefore we should not be here on RIU, not being worthy.

It is a common misconception.
@Doer Relax man, it was just a question. Pot is generally considered to relax most right? (Oh I'm sorry that's a generalization or no wait: it's a 'world view' ) I was just asking b/c people seem wound pretty tight here sometimes. What does world view have to do with anything? I never claimed to know what pot smokers do and think. It was an observation. Geez
Pot doesn't discriminate. Everyone from angels to assholes use it. It is not an all curing happiness producer. You don't smoke pot and suddenly become part of an elite group who can do no harm and feel no evil. It's just pot.
Yes, it takes acid to join the Justice League of Happy Superheroes. Pot just takes the edge off the serious philosophical shit

Even wise men on the mountain need to chill a bit like that.
Of course words matter…what are you even inferring there? Half the time I have NO idea the context of which you speak.

PS I remember Kandahar..

@Doer Relax man, it was just a question. Pot is generally considered to relax most right? (Oh I'm sorry that's a generalization or no wait: it's a 'world view' ) I was just asking b/c people seem wound pretty tight here sometimes. What does world view have to do with anything? I never claimed to know what pot smokers do and think. It was an observation. Geez

Well, I am just being me. Ever think of that? You don't have to justify or explain yourself. It's just me. Oh, maybe you feel sorry for me, or maybe you read too much in. Why do some seem un-relaxed? That's all I'm saying. And why are we supposed to be relaxed, in Politics?

Me relax? Puzzle, puzzle.. I am so relaxed I have to have pot to wake up. Are you wound up or relaxed? I can read it one way, and you are a jazzed up nut case, another read, I can see the tone of voice of someone slightly ticked off and annoyed. It's all in the way I read it. It is my inner voice putting voice to you. See?

And you know what? If you read what I say in the kind, gentle voice I write it in, maybe you see much of the wound up, is in the voice you read it. :) Weird huh?
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Well, I am just being me. Ever think of that. Oh, maybe you feel sorry for me, maybe you read too much in. Why do we seem unrelaxed, that's all I'm saying.

Me relax? Puzzle, puzzle.. I am so relaxed I have to have pot to wake up. Are you wound up or relaxed? I can read it one way, and you a jazzed up nut case, another read, I can see the tone of voice of someone slightly ticked off and annoyed. It's all in the way I read it. It is my inner voice putting voice to you. See?

And you know what? If you read what I say in the kind, gentle voice I write it in, maybe you see some wound up in the way you read it. :) Weird huh?

she's trying to jihad you, doer.

don't let her.